Uzaki-chan? - 1

As was typical of a Japanese school, even one as up there as Kuoh Academy was, gossip tended to spread like wildfire.

By time the bell rang signalling for the lunch break, it had already made the rounds that Kaito was a delinquent involved in a gang war who were fighting over Murayama.

Quite a few of his clubmates had hesitantly approached him to…literally bow and scrape to him, as if he was some up and coming oyabun. Literally just simpering towards him so they didn't become possible targets to bully since he was a 'delinquent' and that was what they did apparently.

So, when lunch came about, Kaito grabbed his bento of leftovers from his dinner last night, and made his way up to the roof.

Because that was obviously where cool, badass delinquents like him should go. So he could recline lazily and watch menacingly over the academy searching for prime targets to bully.

But in actuality, he just wanted some peace from the worried glances he kept getting and really tended to usually eat his desk while browsing the internet on his phone.

"People are so stupid." Kaito couldn't help but comment to himself as he leaned against the railing atop the school roof and picked at his lunch.

It would die down quickly in a week or two most likely, but it was still annoying.

It was more frustrating now actually, that he had the memories of also going to a much more fun and relaxing school in Scotland from the memories he gained of his other self.

That guy literally got suspended over twenty times in his first few years at that school without getting expelled. And he did a lot of real delinquent shit, like picking fights, kicking doors off of their hinges, destroying school property, calling his music teacher a fucking jew and threatening to stab him, mass amounts of truancy and even full on school gang wars with other schools.

'Oh wait, not that guy, that was me in the end wasn't it?' Kaito couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was a bit weird to him sometimes, that he was actually now a fusion between two different people from two different worlds.

He missed Scotland.

Which was ironic because he'd technically never even set foot in the land of his deadbeat dad.

The sound of the door leading to the roof opening intruded upon his quiet alone time, and Kaito almost found himself rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Until he saw who stepped out.

It was a mini-person.

Well, not really, but it was a classmate of his. A very short girl, all of four feet and eight inches tall, with bob-styled silver hair and extra long bangs that came down covering her eyes from view.

Though he knew from experience that she had rather striking deep blue eyes.

She would have looked more like a kid just beginning middle school with her height. If not for one simple thing.

The massive breasts she had stretching out her school shirt, which were abundantly more pronounced when wearing her school uniform due to the simple fact that, someone designed the female uniform of Kuoh in a fashion reminiscent of a corset.

Yanagi Uzaki, the youngest daughter of Fujio Uzaki. And the one who'd actually recommended him to his gym a few months ago.


As soon as she closed the door behind her, she 'gasped' and clutched at her chest, "Oh no, it's the big delinquent-kun everyone is whispering about," she 'fretted', "Please don't beat me up and rob me delinquent-kun!" she 'pleaded'.

Kaito rolled his eyes, "Stop that."

"But delinquent-sama, what if you assault me because I'm so cute if I don't show you the proper respect?" Yanagi couldn't contain her toothy grin as she teased him.

As always, she had a real fun time taking the piss.

And then she started laughing, unable to contain her amusement, "They really do think you're gonna start beating people up and stealing their lunch money down there you know," she told him, clutching her stomach, "Like before I came up, you know Gojou-san right? The guy with glasses that sits at the front of our class, he was full on worrying you were going to dip his head in a toilet bowl because he called you a gaijin once, it was great."

"I'll dip your head in a toilet bow." Kaito snorted, flicking a bit of rice at her with his chop sticks.

"Oh, so scary~" she grinned wider at him and made her way over, "Do you want my lunch money? Sorry to disappoint, but I don't bring any, I make my own lunch. Maybe my panties?"

"Do I look like Hyoudou to you?" Kaito gave her a dry look.

Who incidentally, was the reason he became friends with Yanagi in the first place. His only friend at this place really. She was one of the members of the football club initially before quitting.

One of the girls that clown and his buddies tried to peep on. She made him lunch once as thanks for chasing them off and since then, more or less, just kept talking to him.

"Nah, you're not a shrimp," Yanagi shrugged, "Though, I've caught you eyeing a few girls now and then, something you want to admit? Has he lured you into the perverted side of the force? Just letting you know, you might be a total himbo, but even you won't be able to get a girlfriend if you go that route with him."

If his gaze got any dryer, his eyeballs would shrivel up like prunes, "I'm not a himbo," he denied, "In case you've forgotten, I'm pretty much one of the top in our year when it comes to grades."

Sure, he used his Twice Critical when studying so he could process and memorize information twice as fast and as efficiently as he usually would, but who cared.

"Just cuz you're a smarty pants doesn't mean you're not a himbo," Yanagi shrugged, "Also, I do indeed know well, after all, I'm the top of our year in grades remember? Your name is always beneath mine." her grin turned smug.

"That's just because I work on my body as well as my mind, unlike you nowadays, when was the last time you exercised?" he fired back.

"Yesterday, I went on a small jog," Yanagi smugly replied, crossing her arms under her mountainous breasts and pushing them up all the more. It took a lot of willpower not to stare at her rack, "I only do it a few times a week though, it's hard to jog when my boobs bounce everywhere, I totally curse myself for wanting big boobs when I was younger, I was so naive back then."

Her smug grin widened and she pushed them up with her arms, and he lost the battle within and instinctively took a glance at them. They were amazing, as always, "Then again, if my boobs weren't so huge, Hyoudou might not have tried to perv on us at the club and we might never have been friends," she mused, before making a blatantly false gasp, "Now that I think about it, it's really Hyoudou's efforts that made us friends. If not for him, you'd be a total loner himbo. Maybe you should thank him and become friends with him as well?"

"Are you trying to make me up-chuck my lunch?" Kaito gagged in disgust and shook his head, "Or are you just trying to turn me into some pervert? You've been weirdly insistent on me assaulting you or stealing your panties the last few minutes."

"A little enthusiasm doesn't hurt every now and then y'know," she answered vaguely, with a shrug, "Which reminds me, dad said you hit an all new record at the gym last night or something, asked me to invite you around for dinner tonight if you want."

"…How did this discussion at all remind you of that?" Kaito found himself asking, completely lost.

"Eh, Hyoudou is a sad loser who'll probably never get a girlfriend and you're a muscle head, just like my brother will probably be a sad lonely loser that can never get a girlfriend and my dad is a muscle head," Yanagi replied with 'flawless logic', "So you wanna come or not? I got a new game the other day that's best for Co-op, and you can even help me out with my sister, Hana-chan apparently has some boyfriend she's all tight lipped about and won't let us meet, maybe she'll spill to you?"

Kaito was having a serious hard time wrapping his head around that logic. He had no idea why her sister Hana would talk to him about her relationship status, he'd only met the girl a few times and had all of two conversations with her.

Also, he was insulted she compared him to Fujio. He liked the guy, but he was a bit of a nutcase.

….Tempting though. While he did want to see about looking into getting his ear pierced to wear the magatama and get a feel for ki.


Free food was free food, and not only Yanagi, but her older sister and especially her mother were amazing cooks. And he was not only poor, but merely a passable cook at best.

And actually, now that he thought about it.

If he remembered right, didn't Yanagi's older sister have her ears pierced as well? He could vaguely remember her wearing hoops in her ear lobes when he met her.

She could probably point him towards a good place to get his ear pierced cleanly.

And after eating a good home cooked and filling meal, he could always head to the gym. He kept a lot of extra clothing and such in his Sacred Gear anyway so he didn't even need to stop at his house.

And the Uzaki household was closer to the gym than his own apartment.

"Sure, I'm up for it." Kaito agreed, it was really a win, win…win, all around for him.

"Awesome," Yanagi pumped her fist, "I'm sure you'll love it, I'll even make sure mom makes something with plenty of protein for your muscly taste buds!"

"If you ever make it back," Kaito snorted, "What if I being the clearly evil delinquent I am decide to take you up on that offer and assault you and you never get home again?"

Yanagi's grin almost split her face and she brought her hand up to push her bangs up, showing off her glittering blue eyes, full of mischief, "That's just a risk I'll have to take to keep the innocent students of this school safe from your evil lustful ways." she shot back cheekily.