Chapter 5

I really like to you use point of views, well Zed is the mc so he will get more screen time but not always, sometimes for some chapters it will go to others star characters to see what they are facing.


[ Sunagakure ~ The Suzuki Family Compound ]

( Zed POV)

The house was very beautiful and well decorated, there was two things I couldn't help but point out.

The first reason being, the way the house was, naturally I like the houses the samurai used in the Olden days back at earth, but here in Suna where Sand is literally everywhere, the sand will keep on entering the house instead of it trying to keep it out , why don't they make it huge and normal like the other houses.

The second reason was the size, yes the size, I was expecting a very big house, the Suzuki family isn't as prestigious like the other clans, but when it comes to money then they can rival almost all the clans. So the house size being a little bigger than an average house I was shocked.

Let's stop thinking about the house, I finally entered the house along with old man Ito, when I entered the servants were waiting for my return.

The enemy ninja did kill some of them, so they aren't that many.

The servants said in unison," Welcome back Young master ! ".

I replied by nodding my head. Then proceeded to my room where I can think of my next plan.


( General)

While Zed was home thinking of his next plan, at the same time resting, the Kazekage was having a meeting with the rest of his council.

In Suna there are many clans, out of the many Clans there are five that are regarded as the biggest and most popular.

The five clans each have their representatives in the meeting. The representatives being the leader of each if the clans.

The first clan out of the five main is :

• The Chikamatsu Clan which is one of the few clans in existence in which it's members are not necessarily related by blood. The Chikamatsu clan name broadly refers to users of the puppet ninja arts invented by Monzaemon Chikamatsu. Due to their mastery of puppetry and the combination with poison they are well recognized and feared by other nations.

In the 2nd shinobi war they showed extraordinary strength and power, they were almost unstoppable with their poison puppets.

• The Second clan out of the five is : The Omezō Clan is one of the three founding families of Sunagakure. The clan's kekkei genkai dōjutsu, the Shōkōgan (literally meaning; Sunlight Yellow Eye), closely resembles the golden eyes of a falcon, and is often touted to be a direct counter to the infamous Sharingan in almost every way. Omezō clan is considered to be one of the more traditional clans of Sunagakure, not unlike the Hyuuga clan of the Hidden Leaf.

Their well known dōjutsu kekkei genkai; the Shōkōgan is renowned for it's ability to "silence" chakra. Compared to the large Uchiha and Hyuuga clans, the Omezō clan is remarkably small, and is noted to have the fewest members of any clan with a dōjutsu kekkei genkai. Their kekkei genkai has the ability to prevent a target from molding chakra, simply by maintaining direct visual contact with them. More experienced clan members are even able to extinguish chakra based attacks at their source in a similar manner.

• The third out of the five is : The Aki Family, while not one of the founders of Sunagakure, has played a crucial and legendary role in the village's military structure for almost as long as the village has stood. Their outstanding kekkai genkai, Scorch Release, is known for it's immense offensive and destructive power, and its complete lack of versatility. The Aki Known throughout Sunagakure for their strict and intense training methods, a passion for fighting and combat of all sorts runs through the blood of the Aki family; such that most members possess a strong willingness to fight powerful opponents. Due to thier low numbers they make it up with quality that particular makes Aki family members born fighters, and an extremely valuable asset to the Sunagakure military.

• The fourth out of the five is : The Hōki Family is a matrilineal shinobi clan (and family) of medical-nin and information gatherers, and one of the three founding families of Sunagakure. The Hōki family is known for having the unique trait of an all-female bloodline; a result of the fact that women of the family are physically unable to give birth to male children. The women of the Hōki family don't show their faces without make-up to any man, with the exception of the one they're going to marry.

This clan is are known as the "people who work behind the scenes", Hōki family medical ninjutsu is undoubtedly some of the greatest in the Land of Wind. Their knowledge of the human body, afflictions, poisons and ailments is comprehensive and catered to life in a desert environment. A unique style of medical ninjutsu, Hōki family members will typically combine their affinity for Water Release with their medical, Yang Release chakra to perform a plethora of soothing and effective healing techniques.

• The last out of the five is : The Higashi Family is one of the three founding families of Sunagakure, and are touted as having one of the strongest nature-release kekkei genkai in existence: Magnet Release. The family is famous for having produced more Kazekage's than any other family or clan in Sunagakure, the Higashi family is known all throughout the shinobi world; not only for their magnet release users, but for the numerous Kazekage they have produced.

Higashi family members are first and foremost seen as good leaders - and as such, are often found in positions of power, or heavily involved with village politics. Few people possess the magnet release, while the most of its members have the sand release.

[A/N : most of the information above is directly from wiki]