Ch.15 History (2)

"There are two?" I ask. I can imagine one of them being the man who originally saved me. He didn't even need an "S" on his chest for me to figure he'd be quite strong. I don't know who the other would be, it's not like I've met many people in the first place.

"The first one is Guard." She says "He was the one who saved you in the alleyway." I nod my head to urge her to continue. "He has awakened twice, and his first ability made his body extremely tough, so that was how he got his name. His second Awakening gave him his flight, and that's why everyone knows him now. His first ability made him hard to beat in the first place, not many villians had the capabilities to win against a wall that fought back.

"And the second, is Tear, he excels at combat, we haven't been able to figure out his ability yet, but we suspect it's his intelligence, but either way, very few could beat him in combat."

"Who the hell is Tear?" I blurt out. I'm sure I would have remembered meeting another hero, they all seem kinda memorable. Then I remembered I just found out Lys is one too. "Wait, is it Adrian?"

"Exactly, you're smarter than your studies give you credit for." Catching myself from getting an inflated ego, I realize that was way more of an insult than a compliment. And before I could respond, "But what was that first thing you said? Something about Tear?" English still comes out often and both Lys and Adrian seem surprised everytime.

"I was just wondering who Tear was. But I seemed to have answered my own question."

"So it seems." Everytime I spoke in English I was heavily scrutinized, the looks gave me the sense of being a foreigner and as if I was a zoo animal. I can understand it, but it still doesn't mean I like it.

"What do you mean you aren't sure what his ability is?" I ask before she tries to bring up talking about me.

"Well we know that he's an awakened, that's a fact. Yet we don't know for sure what his ability is. He's extremely smart, and that helps him in fights, but for all we know that could have always been the case as his personality hasn't changed since before he was awakened. He was already a martial artist, and he studied many things as well, so it's possible that he's always been the same. We have no way to determine if Awakening helped his intelligence or not unless we discover he has a different ability, which we haven't been able to determine yet."

'Awakening is very complex, but I guess that should be expected since that what this world seems to revolve around'

"There aren't any test to help determine people's abilities? Is there not any way to measure people's mind against others, or see if its similar to others with abilities that have to do with their head?" Surely a place with this much technological advancement wouldn't be slacking in any type of testing.

"Well of course we do but there simply isn't enough data to determine whether or not that is his ability or if Awakening just made his thoughts faster. It's not like his brain activity was tested before his Awakening."

"Then what about comparing him to other Awakened with mental abilities?" I ask

"We could, but at that point we'd essentially be doing a whole study just to determine whether or not that's his ability. That would be a lot of time and resources for just one man, and it wouldn't even be entirely conclusive because we have no confirmed awakened with faster thinking or higher intelligence."

"Well even if the study isn't good enough to confirm his ability specifically then wouldn't it still be useful to see whether Awakening increases intelligence in general or as test for future awakened?" Knowledge is power and science has always been useful eventually.

"You..." her voice trailed off as a look of contemplation came on her face. "You may actually have a point, I don't know if anyone has actually attempted a study on this either but we do have the resources to do it. Thank you Cyrious."

"You're welcome." I said as she turned around to what I assume would be to ask people about the subject. "Wait!" I shout before she walks out the room.


"What were you going to say at first?"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. I get distracted when it comes to talking about awakened thanks for reminding me." She said with a somewhat embarrassed smile. At least she knows she does. "I was going to say you are just a child. Yet ever since you've learned to speak I never feel as if I'm actually speaking to one." The smile on her face turned into a serious look. "As a matter of fact now that you can speak so well it's a great time for you to explain some things."

'Shit' I knew acting like a child was going to be tough but I couldn't help myself if I wanted information. 'Why do authors make it sound so easy in mangas?' I mumble in my own head.

"What do you want me to explain?" I ask while trying my best to be ignorant.

"Unfortunately for you I'm not dumb enough to be blinded by appearances. While I know you're not a threat, you're going to have to give answers if you want our help surviving. So tomorrow instead of learning you're going to tell me and a few other where you came from and how you showed up in the middle of the city from nowhere." She turned around continuing to walk through the door. "I hope you can prepare accordingly, maybe try writing a speech, two problems one solution." She finished as her voice faded down the hallway.

"Fuck me."