Ch.5 Welcome to Existence


Recorded Date: Rotation 6000

'What the fuck is that smell?' is the first think I think to myself. I open my eyes and push myself up expecting the hospital room again, instead I'm greeted to an alleyway. I look around slowly, in hesitation that my body is still in pain, but the pain never comes.

I look down at my body, and notice I'm in clothes I've never seen before. I continue looking around and see what seems to be a fairly large dumpster, larger than myself that is. 'Do giants walk the earth now?' I think to myself.

I sit against the dumpster, and try to remember what happened. 'I just got put of therapy, ran into traffic, got my ass beat, woke up in a hospital-' My mind began to throb terribly. I grabbed my head with both hands hoping to keep it from exploding. After a few minutes of holding my head the pain started to fade. '-and I woke up here.' my thoughts finished.

Not knowing what else to do I began observing my surroundings. The buildings I was between seemed to be fairly high buildings 'Maybe a downtown area?' I assume. The alleyway itself is damp, as if it had just finished raining, and its not really littered with random things like most alleys. The fire escapes have a blue tinge to them which really throws me, and now really looking at it, the buildings don't seem to exactly be made of brick or concrete either. The ground I'm on doesn't quite resemble pavement either, its definitely paved, but not with anything I've seen.

"I have no clue where I am." I sigh to myself. Thinking of where more advanced architecture might be to figure out where I am, I stand up and begin walking to the end of the alley.

As I exit the light around everything seems to come into focus. I'm in the middle of a massive city, it's definitely a downtown area, but I've never seen any pictures of any city like this. Screens stand high on buildings, similar to the sights of New York city, groups of skyscrapers could be seen from most likely anywhere in the city, and the sight of everything being damp as the sun was high in the air gave me a beautiful sight I had never seen before.

Lost in the sights around me, I was brought back to reality by the people who walked past me. 'Why is everyone so tall?' I thought to myself. 'I have to be in a land of giants.'

I looked back down at myself to make the comparison and scanned my arms and clothes when it caught my attention. 'Where's all my arm hair? Did I get shaved before being dumped?' I grabbed my head and still had hair, so that wouldn't make sense. I touched my chin and my neck and felt no stubble at all, it actually felt quite smooth. 'Wait a minute-'

A thought was coursing through my head but I didn't think it could be true, but I could think of only one way to test it. I turned to go back into the alley by the dumpster and looked down my shorts.

"What the fuck is this shit!" I say exasperated. With this realization, I noticed my voice sounded much more high pitched than I remembered it was. 'Am I child again?' Nothing was making sense to me right now, besides why everything around me was so big.

A huge sense of panic came into my mind. 'I don't know where I am, I don't know how long I've been here, I don't know what happened' I slid down the wall and sat as the panic continued to set in deeper. Trying to rationalize anything, I came to the conclusion that if I waited in the same spot whoever left me would come back. That makes the most sense right?

I began to calm down, and sat and heard the world in my own silence. Plenty of sounds could be heard when I wasn't panicking. The footsteps of all the people walking, meaning it was a very busy area. The rumbles of what I could only assume were cars, and the noises of what I think is coming from the buildings around me. I heard voices, but I couldn't understand them, 'A foreign language?' I thought. This only furthered my general confusion, it wasn't a language I heard before, and because of working in kitchens for so long, I've heard a lot of languages. Even if I couldn't understand any of them I could usually tell what they were speaking at least, but none of the voices I heard even remotely familiar to any language I knew.

After sitting for what I could only assume was around 30-45 minutes, I came to a few conclusions.

Firstly, I'm substantially younger than I was, if I had to guess I'd be between 5 and 8 years old.

Secondly, wherever I am has much better technology than where I came from, which could either mean this is a middle-eastern or Asian area, or that this is a well hidden city.

Third, I have no clue what the language is, so if its not middle-eastern or Asian, I might be somewhere in Africa that might be the real life Wakanda.

Lastly, absolutely no one has walked into this alley, which means either bad things happen here, it's private property, or that there's no need to walk through alleys ever. Either way it is certainly strange.

Realizing that I am most likely alone in whatever endeavor I've found myself in, and sitting here won't help me at all, I steeled myself to walk back into the main street.