Chapter 11

Another day in Sunagakure, this time the atmosphere was a little cool, days like this are what the Citizens really love. The sky was dark and cloudy, in other words it is an overcast day.

The village was quiet and calm, even though it was early in the morning the morning the sky was sunless and dull, the atmosphere felt gloomy .

Another thing was people found it difficult to get out of bed, one of them being Zed Suzuki. Getting out of bed can be a pain especially if the weather is cool making you bed and pillows extra comfy .


[ Suzuki family house -, Zed's Bedroom ]

Getting out of bed while, cursing in a low tone is Zed.

( Zed Pov )

' I'm really starting to hate this world, it's like the world itself doesn't let you do something in peace, this world loves disrupting peace even in bed. Now I'm going to look for that chicken that screamed.'

I got up from his bed and moved into the bathroom, well I looked into the mirror and you can see bags under my eyes, even my eyes are red from not getting enough sleep. I splashed some water onto my face so I could clean it. After clean myself I'll go back and check the requirements for my mystic arts.

' Bathing in warm water helps lift the mood, damn I sure took my time. Anyway let's check that damn mind book thing.' I carefully sat in a lotus position and * voom* I'm in my mind scape again.

'Yesterday I unlocked my chakra, so I guess something might have happened because what I'm reading now is a whole different type of crazy. You know when you watch or read some nice anime right ? And you get into the anime and try to do the same and you don't understand a single thing you get it ? Nah you don't cause I'm the one who is experiencing this shit. Damn i don't understand a woop.' Now listen to what happened.

When I entered my mind scape, I saw I big book with one page open, when i read it, I only understood where it said," let it flow freely as the energy is inexhaustible, it's always there and will always be there". And another saying," the body is what limits the amount you can use.

Now back to what I said earlier, 'the book is crazy, well there were other stuff like; drawings of the human body, some vague explanation and the feeling one gets.'

I get what it meant but how so you expect me to use or get the meaning in it when you only said this, hmm if not for watching the movies back in my first life, I'll be crying right now.

'In the movies the users of the mystic powers, draw energy from  a dimension. Right now that's what I don't get I understand that much but, recalling the body thing, makes me feel like my body is too weak to handle the power. Currently

I won't draw conclusions but I think with a powerful enough body I'll unlock more pages to help me.

Now onto my Chakra, honestly it's seriously low, not like Lee's but low, well I didn't expect to get genin level chakra straight, but it's a little depression.' Anyway look on the bright side, low chakra means less difficulty in chakra control, plus starting out with less doesn't mean I'll have low forever, the more I grow and train the more benefits I reap.

While thinking I heard a loud voice calling out to me, it was none other than my maid, a woman probably in her late 40s, saying," Young master, your butler has called you to come outside and meet him in the training room or else he will send more elderly notes on the history of  Elder Zunhuti."

I hurriedly ran out of my room while inwardly gave a lound cry,' damn you Ito, who the f*** want's to read about Zunhuti, it's so boring that my perfect memory cencersoed it whenever I recall it. Well Zunhuti is the one who introduced the education system of Suna. I wish he was still alive so that I beat the shit out him.


[ Suzuki training area ]

An elderly man wearing a solider attire was waiting for his student while holding onto a cain.

When Zed entered the area he sensed someone swinging something at him so he quickly dodged it by rolling to his left side.

After the sudden suprise attack Zed quickly got up, clean his shirt and scream at Ito saying,"What was that for ?".

Ito crossed pointed the cain at him then said," It seems you have good instincts." Completely ignoring his young master question.

Ito continued speaking shamelessly ignoring Zed's previous words again ," Today we will work on your control and stamina, in the ninja world opponents can fight for hours and hours sometimes almost a day. Right now your stamina is quite lacking, you can't even run around this compound 30 times. How can you call yourself a ninja trainee.

Now don't argue by saying that you've 4 years old. "

" I once heard that there was a student who graduated the ninja academy at the young age of 5 breaking the records of the youngest student to graduate in his village and the other big 4 villages, he goes by the name kakashi Hatake a ninja of the land of fire ( Konoha ).

Suddenly Zed got quiet, since he already knew Kakashi, Kakashi the once in a generation Shinobi, the future copy ninja. Kakashi in his younger days was fire, unlike the naruto manga where he was old and portrayed weak atthough he was a jonin.

Zed's butler Ito stroked his beard like a cultivation grandmaster and added," in life one must have short term and long term goals.

For the long term you figure out yourself, but right now I want you to remember that young genius everytime you train, it will help you train hard. So surpass you goddam limits."

~ sigh I have to write another batch of chapters today. Vote more power stones. ~

I'll start two new projects maybe in the next two months, 1 on MHA and the other on Jujutsu kaisen, man the manga is such a twist . It is perfect for writing Fanfics( Hot girls nice plot and sick fight scenes)