Chapter 3

At this time, Sunagakure 40th year, lots of people roaming about here and there, Tension all over the place. Meanwhile in the hospital there is a dark skinned child sitting on his bed thinking ....


[ Sunagakure Main Hospital] ~

(Zed POV)

It's been three days and I am still in the hospital since the doctor said my wound was pretty nasty. The wound left a nasty scar on my smooth skin, not only that but apparently there's a slash my left eye it's pretty badass just like One piece Zoro.

Though there is a slash there's nothing wrong with my eye, I can see perfectly normal. Well for the past days I've been trying to see if I got an other perks besides the mystical arts.

Currently I noticed these ;

• One is that I have noted or let's say skills related to the mystic arts imprinted in my head, that are yet to be unlocked.

• Furthermore I've almost perfect picture memory and vision. When I say perfect picture memory or eidetic imagery I mean the ability to remember an image in so much detail, clarity, and accuracy that it is as though the image were still being perceived, while perfect vision is somehow related to the epidemic memory, it grant's me almost perfect clarit and accuracy at the same time allowing me to see things further away from me.

Well that's all, though these abilities are helpful and nice to have, I somehow how wish to gain some powerful sort of bloodline like the Senju, Uzumaki, Uchiha and other op bloodlines. Fuuu..*ahem*.

I apologise for the little outburst, but imagine me having any of these would really help me, because there's a war that is going to start any moment from now.

Right now on the sand borders there are small skirmishes, very soon there would a full scale war

The 3rd ninja war the war that changed everything, at least according what I used to watch in my past live, but there might be changes since this is an AU. From what I remember in my past live the Third Shinobi World War came about because the Five Great Nations who were/are the world's primary powers, found their power dwindling. This is because of the Second Shinobi World War, which put a heavy strain on the resources of the big nations, as a result , their influence of the smaller nations incited the latter to start waging war around the border os those great five.

Thinking about it again, I'm fours years old, I'm not like Itachi, I've recieved no training, I haven't even unlocked my chakra, so I won't be sent to the battle away, but since this is an AU the war can be prolonged for a long time.

Right now what I lack is information on some key events, since the series naurto was most concentrated on Konoha, I need to know some events that has occurred in konoha that may help me find out the differences.


( General)

While Zed was formulating plans on what to do once he is discharged from the hospital, an old man with pointy face was framed with short thinning hair, and one could notice a small bald spot on the top of the head currently speaking with the doctor that took care of his young master.

The old man was none other than Mr.Ito the butler of the Suzuki family.

Since today Zed will finally be discharged he, met with the doctor to discuss about zed's health.

The reason for this particular circumstance was, being discharged meant, the patient can be treated at home and almost recovered but he isn't completely/100% recovered. So the butler with years of experience, asked the doctor of Zed's medication for complete recovery.

The doctor knowing this had already written the kind of drugs and notes on how to take the medication, when to take it and the description of each drug, the night before.

First one was a drug to help lessen pain when the young boy suffers from the wound still. The next being a pill to help the boy produce more blood since he lost so much.

The rest being drugs to he the boy grow big and strong.

After explaining the medication, the doctor proceeded to ask old man Ito some questions ;

Doctor proceeded to ask," Since the boy is mostly recovered, how do you plan on helping him get over the trauma.

At hearing the question Mr. Ito paused a bit, then thought to himself [ what the doctor said us true, no matter how the young master behaves, the assassination will still hunt him].. then replied," It all depends on him, since it's a psychological problem we can't do much except treat him nicely and wait, the problem can drag him down or strengthen is resolve.

After the conversation he went of the room then proceeded to walk into the waiting room for Zed's arrival. While Ito was waiting, the nurses went to checkup on Zed to make sure everything was fine before his departure.