
Chapter 3

~Who does he think he is? How dare he do this to my younger brother if he wanted to seek revenge on someone, he should have attacked me, not my brother?

Chynna's heart was so broken, her action had just robbed her brother of his happiness. It's all her fault, and now her brother is paying for her actions.

"What would you like to have, madam?" a voice said, prompting Chynna to wipe the tears that had fallen from her eyes.

"A cup of coffee will do," she muttered. "No sugar."

"Of course." the man said.

~I caused Jin suffering. I'm the worst sister in the world.

"Here's your coffee, ma." the waiter announced before keeping the cup on the table. "Enjoy yourself."

She nodded slightly at the man, her eyes were clouded with some much emotions. Many people were looking at her but she didn't care, all she could think about is how to get her brother's admission back but the only person who can do that is The Mafia Boss.

~How can I make a Mafia Boss give in to my demand? That's literally not possible.

She knew everything about The Albanian Mafia, she knew where to find this 'Boss', and she also knew the cruel method they used to get what they wanted. The approaches they took horrified all other mafia groups, causing them to be the most dangerous Mafia group in America, but she was determined to prove to them she was not one to be messed with.

~What if I play this game he stated and use his own tactics against him? Every man values his life more than anything, even that stupid Boss. I will do exactly what they do when they want something they've lost.

Kidnapping that cruel man was the best idea. A big smile crept on her face. But how was she going to enter his mansion? The security over there was way too tight. She had to gain entry in a way they won't suspect her.

~Maybe he has an event coming up?

Taking out her phone, she searched for any upcoming event he could host, but there was no news on that.

~Why are they so secretive?

A job advertisement caught her attention, it was a one-night waitress job for a party. She clicked on it to read more because she felt a ray of hope about this being the key to her door and she was so right.

The party was to be held at The Boss' mansion and it was happening tonight, luckily for her, no one has claimed this opportunity so it was still open. She thanked God in her heart before clicking the form that was to be filled. She submitted immediately she was done and in two minutes she received an acceptance text from them.

~I'm going to show that man the dangers of messing with me.


"I hope you understand everything, Miss Mei." the man asked. His glasses were titled so he could see the lady he was talking to.

"Yes sir," Chynna replied. Her false blonde wig and false name hid her true identity. She was not ready to take any chances, so she did a complete makeover on her face, changed her name from Wang Chynna to Zhang Mei, used a contact lens to change her brown eye colour to blue and wore a blonde wig so she could hide her black curly hair. This way neither The Boss nor Li Jun could recognize her.

"The party is about to start." the man said. "Remember to serve The Boss only Devil's Springs Vodka."

"Of course, sir."

~I will definitely serve him Devil's Springs Vodka, but I will add a few species to it so he will enjoy it more.

"The party ends at 10:30 pm so you are free to leave the party after 10 pm, I will send your money to your account at 10 o'clock."

~I don't need your money. I just want to deal with HIM.

"Okay," Chynna muttered as she took a silver tray so she could leave the kitchen and join the other servers and waitress. The party had already started, and she was well aware of what that meant.

She had never met The Boss, but she was confident that she could recognize him immediately before her eyes meet his. Her perfect disguise was working. None of them could recognize, but she was way too cautious with the wig and contacts lens. Her eyes were still searching for him impatiently.

~Where is he?

"I wonder where Jun is?" the man I just served asked.

"He should be with Wei?" another man replied.

~Who is Wei?

"Wei is a deadly man, this mafia group became a lot more popular because of him." the first man said.

~Is Wei The Boss?

"I agree." the second man said. "Did you hear what he did to that journalist?"

"Which one?" the first man inquired.

"The one who tricked Jun into an interview." the second man replied.

"Ooh!" the first man exclaimed. "Her name was Wang Chynna, right?"

"Yes." the second man replied. "Wei made her suffer."


"She had a younger brother who wanted to go to a University, he passed the entrance exam, but he didn't get admitted." the second man laughed. "Wei called the chancellor of the University and threatened to take their school down if he got admitted."

"That Wei for you." the first man said. "Always destroying people who mess with him."

~This time I will mess with him as well.

"They have come." a man announced. "Wei and Jin have arrived."

Everyone turned to face them. Chynna's smile grew immediately she sighted him, she knew it was time. Red designer suit, a pompadour hairstyle, he was definitely the one.

"Wei, there's no difference between you and the devil." a man said. "You love your signature red suit a lot."

Wei grinned before taking off his sunglasses, revealing his emerald coloured eyes. "The Boss is also The Devil remember that Deluna."

"Hey, come here!" Jin beckoned for Chynna to come to him. "I hope The Boss' drink is there."

"Of course sir," Chynna smirked. "Here is your drink."

~I hope you love it because after tonight it might your last.

Wei collected the drink from her hand before dismissing her. Devil's Springs Vodka was his favourite drink, despite the alcoholic content it contained it could never get him drunk.

`The Devil's drink can't get him drunk.

As the night went on Wei started feeling dizzy. He had five glasses of vodka and was on his sixth one; it was the normal amount he had, but why was he feeling drunk.

Chynna smiled when she saw the change in Wei's behaviour. The sedatives were taking an effect on him and if her calculation was correct, he will go to the garden and he will pass out there.

~Can't wait

Wei's eyes were getting weak, his head was spinning and his legs were getting weak.

`What's wrong with me? I drink this vodka every day.

His legs were getting weaker by the minute, he needed to get to the garden maybe the air there will help him clear his head but it didn't work it only made them weaker. His eyes were getting weaker, the world was spinning to him.

`What's wrong with me?

Wei tried his best to hold himself up, but it wasn't possible, the sedative was too strong for his body. The Boss fell with his face flat, right in front of a happy Chynna.