Chapter 9


[ Sunagakure ~ Suzuki Family house ]

( General)

Ito called Zed to come out of his room since they were going to unlock or unlock his chakra and let it run freely his body, since he was eager .

Zed quickly came out of the bath, quickly clean his body then wore a white shirt with the land of wind symbols on it and black shorts. He dashed to the training area since Ito didn't tolerate nonsense especially when it comes to punctuality.

Ito is a well trained butler, and being a butler requires lots of training, because it has lots of areas one needs like ; patience, punctuality, etiquette, and lots of other requirements. Because of this the training he was giving Zed was not only strength but attitude and Character.

Zed experienced this first hand at the start of his training, he didn't change much since working as an accountant in his first life also dealt with punctuality.

Zed reached the training area where Ito was ,

Ito was wearing his signature butler attire, a special long sleeve black shirt with black trousers well tucked in.

Ito with a small grin said," Young master please take a seat."

When Zed sat down Ito told him to explain what chakra is, as understanding it will help him control it.

Since zed wanted to show of what he learnt, with a smug he repeated what he learnt word by word which goes : Chakra is created when two more primal energies, known collectively as one's "stamina", are moulded together. Physical energy is collected from each of the body's cells and can be increased through training, stimulants, and exercise. Spiritual energy is derived from the mind's consciousness and can be increased through studying, meditation, and experience.

Ito let out a satisfactory smike since his young master memorized an adults definition and recited it with such ease.

Ito," Chakra at the start when open is weak but

as time goes on and if the person continues to train with it, the person gradually becomes more powerful which will in turn make the created chakra more potent.

Therefore, practising a technique repeatedly will build up experience, increasing one's spiritual energy, and thus allowing more chakra to be created. As a result, the ninja is able to do that same technique with more power. This same cycle applies for physical energy, except the ninja needs to increase their endurance instead. Some unique individuals have substantial potential that enables them to exponentially increase their chakra reserves in a relatively short amount of time."

After talking about chakra, they proceeded to the part where Zed unlocks his chakra.


[ Suzuki training area ]

(  Zed POV )

'They say a journey of a 1000 miles behind with the first step. Well my journey starts today no matter what I'll reach my goal.

While I was deluding myself with inspirational quotes back in my world, Ito was still saying something about chakra that I zoomed out of, anyway I'll search for inspiration quotes in this world and compare them to mine.

Ito finally said to me," Young master cross your legs and bring your hands together.

I quickly did as he said then heard Ito continue," Close your eyes and try to feel the energy deep withing you"

I did as he said and for about 15 minutes I didn't feel shit. So I continued to wait or let's say meditate with the way I'm sitting.

[ 2 hours later ]

I began feel some warm feeling deep inside my body, so I concentrated at that point, then slowly with the guidance of Ito I let it flow within my body through opening my tenketsu. I let the process go on for about a while, the process was wholesome. Chakra is ordinarily not visible to the unaided eye unless it is highly concentrated or manifested in large amounts.

Near the end of the process I recalled the words that old woman said ( soul guide ) about how my talent with chakra will be low, so I quickly checked my amount and i was a little speechless. The amount was not much, let's just say it wasn't even up to academy level.

Haah~ It seems I've to work hard for my Chakra related skills. Since chakra is essential to even the most basic jutsu, various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, chakra can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire, or creating illusions.. 

I quickly wrap the process up, as soon as I finished and opened my eyes, I felt something in my head open, I didn't check immediately since I'm doing my chakra stuff now . I decided to check it later when I'm alone.  For now I'm concentrating on what Ito will say.


( Ito POV )

'It's been 2 hours and 16 minutes since the young master started the process and he has unlocked it, well I'm not to surprised since lots of children unlock it around that time.

Hmm though I expected him to have more chakra but what he has is enough, he is lucky to have more time on his hands. I'll break him down and rebuild him. It looks like he is done.

I said in a calm manner," Congratulations on unlocking your chakra, from onwards your true tor* ahem training starts, that is if you want to be powerful in future.

I continued," Do you want power !? Do you !?

He vigorously nodded.

I then patted his head saying ," Don't worry young one Daddy Ito will show you the way."

[ Author: Ayo wtf 👁👄👁...virus alert ]