Bad room service


The sound of the door getting locked as I entered locking it behind me. Today is the first night I will spend with my wife and I want no one to disturb us. What? It is normal for a man to feel that way.

Moreover, Clair isn't the type who feels comfortable being too intimate in public. Even I don't. I am vastly possessive and I have come to accept that. I can't bear other people staring at my girl.

Clair whose body had jolted at the sound of the door getting locked walked towards the bed with light steps.

Seeing her walking with such caution and anxiousness, I couldn't help but smile.

Walking up to her I hugged her from behind, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"What happened? Don't tell me you are nervous?"

I smirked as I made sure my light breath touch her nape. It was intentional to get the air around us sensual.

"Don't tease me. I am trying to prepare my heart. And of course, I am nervous!"

This girl. I shook my head.

Thank God she got me who is a nice guy if I reckon. If it was someone else she would be eaten up by now.

"Hehe, What are you trying to prepare your heart for?"

"Don't try to act innocent!"

"I am not acting innocent, I am certain that I don't know what you are talking about"

"It is about THAT!"

"What is that?"

"You! UwU Please stop this Steve"

"Haha, Too bad, I just want to cuddle with you today, but if you want THAT so badly... I guess it can't be helped"

Clair was taken aback.

"No... you are right, I also don't want to do it so suddenly."

"Why? Weren't you preparing your heart for THAT a moment ago?"

"HMM" Clair nodded, "But truth be told in such a short amount of time I have received so much happiness, that I feel like the next moment I will wake up and find it all to be a dream"

"That's why I want you to take it slow, if you don't I feel like I might go crazy"

"And you think that I will follow your wish?" Steve smirked, "Let me tell you making you go crazy would be a great achievement for me"

"So I will make you go crazy and I will do it more and more but I will do it my way!"

As I said that I wrapped my hands around her tighter as if to tell her that she has nowhere left to go other than to be mine.

Clair as if to signify her submission wrapped held in my arms and she wrapped her hand over mine.

Holding her chin I ducked and kissed her on her lips.

A light kiss.

Just enough to let us feel our presence, our love for each other, and our warmth. Who knows how short or long that kiss was but to us it felt like an eternity.

We were staring at each other eyes when we kissed but then she closed her eyes to feel my lips better. I did the same.

*knock* *knock*

Some bastard knocked on the door. This annoying room service. I had told them beforehand not to disturb us.

Clair who heard the knocking tried to separate our connecter lips. But I who was well prepared held her head from behind not letting her do so.

"Just ignore him" I spoke my lips grazing over hers.

She seemed to acknowledge my decision causing her to close her eyes again.

*knock* *knock*

The bastard kept knocking but alas his calls were unanswered.

Poor fellow.

Well, do what you want for the hell we care. As if we would leave each other to attend to your rants. I hadn't locked the door for anything. It was to keep bastards like you out of our lives.

For some reason, as the bastard knocked further I felt like continuing our kiss all the more. It was probably to satisfy my ego. It was screaming as if telling the world that no one disturbs us in our private space.

After some time the knocking stopped. The bastard probably left and with that our long smudge ended.

Clair whose cheeks were dead in a tint of red was looking down not being able to meet my eyes. She was still in my embrace and I was staring intently at her, enjoying her cute reactions.

I lifted her head holding it by her chin.

"Today you will look at me and only me"

She nodded to response in affirmative.

It felt like she wanted to avert her eyes at every moment but rejected the urge to do so just to cater to my requests.

I smiled.

Ducking my head I sucked her neck. She flinched at first but little by little as she was grown used to it she calmed down.

When I knew she was cool I slid my mouth down her nape continuing to sucking harder accompanied by my kissing from time to time.

My trailing mouth which hiked down the slope of her neck finally reached the very bottom. Sliding down the cloth which was covering her shoulders I sucked her there much harder than anytime before.

Proceeding to the I bit her there with my teeth. Not as hard as to cause her pain but hard enough to form a mark.

"Umm" her soft sound left her lips. She seemed to be holding back until now.

'How long are you going to hold Clair. Isn't it okay to lose your mind in front of your dear hubby?'

Someday I will make you completely lose your mind so much so that you will never be shy anymore when with me.

I hadn't known at that point that Clair was harboring the same devilish thoughts as me. Well, the content was somewhat different.

'I will make you only think of me and no one else' Clair thought.