One might think, that after their first real encounter with someone from the supernatural side of the world and being involved in their first ever supernatural fight, one would be rather shook up and have to take some time to themselves to calm down and come to terms with things.
Kaito found, that wasn't really the case for him.
As he left the alley way behind and the unconscious form of a 'king' slumped in the trash like a chump, he felt pretty calm.
And pretty good actually.
It was nobody important in the grand scheme of things he rumbled with, and he wasn't connected with any proper faction, and didn't know who Kaito even was really.
So he felt pretty assured in the fact that, there was a relatively low chance of this coming back to bite him in the ass.
He doubted that bald moron could even put two and two together after all to find out the school his uniform belonged to.
He seemed dumb like that.
'Still, how do I go about using this?' Kaito mused to himself, inspecting the white magatama he'd taken from Cao Huan held between his fingers.
He couldn't really sense anything coming from it. He couldn't exactly sense magic, though he could feel his own. But even then, it wasn't magic that the baldy skinhead was using. It was pure ki.
More of an energy source that youkai tended to use over any other, as far as he was aware of. The only non youkai he knew of that used it, without help from youkai themselves or anything, was Sairaorg Bael.
Who managed it through sheer ludicrously intense training.
That would have to be his backup plan though, while he very much respected the grind to attain it, he'd prefer a short cut since he was kind of short on time all things considered.
Assuming things went to crap.
'Should I just wear it on my ear?' Kaito wondered. Maybe if he did, he could get a feel for the energy coming from it flowing into his body. And once he did, he could learn how to harness his own and be done with the stupid bead.
Well, he could try it out he supposed. But it would have to wait until he got out of school and found some professional place to pierce his ear. If he did it himself, he'd probably end up getting an infection or something.
And while he could recover way faster than normal, an infection would still suck.
Either way, Kaito was forced to stow away the white magatama as he approached the school gate of Kuoh.
And found a commotion going on.
It was Murayama, at the front of the gate, making a bit of a ruckus, "But kaichou! What if Evander-kun gets hurt by that thug, isn't it your job to make sure the students are ok-"
She was cut off, "No, that is not my job, nor the job of any of the student council," Sona 'Shitori', third year and student council president denied her flatly, not an ounce of emotion in her voice and seemingly rather disinterested, "I have sent Saji off to call the police to deal with it, if Evander-san wants to involve himself with delinquents, that is his choice and has nothing to do with this school, now off to class with you, the bell will ring soon."
Wow, he could feel the love.
"No need for that," Kaito cut in as he approached, causing both girls to turn to him, Murayama's face practically lighting up, "Like I told you, I'd deal with him, he wasn't anything special."
"Thank god." Murayama breathed a sigh of relief, clutching her chest. At her side, the student council president turned away for a moment.
Rather quickly.
Not so quick Kaito didn't see the grimace that appeared on her face and the way she visibly bit her lip though.
He was tempted to praise God aloud himself, mess with her a bit more. Give her a nice good and proper pounding headache.
Okay, if he was being honest. He didn't like her. Even before he got the memories of his other self, she was such a hard ass.
He'd lost count on how many times she'd lectured him on his duties as the football team captain and scolded him for the tiniest thing he submitted to her that had to do with his club activities.
"You're not hurt are you?" Murayama asked in concern, "He kicked you really hard."
"Eh, I get banged about harder during my club duties, don't worry about it," Kaito waved her off, "I should be asking if you're okay, he didn't do anything to you before I turned up did he?"
Honestly, he'd seen a few people that saw it and just continued on. Full grown men at that.
A typical Japanese quality to be honest. Either too cowardly to do anything, or just so self absorbed that they didn't see it as their problem.
"No, he didn't thankfully, thanks to you." she gave him a grateful, pretty smile.
Well, he wasn't going to turn down a pretty older girl being grateful to him, and one that already seemed to have a positive opinion of him in the first place.
Before he could respond and keep the conversation going though, there was a cough and Sona turned back around, a pinched expression on her face, "While this is all very good, your bag if you please Evander-san," she more or less demanded, holding her hand out. Kaito rolled his eyes, but pulled his backpack off and handed it to her, allowing her to check it for any 'banned' materials, "Also Evander-san, I believe I've warned you before, but picking fights is not tolerated by this institution."
"You mean when I was gonna beat the crap out of those perverted morons?" Kaito raised an eyebrow at her. A few girls had been in the football club when he took over this year.
That ended when Issei Hyoudou and his two stupid buddies drilled a hole into their club building, specifically, a peephole into the female changing rooms. And they quit after being perved on by them.
And then he got into trouble for chasing them down and preparing to beat the shit out of them.
A strike on his record for violent behaviour in fact. Which was a mark against his future prospects and he was warned about a possible suspension and revoking of his scholarship if he was violent like that with other students again.
He didn't simply dislike Issei Hyoudou from the memories he gained of his other self after all. Though, they definitely fanned the flames.
"Yes," Sona didn't even flinch at his reply, "I've overlooked this kind of thing with you before, I won't do it a second time if you bring violence to these school grounds."
Funny how the student council president was not so subtly telling him she would expel him, as if she was the real authority behind things.
Not very subtle now was she?
But then, from what he knew of her true self, despite fitting the 'smart glasses girl' archetype, she was really pretty stupid to be honest and basically thought chess was the be all and end all and based even her battle strategies on it.
"Funny how that doesn't apply to your boytoy though," Kaito couldn't resist pointing out, "He was a real proper delinquent always getting into fights all the time, but you let him off and even recruited him for your little council, but God forbid I try to punish a little group of sex pests and help a school mate being harassed by someone."
Sona's eye twitched behind her classes and her body went ramrod straight for a moment, "…Saji saw the error of his ways with proper correction, you on the other hand, always give me lip," she bit out, before thrusting his bag into his hands after finishing what she was doing, "You pass the inspection, get to class."
"Whatever you say, kaichou." Kaito smirked at her, hoisting his bag over his shoulder and walking through the gate.
He probably shouldn't have done that. It may bite him in the ass later, but, he'd never liked her, and his other self…had a real problem with authority figures.
So they just clicked when it came to her.
"I really don't get Shitori-kaichou sometimes," Murayama sighed, taking spot beside him and giving him a bright smile, "Still, thanks again Evander-kun, you were really cool back there." she complimented him, before standing on her tip toes and pressing a chaste kiss against his cheek.
And then rushing off, cheeks blazing.
Kaito paused in his steps, watching her go, absently reaching up to rub his cheek, "Well, not what I'd want most, but not a bad reward either." he chuckled to himself.
He resumed walking, a whistle on his lip, 'One things for sure though, if I do end up having to choose between the pair, I ain't choosing that speccy bitch.' he snorted to himself.