Black Briar

As the student's began getting ready for the days lessons Jack found himself back in Pocket D, the rather poorly named pocket dimension in his opinion. Upon arriving he was accosted by a rather fraught Fang. Tensions between the zombies and the Chimera had only gotten worse. Additionally the vampires had gotten pulled into things as well since the zombies insisted on staying at their place until the radioactive cave had been removed from the zombie barrens.

Fang had hoped explaining radiation to the zombies as well as the potential for new abilities would curb their frustrations. Regrettably it had only made things worse giving the zombies a name for their new foe as well as a fear of bloodline contamination. It was comical the silly ideas people would cling to even after dying, rich people in particular.

"Hey Fang, heard you're having some trouble with our newest resident."

Jack knew as well as Fang that it was to be expected. The Chimera had been pulled in unwillingly and no contracts had been signed. The fact it wasn't on a rampage was in itself a miracle based on his little experience with the Chimera.

"Aye mon. She's settled down in the zombie barrens with her cave and it's been causing a fair amount of issues with a few of them."


Jack raised an eye socket ridge in question. He hadn't expected that to be honest. The way the chimera had fought had been incredibly brutal. Then again as he thought back on what he knew of lions it made a bit more sense.

"That's what you get out of it mon? Not how is it causing issues or why isn't she on a rampage?"

Jack shrugged in response. It wasn't that those thoughts hadn't occurred but rather the first out of his mouth had been the most surprising. He looked at the mound of radioactive rocks that had been converted into a small hill and they both sighed with resignation.

"Well this will be a rather thorny encounter." Fang chuckled much to Jack's annoyance.

"If that was a pun I swear I will find a way to beat the crap out of you."

Jack grumbled under his breath as they made their way down into the zombie barrens.

"Oh good! You're past due for another training session."

Fang grinned, which was a rather terrifying sight when you considered he was an Oni skeleton. Jack shivered involuntarily as he recalled their last full training session.

The air about the cave shimmered heavily as they approached, quickly bringing Jack's thoughts back to the matter at hand. It was nothing compared to what had been in the vault, but he suspected it was still more than enough to peel the skin off any unprotected human. In fact it seemed more condensed now despite there being significantly less source for the radiation.

"I told you no!"

A husky female voice growled from inside as they stopped at the entrance. The irritation was palpable on the air as a strong gust exited from the cave with the Chimera's voice throwing up the settled dust at the entrance.

"Aye, ya see mon. I don't have much choice in that regards."

A growl reverberated from the cave as two glowing eyes appeared in the darkness. Fang sighed as the eyes approached from the shadows.

"You brought the whelp." The Chimera growled as she exited the shadows. She was smaller than before but still rather large compared to Jack. His mouth twitched in annoyance at being called a whelp but still held his non existent tongue.

"Very well. As agreed upon I'll fight the whelp one on one. Should he defeat me I will move my cave as requested."

She purred in anticipation as she licked her chops. Jack glared at Fang who only grinned with a shrug of the shoulders and proceeded to act as if he didn't notice Jack's glare.

"Yes, as agreed."

Jack snarled the words out in abject irritation as he continued to stare at Fang. He honestly wasn't sure if he could beat her even at her currently lower ranking. Yet if Fang had agreed to it then there had to be some chance. Unless of course this was another one of his insane training regimes that is.

"I'm Jack by the way."

He said as he finally turned to look at the Chimera again.

"Yes, I heard everything before little Pet."

She chuckled at Jack's blank expression at hearing his other name. Typical feline, playing with it's prey Jack figured.

"I am Black Briar, but simply Briar is fine."

She grinned menacingly as she stepped forward. Jack gulped as much as a skeleton could as he readied himself to fight.

He was undeniably nervous as they faced off in silence. He knew he wouldn't be destroyed and face his final death in the dense necrotic energy of the pocket dimension. The upcoming pain however was undeniable. Even if by some miracle he won he knew he was in for it.

Briar made the first move leaping deftly for Jack. Instinctively he shadow dashed narrowly avoiding her claws as they swept by. She was slower than before much to Jack's relief. Additionally he had improved in leaps and bounds during their previous fight. Even so he could tell already it was only a matter of time before she got him.

His suspicions were almost instantly proven as Briar's tail whipped around behind her smashing Jack against the ground. The sound of cracking bones echoed loudly across the barrens as Jack cried out in pain. He grunted painfully as he rolled out from under the stinger, grateful for his lack of flesh for the stinger to gain purchase.

Briar growled in surprised pain as Jack swung his clawed hand around in retaliation cleanly removing the stinger from her tail. She pulled it up near her face to examine it and growled deeper as her muscles tensed. It was already reforming much to Jacks disappointment. She was still clearly pissed though. Every bone in his body stiffened as he prepared himself for the coming beating.

"Where shall I move my cavern to?"

Briar growled shocking both Jack and Fang in equal measure.

"Uh... how about on the cliff overlooking the bone yard."

Jack suggested as he and Fang glanced back and forth in surprise.

Fang nodded in agreement as Briar walked back towards the radioactive hill.

"Very well."

She growled before inhaling deeply absorbing all of the hill almost instantaneously. Jack's eye sockets bulged as her grade climbed rapidly to S rank while she walked off towards the boneyard. Fang had already observed the reverse happen when she had formed the cave, so he wasn't too surprised.

"I expect you to come by later for more play time Toy."

She grinned before leaping off into the distance quickly leaving their sight over the hills. Jack cried internally at his new moniker. What was wrong with the women in this world.

"I certainly don't envy you that responsibility mon."

Fang chuckled much to Jacks further dismay.

"Okay. Seriously what the hell was that all about? I'm pretty sure I was losing that fight."

Jack queried as he rubbed his now healed rib-cage. His bones always itched insanely after healing.

"Aye mon, you were about to get your whole body turned to dust."

Fang's matter of fact statement only served to further annoy Jack who glared darkly at him. Fang sighed as he preceded to explain.

"I made a bet mon. She said ye couldn't hit her even once without me helping so I took her up on it. Honestly, I think she was just curious about you mon."

Fang hummed softly in thought as he put a finger to his chin.

"That would also explain her request for you to visit for more, eh play time was it?"

Fang chuckled as Jack glared even deeper at him.

"Well thanks for throwing me under the bus Mr S rank."

Jack spat out in clear frustration.

"Hey now! Don't give me any of that smack mon! It will be good for your training."

Jacks eye sockets narrowed in response as they both started walking in the direction of the bone yard.

"I suppose not warning me ahead of time was also part of my training?"

Fang shrugged eliciting another annoyed glare from Jack.

"Sure why not. Can't always expect to have prior warning of upcoming fights mon."

Jack would have rolled his eyes if he had any, but instead settled on shaking his head in annoyance. As they topped the final hill before the bone yard they could see the cave was already set up on the cliff top eliciting loud snoring noises from within.

"Ah, speaking of training mon."

Fang grinned evilly at Jack as flames leapt up in the Oni's eye sockets.

"Ah sh..."