Ch.6 Welcome to existence (2)

Once again, the sight of everything is really beautiful, it's no doubt a wonderful city. 'But how come I've never heard of it?' I thought. A place like this would definitely have been everywhere on the internet as a place to travel to, it would easily be one of the greatest tourist destinations. 'It must be a real life Wakanda' was the only conclusion I came to that made sense. 'But then how did I get in? Does it have something to do with why I'm so young?' More thoughts and more questions came.

Trying to avoid thinking about what might have happened, I tried figuring out where I could go to get an answer to where I was. I looked around but everything only seemed to be shops, which I could only tell from the random assortment of items displayed in windows. I couldn't read anything, what did come as strange was that there were no numbers I could see, Arabic Numerals are the universal thing right? Still figuring out prices wouldn't tell me where I was so I didn't linger on the thought too much.

Passing through the crowds of people came as an easy task, being only 3 feet helped a lot, and avoiding people has always been my strongsuit. It also looked as though no one paid attention to me or no one cared, which as much as I would usually enjoy it, it wasn't all that helpful when I'm a lost child in an unknown place. Still everyone seemed busy and had a look that said they wished to be uninterrupted. Looking through legs and hugging walls I moved through the crowd searching for anything that resembled authority. A weapon, a posh building, a uniformed person that observed but nothing stuck out.

As I was moving I wondered if anyone would try and stop me, to see if I was lost, but I realized even if they did try to get my attention I wouldn't be able to know. Weaving and dodging through this crowd has made me pretty tired already, I'm guessing that's due to being a child. I look for another alley for me to duck into and spot one about 15 feet ahead. Getting closer to it I realize I need to come up with a much better plan than just wandering aimlessly if I get tired so quick. I slide out of the crowd and into the more open space and take a break against the wall, after breathing for about 10 seconds I'm greeted with the sound of an explosion. Ducking and looking to my left, I see the top edge of a building collapsing into the alley, while more rubble and dust clouds rush down the wall of the building across from it.

"I swear I can't have nice things." I mumble. Deciding that if I died one I could die again, I don't run and choose to view whatever madness is unfolding. Looking at where the dust was settling a feint silhouette could be seen standing.

With the dust clearing, a battered man was seen standing above an even more battered man. Standing 6'3 (190.5 cm) was a man in a blue skintight suit that resembled scales. He had short, straight, blonde hair, and green eyes. The suit itself had a few tears, namely one on his right side ribs, revealing a hulking body, his serratus muscles (Muscles connecting the back to the pectoral) were clearly developed and defined making me a tad bit jealous. His face was clearly bruised, but he stood tall over the crumpled figure below him.

The figure on the ground had long black wavy hair, and clothes that now seemed gray but I don't know if that's the actual color or just due to the sliding down the side of a building issue he had. I couldn't make out any other features, but I could tell even though he was injured, it was more of an opossum play.

The blonde said a phrase, but even though I couldn't speak the language, I clearly understood its intent. It was a very much "It's over" vibe. The crumpled slump turned his head to look at the tower of a man above him with hatred in his eyes. Now that I could see them, they were oddly enough red, but what I didn't process was that they glanced over to look at me. Lost in the scene in front of me a pain was felt in the left side of my neck, I inhaled sharply and dropped to a knee. The pain itself wasn't all that unbearable, but the loss of my ability to breathe was my biggest issue.

Looking back into the eyes of death that smiled at me, the man turned back to the his blonde assailant and said something. The blonde turned over to me with a strong look of fear and what I would assume is guilt. And being as every bit as dirty as he looked, the crumpled man who played opossum sprang at me, I closed my eyes expecting more pain but it never arrived. Instead I felt a large hand on my left shoulder yank me to a standing position. With the long haired man behind me, I was forced to stare at the torn blonde who evidently realized he fucked up.