
Lucifer stunned all of them who were present here. It didn't take long for the children to start crying and whimpering again. No matter What, Lucifer is their last straw of hope, they were clinging onto this hope that he will rescue them. He will save them.

But Lucifer mercilessly shattered this hope with a few nonchalant words.

Orren looked at Lucifer in wonder. He could not figure out why such a strong person is here. Now he could not even guess what goes on his head. He barged in this place forcefully and yet he is denying that he is not here to save them. Is he mental? Or maybe, he is in denial. Either way, this guy is dangerous, I must stay cautious.

"You have some nerves to barge in my place. "

Orren was sweating, but he still maintained his composure. He knew he could not show weakness in front the enemy.

He gripped his palm tightly and lunged at Lucifer for a head-on clash.


They both retreated after the first blow. Their fist impact point created sonic boom like sound which shattered the glass around the building.


Orren screamed in pain and his hand was broken. His crippled hand hanged from his shoulder without any sense of control. He lost control of his arm. But he could feel the pain.

"You! What are You?"

Orren was aghast after the first exchange. He felt his bones cracking after one punch. He never felt something like this in a long time.

"I am Lucifer. The Devil. "

"Yeah, You are Devil. Then, I am Jesus."

Orren spat out without delay. He was angry. This guy dares to mock him just because he broke his bones a little. He thought it will be amusing to see this arrogant bastards expression after he heals himself automatically.

Lucifer shrugged his shoulder to show that he didn't care if he believed it or not. For him, it was all an amusing cat and mouse game. But in this case, the mouse was flaunting the strength borrowed from the cat.

As if to prove Lucifer right, Orren healed his crippled hand and flaunted it in front of him. He was feeling great and thought Lucifer must be surprised to see that his arm heal automatically.

"Must be surprised now, huh!!-

He saw Lucifer's unsurprised and expressionless face. Seeing his expression, it was Orren who was surprised. How come this guy is not surprised!

Is this guy mental? or ...

At this time , he thought of a possibility.

He looked at Lucifer intensely. Lucifer also stared back at him. It looked like children are having staring contest. But inside their thoughts were completely different. It was quite hilarious.

"Oi, is it possible that you are blind?"

Lucifer thought this guy finally believed him or suspected that he was the same as him. They both were super power wielding people. But it turned out this guy is just plain-

"Idiot "

Lucifer called Orren D'costa, an idiot. As psycho as he was, he took that very personally.

"You arrogant bastard, I will chop into little pieces. "

Orren attacked Lucifer again but this time he used his full power. Lucifer held back from attacking. He just dodged every punch and kicks he threw.

Not a single attack landed on Lucifer. Lucifer was just that fast. His opponent was running out of options. It was time end the meaningless fight.

"Is that all you have? With this much ability, you kidnapped people who work for me. You are really stupid. If you have nothing else to entertain me with, then this is your end." Lucifer said as he looked at Orren D'costa with contempt.

The boy who was talking to Janet watched their fight with sparkling eyes that were filled with hope again. "Wow, this mister is so strong. "

It wasn't only him but other kidnapped kids were all fascinated by Lucifer's imposing prowess."Hang on, mister. Teach him a lesson. "

A boy got carried away after seeing the fight and shouted in excitement. He felt he will be saved.

"You little shits think you can get away. Wrong!!" Orren bellowed and dark aura started rising from his body. It was like his body being surrounded by black smoke.

Seeing this Lucifer squinted his eyes for a moment. This guy's condition is a bit special. This guy has gained control over his demon. Gaining control over a demon is great feat to accomplish. But it is also harmful. The best condition one can reach is mutual symbiotic relationship.

Orren has to continuously suppress the demon to keep it under control. But in order to suppress a demon his willpower must be higher and violent in nature than his demon. Demons don't listen to soft approach no matter what, especially regarding human.

"Haih.. So loud. You know your demon power will not save you."

Lucifer said feeling disappointed and exhausted.

"Demon Power??"


"You know!?"

Orren felt surprised because nobody knew about his secret. Everyone thinks that his power is natural.

"How do you know?..wait.. You also have power like me. You are like me!!! " Orren D'costa made a face like he finally figured out a puzzle.

"Hahahah.. hahahah.."

"No wonder... No wonder you can injure me. So you are just like. You also have ghost power."

Ghost Power?

This guy has such a bad naming sense. He should die just for calling my minions ghost.

"Good.. good.. I will finally get the chance to fight with someone same as me. I will slaughter you and prove my supremacy. "

This guy!!!

How idiotic can he be!

"Hey, you talk too much. I might even die if I hear you talking anymore."

Lucifer stepped forward step by step and then, he suddenly disappeared from there and appeared before Orren's face. He punched Orren in the face but Orren grabbed his before it made contact with his face. Although his face was saved from being smashed, he was still moved away from the initial place where he stood due to the impact force behind the punch. Not only that he was force to kneel in both knees while preventing the punch.

This all happened too fast for the bystanders eyes to follow. They all screamed in excitement as they were shocked.

"So strong "