Chapter 7



[ Suzuki Family House ]

( Zed POV)

I'm sitting on the floor with no shirt on, showing my non existent 6 packs, thinking about how It's been a week since I returned home, I've gathered and read what I want to know about this village or what this village wants its people to think. Currently I have no means of knowing extra detailed information or secrets, it's not like my family has some super secret spy or guards that can do extra ordinary things.

Anyway knowing all this information made me more knowledgeable about the Sand, but in reality I can do shit if I'm weak, I'm so weak that even some people close to my age can beat me till I forget my own name. Sigh, there isn't much I can do on my own anyway. Well the Mystic book thing in my head won't unlock, I think it's because of my age and weak body.

So I've decided to start with chakra and some training, when the mystic arts is unlocked I'll focus on it.

I'm from earth, and earth doesn't have any information about chakra . So I'll ask Old man Ito, since one can open his or her chakra at 4 I'm sure I can plus old man Ito was a ninja. I don't know much about him but I can tell by the way he moves that he is a retired ninja.


( General )

Old man Ito is in the hall looking at the portraits hanging there, and by looking at the his face you can tell that he misses or feels sad about it. Since the portraits were the faces of the dead members of the the family has served for a long time and is still serving.

Old man Ito clenched his fists then said to himself," If only I was there, maybe just maybe all of you would have been here taking care of Zed the young master. I have so much regrets *sob*."

Tears were slowly flowing from his eyes, after a short while he took a handkerchief then clean the tears, clenched his fists then said," I promise to take care of Zed to the best of my abilities."

Zed entered the hall looking for his butler, when he found him, he asked," Mr.Ito I've looked for you everywhere," then folded his hands in a childish manner.

Old man Ito then replied ," well you did a pretty bad job young master since I've been here all along.

Zed ignored his words and said in a childish manner," uncle Ito can you teach me to become a ninja?". Zed internationally added uncle to his name so that he accepts his request, he was playing with the old man's emotions.

Old man ito smiled and said," I'll help train you big and strong hahaha. But right now you are still recovering, maybe in a week I'll start.

He continued saying," Since you will be resting the entire week, I get one of the maids to send you books based on chakra, what chakra is and how to unlock it.

Although Zed knew what chakra is he sheepishly asked," what is chakra ?" Then turned is head to sides a little making him look curious.

Once again the Old man said," Chakra is what you are going to study on this week, but I'll give you a hint, it is what helps ninjas make fire, water and other cool things.

When Zed heard this he stared at him with excitement, nodded then left.


[ Sunagakure ]

[ 1 week later ~ Suzuki Family house]

( Ito POV)

As Ito was walking he thought to himself ,'I'm a little intrigued, why ? Because of the young master. I know kid's his age will read books then close it back again to do something else since there are very little pictures in the books I sent, but he read every since book and that in shocking speed.'

I first sent small size books with simple explanations but he finished it less than 30 minutes, I tested him again by sending middle size books and he finished it in very few hours.

( A/N: 2 or 3 hours, who knows how big their middle book size is? Don't look at me I'm just writing about him, I've not been there🤷🏾‍♂️.)

Then I continued to send it in an orderly manner till the elderly books, which he simply pushed the book back to the maid it before he even opened it.

I laughed at his actions because it was something I expected, even grown ups find it annoying to read it.

I'm on my way to young master's room, since today I'll be letting him do some physical exercises before he unlocks his chakra, well opening someone with a weak body's chakra can hurt the person, so having so decent training first can help him unlock it faster and might even have an advantage or two.

[A/N :I'll add some inspirational quotes each chapter to help those that need it ]

~Winston Churchill :

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.~