Ch. 21 The night

"Mark you bastard what took you so long to invite me out again!" Lence shouted at his friend who he was leaning on, clearly tipsy.

"Maybe if you weren't a cheap bastard all the time we'd go out more, why am I always paying for your drinks when you're the office man!" Mark shouted back, clumsily slamming his pint on the table.

"If you didn't drink enough to kill me twice then maybe I would!" The mood at the table was jolly as the group laughed.

"I've never met someone who's only had one organ awaken before." their friend Jason said as they burst out into laughter once more.

"I can't even imagine what'd it'd take to get an awakened drunk, even as kids they're monsters." Lence said.

"Whatdya mean?" Mark shouted "I'd flatten an awakened pipsqueak, so what if they're a bit stronger, that just means they're easier to hit so I won't have to worry about breaking nothing."

"No man I'm tel-*hiccup* telling you. There was-"

"Bartess, bar-tender err, waitress, whatever, ANOTHER ROUND PLEASE!" Mark interrupted. "Sorry mate, you were saying?"

"We had this kid in a conference room today, and I get called in, so my boss says, 'Hey Lence, this kid's awakened, so give em' your best push.' And I'll be damned if I'm not gonna push a kid for free and get paid for it." Lence begins to rant.

As he does a black haired waitress begins to bring the rowdy table drinks, her hair is short, barely going past her chin and still she received plenty of glares from both the men and the women that she served. Wearing thigh length denim-like shorts and a black t-shirt, her attire was simple and tailored by her so she could get more tips. Her hair was parted the middle, and her soft features were accentuated by her deep blue eyes. She brought the table more pints as she couldn't help but overhear the shouting man.

"So I go and I push this kid, both hands, as hard as I possibly can, kid looks no older than 7, and he doesn't even budge." Lence says.

"You're telling me you can't even push a 7 year old?" Mark says as he roars in laughter. "You sure those aren't just balloons you say are muscles?" The table joins in the mockery.

In return Lence shoves Mark just enough for him to almost wobble out of his stool. "See, I can push you around and you move, but I swear this kid didn't budge, actually, HE WAS THE KID OFF THE NEWS FROM A WHILE AGO!" Lence shouts. "The one held hostage by that hairy bastard from Guard!" The table laughs even harder. "What's so funny?"

"The fact that you couldn't even push a kid who was held hostage." Jason manages to squeeze out before continuing laughing. "He's like barely 4 feet tall man."

"Pffft" Lence audibalized. "You guys wouldn't even be able to push him either so if you ever see him then send me that clip I'd love to your faces in my implant forever."

The boys paid no attention to the waitress who handed them be drinks, and they probably wouldn't have even thought to do so until she turned around anyway. Besides from one glance to her backside the men didn't even register her, not even for a 'thank you' yet that didn't bother her. She actually wanted to thank them, because for the words she heard them spoke would give her a bigger tip than they themselves would.


RC: 20/30 6/10 6001

Time: 9:00

Hircus City

Association Training Site

Entry 2

It's been a few days since I was called into that meeting and I'm feeling better I won't have anymore tests of character, hopefully. The director is the one who scares me the most out of everyone I've met so far. Something about him makes me want to avoid being in his presence again. And hopefully I won't have to for a while. I don't know what will happen to me if they can't find how to get me home, but I have little to no hope of them being able to do it either. Everything here seems better, and more interesting than Earth, and even though I have them, I don't feel any need or want to return to my family. But I wouldn't even return to them, I'd go back to living a normal dull life, day to day slavery and bills, I don't think I want to go back. Especially since I'm apparently awakened too, there's something I can do here. I can have a life I only dreamed of as a kid, and with experience I can at least avoid making the mistakes of a child her too. Things are looking up, but I just don't know what will happen when they can't find where I'm from. Maybe I'm more concerned that they will, yet worrying of the future won't do me good for now, so I'll live for now.