Chapter 10

While our protagonist had finally unlocked his chakra and is currently jubliating, at the same time there was a nervous atmosphere in the land of fire .


[ Land of Fire ~ Konoha : Uchiha Clan  ]

( General )

There are occasions that can make one nervous and excited at the same time, one of such occasions is child birth, child birth can be dangerous sometimes, especially is the woman birthing the child is weak.

It can also stand for excitement, well bringing a living being into existence usually creates a happy atmosphere.

Currently the wife of the Uchiha clan leader, Mrs. Mikoto Uchiha is in the clan house, she is in the process of delivering her first born. Normally the pregnant woman should be sent to the main hospital inside Konoha, but to Mikoto there were two reasons for her giving birth inside the Clan house.

      • The first reason is security, everyone knows the Uchiha clan both in the village and world wide, there are famed for their dojutsu the sharingan and the powerful figures they have produced, with their theyare tend to have enemies both in the village and outside.


   • The second and main reason, was the time her water broke, she was in the house with servants taking care of her, the doctor informed her that in that her baby may come any moment in the next two weeks, so all her preparations were meant for the next two weeks. The distance from the uchiha clan to the hospital could he considered a large distance if the patient is pregnant.

While the wife was in the middle of delivery. Fear, stress, anxiety and a hint of excitement was the atmosphere outside the room, her husband and the elders were waiting as their Leader's wife was giving birth to their first child, hopeful a boy.

In the room, they don't hesitate to lower the curtains. Midwives usually have lamps to auscultate the pregnant woman, mikoto  was pushing with all her might. It didn't take long for the child's completely come out.

They soon covered her body with a warm cloth as this was also a part of the favorable conditions to good progress during delivery. Mothers who give birth are often cold.

When the cries of a baby was heard the father burst into the room with full speed, it was so fast that the author will use it as a reference when shishui of the body flicker becomes known.

The head of the clan, Fugaku Uchiha reached for his child and said," You will be name Itachi Uchiha," since his wife was left unconscious from all the fatigue hence she couldn't name him.

Later the leaders of other clans came to congratulate Fugaku for his wife's successful delivery.

The birth of Itachi Uchiha, a future rival and ally in the future of our dear main character.


[ Sunagakure  Kazekage tower ]

It was getting dark in the Land of wind or as some call it Sunagakure, civilians and ninjas getting ready to go back home after a long day's work. Meanwhile, at the Kazekage tower, there was a middle aged sitting on his chair with one hand on his chin.

The third Kazekage, he was sitting there thinking to ,' I'm so tired, everyday new problems, every single day!! Today this, today that on top of that there is war looming. Right now the war is at it's infant stage. The smaller villages are making alliance and contracts with each other to help fight the war.

The Kazekage continued to ponder on the matter of the war,' Everyone knows that in terms of development village development Suna is way behind most of the villages, just when the projects started problems starts occurring.

'I suspect that this war will last for a very long time compared to the previous one. Since none of the Bigger villages are rushing, the smaller ones while be here for a while  maybe 2 or 3 years. I really wish this war doesn't happen or ends fast. '


[ Sunagakure ~ Suzuki compound ]

  ( Zed POV )

It's been a few hours since, I unlocked my chakra and I can't help but feel different, I feel stronger on top of that I feel the training I did sink in. Now that I've completed my first step, my second is to train and find out more information about what's going on.

For the information I'll have Ito gather some I mean the guy is a retired ninja, although I dunno his rank or true strength, I think he is around Hihgh Chunin or special Jonin, I can't sense his strength but I know he is strong, plus I doubt a jonin will work as a butler when he or she can earn more.

Well I'm beat, tomorrow I'll start my new training schedule, Ito will start my real training and I have no idea what he will do, but I can't help but get excited, I might check later if I can use mystic arts too.

Welp I'm going to sleep, I'm just tired. Maybe I'll dream about my future weapons.

~ School is tiring though, I hope you vote more power stones~ Forgive me if there are mistakes as I've not gotten time to go through it myself.