Chapter 6


[ Sunagakure ~ Kazekage tower]

( General )

The Kazekage called the members of his council, the council consists of the five great clans, the civilian representatives and the alliance representatives.

There are two civilian representatives, one for economic development or problems the other for civilian ninjas. The alliance is the combination of families with power and the smaller clans coming together for political reasons, there are three spokesmen that stand for the alliance.

When all the council members gathered, an elderly woman with black eyes and lavender coloured hair tied in a bun, She wears the traditional Sunagakure outfit which consists of a dark coloured, loose fitting outfit with a poncho-like top, this person is Elder Chiyo a famed puppeteer, the leader of Sunagakure's Puppet Brigade, and a medical-nin, she represents the Chikamatsu Clan.

Elder Chiyo asked," Lord Kazekage for what reason have you called upon the council ?"

The third Kazekage replied," I'm sure each and everyone here knows of the upcoming war.

With the mention of war the council members face turned from confusion to seriousness.

The third Kazekage continued," In a few years there will be a full scale war, so I called all of you to discuss of the preparations we have to make.

They then continued to speak about the things to purchase, strategies to use and the number of ninjas The land of wind has.

After discussing of the preparations the Kazekage brought the matter of the Suzuki Family assassination.

Third Kazekage," Last week, I received a report saying every member of Suzuki family was murdered with the exception of the youngest son. With this matter at hand how should we proceed?".

One of the alliance spokesmen named Alec answered," with the assassination the import of food and water to Suna will be brought to halt for a while, meaning we will be at loss, so I recommend that we solve the problem early.

The Civilian Representative for economics then suggested,"With the amount of money the Suzuki, I don't think the young boy can spend so much, I recommend that we take 3/4 of the amount to sponsor the war."

All the members of the council couldn't help but agree, since none of them wanted to waste their wealth, especially in the time of war.

Kazekage said," With that said, taking most of the Suzuki family's weath would fix the problem right ? after the war we will try and return what is left of it .

(A/N : I didn't know how to put it so I just wrote some stuff then poof* this came⬆️)



[ Suzuki Family House]

( Zed POV)

It's been four days since I return from the hospital. In the last four days I learnt about how this Village works. This village is led by the Kazekage who has the magnet release and is hailed as the strongest.

Although the Kazekage is the leader, there are the five great clans that also stand strong, out of the five, three of which helped in the creation of the village giving them big political power.

I didn't even know Suna had a clan with dojutsu.

Civilians are led by the civilian representatives, this is the category I fall under, everything I do will be reported to them.

I also noticed the alliance spokesmen, it's similar to konoha trio the ino-shika-cho. The alliance also holds significant amount of power but but nowhere near the great five.

In reference to the anime I used to watch, I always thought that Suna is weak but they are very packing.

If the land of wind or Sunagakure have all this, I can't help but wonder what kumo, water and stone do have.

Another major factor is that Sunagakure has almost similar village structure as konoha be it political or military wise. Suna give maximum priority over talented children, the educational system is different from what I imagined.

After passing the entrance test there are no class grouping, both clan and civilian children are arranged to be in same class in the first, I wonder what building is big enough to fit all the children.

After the first year there would be a test so that, the children are divided into 4 classes the A class which has only the best students, the B class with very good students, C class that has above average students and lastly the D class with average scores. For those who don't pass there are sent to the reserve class, there they are given the lowest of everything.

In the 3rd year every single student is given their paths to choose examples taijutsu path, all rounder, medical-nin , genjustu and many others but the books I read didn't write have the rest.

In their 4th and final year they are trained in their various paths by their sensei. They will be given 3 or 4 test to complete before graduation, first is mastering transformation, shuriken throwing written exam and the 4th is a survival training for only A class and B class to participate, in the test examiees are trapped in area full of traps for a day, their goal is to find their way out.


"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." – Inspirational Quote by Vince Lombardi