Ch.16 Who are you?


Recorded date: 17/30 6/10 6001

Hircus City

Association HQ


15 people could be seen sitting at a table in a meeting room. Most of them were here because they had nothing better to do and were curious about the "child from nowhere". While five of them were the only ones that really wanted to be there.


Lysen Jacev (Lys) [Lis-sen Jah-sev] [Liz]

Age: 27

Hero Name: Lift

Awakened Ability: Telekenisis

About: Lift is known for being a collected hero who puts civilians first and a good strategist. She usually makes the best decisions in the moment and her presence statistically reduces casualties and damage.

Wyatt Inam [Y-it in-ahm]

Age: 30

Hero Name: Guard

Awakened Abilities: Hardened Body, Flight

About: Guard is a charismatic hero who is generally put in situations where combat is unavoidable. His abilities make him hard to fight and his battle intelligence usually leaves most criminals and villains locked up before they knew what happened.

Adrian Klaas [Aye-dri-en Cla-ahs]

Age: 35

Hero Name: Tear

Awakened Ability: Unknown (Enhanced Intelligence?)

About: Tear is a force of nature that intimidates even the most ruthless of villains. Known for on his quick brutality no one has been known to enter close combat and be free to tell about it afterwards.

Doctor Genis [Gen-nis]

Age: 37

About: Primary physician of Cyrious Fall and in charge of his health after his admittance to Hircus City Hospital.

Director Twain Drevn [Twān(Twayne) Dre-vin]

Age: 63

Retired Hero

Awakened Ability: (undisclosed)

About: Director Twain has been the head of the Association for 9 years and has a good reputation. No personal issues have occurred during his time and he's known for pleasing the public with his honesty. He can come of as abrasive or rude to some but his personality is what keeps the public assured.


"Director why are there so many people here right now?" asked Lys.

"I asked the same question." Director Twain said with gruff. "I checked and all patrol routes are filled, the building is equally guarded, these bunch just happened to hear about this and are on break or came for equipment checks. So I didn't say anything and let them be."

"I see."

"Is there a problem?"

"No, I just didn't expect a full crowd to appear for this, or how they even heard about it." Suspicion was obvious in her tone. The director hearing it let a smirk show on his face.

"Information is a great thing for heroes to come by. If you didn't want it spread-"

"I should have hidden it better yes I know director." Lys finished for him. "I just don't know if he'll be nervous with all these people here, he's only spoken to a few amount of people so far."

"That's part of the reason I'm here!" chirped Doctor Genis. "It's a good time to actually get him to start socializing before he develops asocial tendencies. It'd be better if it was of people his own age of course but we all have to start somewhere."

"I think he'll do fine, the boy is smart enough." said Adrian.

"This isn't really about his comfort this time around either Lys. We need to know where he came from if we're gonna help him either way." said Wyatt

"Okay okay I get it." Lys said as she raised her hands surrendering. "I'll go get him, just try to not make him feel too pressured otherwise we'll never get anything out of him." She finished while walking out of the room.

"I think it's rare for you to give compliments Adrian. What about the boy impresses you?" The director asked while turning to Adrian, Wyatt also turned interested to hear as well. Adrian noticing all eyes were on him crossed his arms and began.

"He picked up on speaking quite fast. 3 months in and he could have a basic conversation and could let you know his needs. The plan was originally I would have taught him for a year and then he would be put in schools to learn with the rest."

"What changed?" asked Wyatt

"By 6 months he could almost speak freely. I tried to give him a little bit extra in terms of lessons so I could get him out of my hair quicker but he absorbed the information like a sponge. It turned into him trying to be able to learn more words so he could express himself which meant he was learning to read. So now he can speak and read, and he's picking up on writing fast too. It's around the 3rd year mark of education when kids learn to write so he's definitely ahead of the rest of kids his age."

"So not only is he awakened but he's unusually smart? I think it'd be better to keep him out of public schools and educate him ourselves. If he goes and accidentally roughhouses another kid it wouldn't end well." Wyatt had an unusually concerned face while saying this.

"What about the Awakened private schools?" the doctor chimed in.

"That's not something I'd reccomend doc." Adrian quickly replied. "First they're expensive and that's a lot out of our budget for one child. Second, the kids there are general snobs that come from even snobbier families. With him having literally nothing behind him that'd cause him more trouble than anything else. And lastly, kids that go through there never become heroes, they usually end up as bodyguards for their families until they become the powerdrunk leaders or they go on to become a villain. Blade as an example."

"It was just a suggestion." The doctor meekly replied.

"Enough, we're not making any decisions until he tells us where he's from." The director stated. "For all we know he still has a family to go back to."