Chapter 8

A beautiful morning in Sunagakure the faint chirping of birds, golden rays of sunshine, the sand all around the village shaped by the nighty wind into beautiful arts.

A beautiful morning tells, in various beautiful ways, that everyday of our life is a new beginning.

The glittering sunrays spread various hues of shiny silvers and golds.

Embrace each day at a time and just see the various treasures it unfolds…


[A/N : I'm tired of calling the butler old man Ito, so I'll just call him Ito]

[ Suzuki family house]

( General)

As Ito was making his way into zed's room, Zed was sitting on a chair beside his bed thinking deeply. After a few minutes Ito made it to his young master room, he knocked after receiving response he entered the bedroom, then proceeded to greet him.

Ito said to Zed," I believe it is time for your training to begin, so meet me at the the outside compound, remember to put on clothes suitable for training.

Zed nodded and went to change his clothes quickly, while Ito left his room.

When Zed arrive outside he saw different tools, weight lifts and other equipments that made him question if the man is twin brother of one piece vice admiral Garp.

Ito was wearing a military attair, to Zed this scene could only be described with one word ' torture'.

Ito said to me," there are various equipments that will help me with your training, for starters you won't stand with weight lifting and other heavy training that will strain your growth, for now you will start with light exercises.

Light exercises include ; Push ups, running, sit ups and some other easy training. After two months I'll help you unlock your own chakra.

So how many


( Zed POV )

When he mentioned light training I remembered a classic cliche scene ,'where the gentle people around you have a bit of sadist sides,' I know I know running and push ups are training, but to call them light training!!

That's utter nonsense. In my past life I struggled to even do 10 pushups. i was gifted with a body no matter how much I ate I never got fat so I look pretty much normal with very little muscles.

While I was complaining in my heard I heard a voice from the sky saying," that's what you get little shit."

Wait wtf," Ito did you hear that ?

Ito," nope."

'It must be me hearing stuff, anyway why the hell do I have to wait two months.'

So I asked," why do I have to wait two months ?

Ito said, " Young master both your parents were not ninjas, there were both civilians with privileges unlike clans, civilians have low potential and very few can pass a specific level, this training will help boost your chakra level when you first open it.

When he said that i was shocked, why ? Because in the series no manga there was no such thing as chakra opening boost training ( the name sucks ).

Though I was shocked I didn't show it, I just nodded and asked for the training schedule.

He told me to start with some basic stretches then, that with running around the compound 15 times which is pretty big. After that I do 30 push ups and 30 sit ups for 2 months.

He also mentioned something about setting a diet and an eating schedule for me, to help me adjust to what he prefers.


[ Suzuki family house ~ 2 months later]

( Zed POV)

*Hahh hahh hahh*. Phew I'm done with today's daily quota. It's been two months already. Well I hope this training pays off, I know I won't have any massive improvement or anything extraordinary in terms of chakra, but I hope unlocking my chakra helps me open the first page of the mystic arts book.

During the start of the two months, I wanted to quit but I remembered all the future potential waifus and milfs out there waiting for me, which gave me a massive boost in strengthening my will, I'm sure I attained enlightenment. Since then I began to crave the training.

Another thing is the chakra thing, I obviously didn't believe the train shit so I tried to open it myself but I felt nothing, no warm feeling no butterflies in my body, absolutely nothing so I decided to wait for me to finish the schedule.

That's what happened till today.

'Very soon Ito will come so I better take a shower before he gets here to help me unlock my chakra.'

( Ito POV )

I'm really happy, I'm satisfied with young masters progress, I gave him the training assignment to help him improve in the physical department.

To say the truth I wanted to test his resolve, because lots of people are all talk but no action. So I tried to intimidate him by bringing all those equipments out, then I gave him some basic exercises.

I thought he would quite halfway through the training but, be persistented throughout the training schedule surprisingly, it seems I underestimated him. His current body and training will help him get a better grip on chakra control then moment he unlocks it.

i don't really expect him to have genin or Chunin chakra level since, he doesn't have any ninja descendant in his family. I hope he isn't disheartened.

Today is the day I help him take the first step towards his goal of becoming a ninja. If only Tom and Lena was here.

( I forgot to mention Zed's parents name so I just wrote this)