The church

"No thanks, we shall not partake in such practices"

She claimed with a stern face.

I nodded.

Clair's reaction seemed very unusual. It seemed she knew something I don't. And fair enough I do remember mentionings in the isekai scriptures that the churches are evil, masked from the public eye.

In the name of God and what not they partake in evil practices. That's why I only believe in truck Kun as the true divinity. He doesn't favor churches at the very least.

This must be it! That's why Clair is acting weird. For now, I should parrot her reaction.

"Yes, I think the same. We don't want to partake in any of such practices" I said.

Who knows what kind of cultist practices they are involved in. I don't want to get involved.

"Oh, that's a shame. We will lose out on a fine subject," the nun pouted.

"It would be better if you don't bring up this matter again," Clair said. She sounded serious.


"Please come this way."

The priest continued to chant some words which I didn't even care to figure out.

"Please proceed with the vows."

Clair took my hand and looked lovingly into my eyes.

"I, Clair Theresa, take you, Steve Larrison, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

I followed after as she did the same.

"I, Steve Larrison, take you, Clair Theresa, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life."

The priest will then said out aloud "You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. So be it."

The nun who welcomed us then called out

"Bring in the rings"

Another nun who seemed to be following her orders brought in a ring.

"The groom shall now endow the bride with the ring and the bride shall do the same"

We happily followed his instructions.

I took the ring and slid it into Clair's index finger.

She seemed happy. Well, I knew she would be. We were destined to be together. She isn't the female lead for nothing.

She proceeded and slid a ring at mine.

That ended our marriage ceremony or that's what it seems.

Both of us were completely unaware of Abel who has participated as a witness to our marriage.

We left the church with all smiles. Today will always be an important day for both of us.

"Well... we don't have a place to call home so where do you want to go?"

"At an inn. But not in the one I was working at. Trust me it's not hygienic. I had to work there only cause no one was giving out jobs to strangers and it's not like I can be a mercenary like you."

"I see so do you know of such a good place?"

I realized that I knew nothing about this city.

Thinking back our marriage was a bit too sudden. We had just arrived at this city today after all.

"I do, let's walk there."

"So have you come to this city before."

"Yeah a few times cause of my work"

"Figures..." I nodded.

I don't like this kind of atmosphere. There is so much tension in the air. Maybe, I should do something to lighten things up?

But the old-school flirting won't work anymore.

Should I wait till we get to somewhere more private?

I reached out my hands and started caressing her hair. It was no doubt soft to touch. From time to time I purposely slid my hands to her nape. I am quite certain of my touch.

"What's with the sudden pats?"

"Why can't I touch my wife now?"

She was about to say something but she sucked back her words. Her cheeks died with a tint of red as she blushed.

"Yeah you can but..."


"Don't tease me, Steve, you know what I mean"

I don't, to be honest. But I won't accept that so easily so I went ahead with the act.

"If you think I know then you should also know that I don't care about all that"

"Hmm," she mumbled. That sounded so cute.

"Steve I love you so much"

"You do I see. Good to know," I said as I smirked.

"Don't you feel like saying something in return?"

I clicked my tongue as I shook my head side by side in denial.

"You! That's so cruel"

"Haha. Don't tell me you wanted me to say 'I love you too' or something?"

"Of course I do. Isn't that obvious at this point?"

"I am not so easy you have to do better to make me say that!"

"Tch... okay I am fine with that" she wallowed, "But Steve you won't betray me right? You will be with me right?"

"Yeah as long as death do us part."

She beamed.

"You know I was so anxious today of what might happen. But now... Now it feels like today is my luckiest day and I hope that everything remains the same as today"

"Well work hard to realize your dreams" I smirked



Shrugging my shoulders I patted her a bit harder to calm down her tantrum. Her reactions are just so cute I can't help but tease her even more.

Later we found the inn which she was talking about. We talked to our heart's content as we had our dinner. There was a certain subtle difference between now and the times we were friends. It feels like the chains of shackles holding us back have released and we don't have to hold each other back anymore.


Author: Hello!

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