Ch.4 Chaos Origin

The Upper Aether

Recorded Date: Unknown

Moving amongst stars, Isfaos God of Chaos, was traveling to an unknown destination with a wisp of light in its hand. It could be seen bringing the light near its face, then the light going into its hand.


Body of Isfaos

Looking around I could see nothing. Endless darkness all around, yet it wasn't oppressive. There was nothing around to be seen, but I could definitely sense... something.

"Is this Death?" I asked softly, more of a rhetoric than a question.

"No" came back a deep, yet soft response. Hearing this made me more lucid, and I realized that I was indeed somewhere.

"What is this then?" I asked while turning around, looking for any sign of the voice.

"A change." The voice echoed around me.

"To where?" I asked once again. Still turning in circles like a dog trying to bite it's tail, I couldn't find where the voice was coming from.

"To your next life" It stated.

"Reincarnation?" I questioned. 'Does this mean I'm going to be isekai'd?' I thought to myself. 'I finally get something excited to happen to me! I can finally live!' My mind was going crazy with all the thoughts of how I could have fun. 'Maybe life was worth it up until now.'

"No, to a different place in which you will exist. Because you will have no knowledge, it is worth being called a new life." The voice plainly stated. 'Holy shit I'm being Isekai'd!!!' My mind was shaking in excitement. Then my curiosity got the better of me.

"Does this happen to everyone after death?" I asked.

"No" It spoke. Now my mind was really going off if the rails. 'I did something worthy enough to be chosen! Was it my way of thinking? Was it my attitude? I was someone worth choosing.

"Why was I chosen?" I asked with a little too much excitement in my voice. I couldn't wait to hear what the qualifications were for being chosen.

"Because you were caught in the chaos" It's tone never seemed to change. Yet now I stood confused, what does that even mean?

"Is this a pity taken upon me?" Was my next question, 'Was it because I did the most idiotic thing which led to my death? Did I even actually die?' More questions just came popping up in my head. The excitement was turning back into confusion.

"No, it was my orchestration" Steadily replied the voice.

"Why?" I asked. My confusion was getting larger everytime he responded.

"For chaos" It stated, as if that was the only normal response.

"This is all very confusing, could you please explain what's happening?" I pleaded. I didn't know what else to ask without feeling like I'd be deeper in the rabbit hole.

"I could, but you won't remember when your new life begins." The tone changed to what I thought was reluctance.

"Could you tell me anyway? I just want to know what's happening and why." I felt like if I didn't know, then something would eat at me forever.

"Fine-" It stated, now with impatience. "But listen well, there will be no more questions answered after." I nodded, assuming that whomever it was could see me.

"I am Chaos. I am a being that's grows based upon the interactions of souls. Interactions that don't go as planned are how I survive. What came to be the word chaos in your life is what sustains me. Wars, politics, arguments, awkwardly trying to get by another person and both of you mirroring eachother, anything you might think as misfortune. All of it allows me to exist. I am what you have come to name as a God. Beings like me have made worlds like yours to fuel our own energy. By placing you into a world you aren't native to, your existence there will fuel me. There was no reason you were chosen, you just were. To fully make use if you, you will be given a part of me, an essence of chaos. This will drive you to interact with the world, and in turn help me. Your body will regress to a previous age in order to properly hold the essence. Live a life, I have hopes for you."

The monolog left me awestruck. 'Gods exist? there are other existences? There's far more than one God? I'm being transferred?' Questions kept popping into my mind, so much information was revealed yet more questions kept arising. The more I knew the less I knew. Any of my initial excitement was gone.

"So, there's nothing special about me? I just won a lottery?" I asked, feeling a bit broken. 'I was just chosen by luck of the straw? So that means I get no advantages? I'm just being put somewhere else to live in meaningless again?' This is truly a worse punishment than actually dying.

"Prepare your mind, for the essence will be infused with your being, it will hurt" The God commanded. With all of it's revelations I just felt slumped in my own helplessness.

"I'm just supposed to accept this? I'm forced into something for your own selfish want? Do I get anything from you? Will I be rewarded?" I asked in anger. There's no way I'm gonna go through all this again without some type of change.

"As I said, you will not remember any of this. And no matter what you do, suffer in silence or live in rage, I do not care. Your existence here will help me nonetheless." It's nonchalant tone brushed my questions away.

"Here? Where is here?" I demanded an answer.

"You were warned" It said in an 'I told you so' tone. Before I could begin to demand more answers, something finally crept into my vision. A white speck emerged from the all encompassing darkness and moved toward me. I tried moving and didn't feel like I could move at all. I looked down at my legs to discover I didn't have any, or a body for that matter. I couldn't see myself at all, like I've just been a floating consciousness this whole time.

Lost in my realization of lack of body, the light approached faster than it seemed to be moving and blinded my vision. Then I felt the agonizing pain. My mind was on fire and it felt as if someone was trying to slowly crush my skull. 'Wait I don't have a body?' Yet before I could think more on that thought, the pain intensified. I couldn't hold it anymore