Chapter 4


[ Sunagakure Main hospital ] ~

( Zed POV )

Six nurses came to my hospital room to check my pulse and see if everything was okay, as they were checking.

I kept thinking about the doctor, you may ask why I'm thinking about the doctor ?

Well all the nurses are absolutely thicc, huge melons, killer ass and don't forget that coca cola shape, on top of that they are dressed in white tight traditional nurse attire which its length doesn't reach the knee along with an apron and cap.

No wonder Suna keeps getting more injured ninjas. Damn I'm literally crying inwardly, I'm barely five years I can't even get my little brother up, all those hentai amounted to nothing, reality slaps hard.

I kept this repeating,'if only I wasn't a child', in my head.

My body may be lying down on the bed, but my mind was in a different dimension. All of a sudden one of the thicc squard told me something which brought back.

Member of thicc square asked ," stand up and walk, if you feel pain in your stomach while walking tell me.

So I stood up then started walking, shortly I told them that I feel no pains from it, since there was no pain they end to the checkup and guided me to the waiting room where old man ito was waiting for me.


( General)

Immediately after Zed's arrival both left the hospital, sinc there are no vehicles and motors, Zed was escorted by Old man Ito and a group of ninjas, who are likely on a mission. The group there were two girls and two males one being around the age of 12 and other being in his late 20s, the girls were also 12 years old.

At first we didn't really communicate, but being cute works wonders, both girls started to talk about me.

They somehow managed to push Old man Ito away and stood at each of Zed's side.

They introduced themselves as Lulu and Ayima .

( I won't really describe them since they won't really make appearances )

We started speaking about random stuff, until Zed asked," so what's is like to be a ninja, all those cool stuff like flying and making fire and sand move.

Lulu chuckled and replied, " Hmm being a ninja is nice you get to learn lots of ways to fight, run and protect those close to you. You also learn make fire appear on you palms .

With and interested look Zed requested," Sister Lulu can you pretty please do ninja fire for me.

Instead of Lulu replying, Ayima made some hand signs then fire started to gather in her palms.

Thus made Zed happy so, he continued to ask for more questions about how they train and how they made fire appear.

The girls said that if he joins the academy he will be taught.

When the word academy was mentioned Zed wanted to know more so he, turned to the side where both female genin's teacher is then asked, "Senior how do I get into the academy,"

The ninja answered," first things first you have to be at the age of 8 years, you must have some skills and the will to be a ninja before you are accepted into the ninja academy."

The ninja continued," The academy doesn't just accept children, most of the children in clans at Suna receive train at a small age so they are given free pass to attend the school, while civilians are given tests, if they manage to pass then they are allowed fo attend the school.

When he finished I asked is a childish manner ,"what are the tests you speak of ?"

He laughed a bit since it was a little funny how curious the boy was, then again almost every child wants to be a ninja that's what he thought.

He calmly replied," there are a total of 3 tests, the first being a written one the next being asking questions on why he or she wants to be a ninja and the last a demonstration of your physical strength."

Zed was about about to ask another question, be he interrupted him by saying what I was about ask, it was as if he read my mind.

He said," Those that fail the test are then sent to Civilian academy, they are taught other various things aside from what ninjas do, they learn sewing, building, business and other important stuff that will help them gather money and live a nice life in the future.

I asked a couple more questions and he answered it too. I didn't notice us getting close to our destination until the genin boy that has been quiet all along told me.

I bid farewell to the group and then entered the compound along side old man Ito.


[ Suzuki Family Compound]

( Zed POV )

The house was beautiful, it had the layout of the Japanese houses in the Samurai era back on earth, there were very few flowers and trees in the compound. Well I'm not surprised since this is the village hidden in the sand.

There are sand all around us, it's every where, even in the air you can see particles. The weather is very warm, I started to wonder how the hospital atmosphere was cool compared to the outside.

~ I'll try to explain how the Suna is like, the weather, their vegetation and other stuff.

I'm currently trying to improve upon my English too~