Chapter 12


[ Sunagakure ~ Suzuki Training area ]

[ Timeskip : 6 months ]

It was a sunny day a boy about 5 years old was sweating all over, with self made dumbbells in his hands lifting it one after the other, the dumbbells the boy was using was made in a way that it won't strain his growth but would rather help strengthen his muscles.

( Zed POV )

97, 98, 99, 100 ~whew haa haa*~ 'I'm dead beat, even it's been 6 months and I can't still get used to this training, that damn Ito, all these difficult training yet he calls them child's play, I swear I've never seen him train'. I'm so tired lemme lie down.

I've been in this world for a while now, I really miss the old one though, I miss my mangas and animes I never really finished, I also miss the internet .' I thought I wouldn't but it seems I was wrong. * Sigh*'

Shaking my head I discard the thoughts of earth.

Now onto that annoying teacher that old man, I going to beat him hands down when I grow strong, his training is terrible, I've not even leant a single jutsu, I don't even know my elements even though there is chaos brewing. Well come to think of it ,'alot has happened in the last 6 months, many things happen both major and not really important stuff, obviously there were pros and cons in what happen.'

• The first and foremost is the buildup towards the main event of the war, well not much happen but I can tell that in three years it will happen. Well what happen left me suprised, I was left surprised because from what I recall in my past life there was no such thing, this led me to recall what the soul guide told me once again that this version of naruto I'm in is an AU.

Someone leaked a classified secret of the leaf village. We all know that during the 2nd ninja war the Uzumaki clan was destroyed leaving very little members like 4 or 5, but  that wasn't what happened the high ups of the leaf village managed to sneak hundreds of Uzumaki members into their village, onto of that changing their hair colour from red to black. Nobody knows the methods used to secretly sneak these members.

• The Second is also related to the war but this is mostly focused on Suna, from the first ninja war till now, there hasn't been any changes in regards to the Ninja academy till now, right now the Village is desperate to raise talented students, so they introduced new policies and chances to help get more students both talented and average.

They introduced a new system that allows one to go to the school at an early age, but he or she must be highly talented, the individual will go through lots of test and challenges before he or she is selected. And if selected the individual will be allowed to learn some more advanced jutsu, better trainers for the last one thr person will be introduced into the Anbu of the The village.

•  The last well it is about me, mainly the training the old man gave me, it's nothing but hell, this led me to a new conclusion or hypothesis. Well back on earth the the training an adult does is nothing but child play here in the shinobi world, 100 push ups is no small feat but I've been forced to go through this shit, I was even forced to lift some weird shaped rock hmh I almost died that day I literally saw the lights flash before my eyes.

Since then I designed dumbbells , it was nothing really difficult to make , I told my butler to find a blacksmith, then gave him the layout of what I want.


( Zed POV )

This Au is kind of freaky, it feels so different, every village is so strong, but in quality and quantity. I somehow wished that some of the villages were weak.

Well I thought that in this war Minato, sannins, Kakashi, Pakura and some few ninjas will really shine. But from the likes if it I suspect that there will be many unknown people that might shine in this war.

I too want to shine in this war, albeit I'm too young and weak but with potential.

Since Sunagakure added the early academy thing, I'll try and join so that I at least get sent to the battle.

Aside from these, well I developed some skills of my own here and there, I also finally figured out how to get access to the mystic energy.

~ well I'll explain his skills he learnt and all. Also how he figured out his to get access to the mystic energy how he will use it and much more stuff.

vote some power stones