Chapter 13


[ Sunagakure - Suzuki training area ]

Flashback 2 months

( Zed POV )

'My training is paying off, I can feel myself getting stronger everyday both physically and mentally, I've done all sorts of training in this world, from push ups to sit ups, to running around the neighbourhood district.

I can finally say I've enough stamina to finally access the mystic arts.'

With that said I sat down in a lotus position, then calmed myself down using some breathing techniques. After coming myself down I entered my very own mind scape, I quickly flew to the side where the book is , when I finally reached the book was shining, so I waited.

After some minutes the light died down, so I finally opened it, thinking it would be some powerful spell or it was auto connecting me to the power source.

When I opened the book, it was none of those but proper understanding of what mystics arts is, not only that but charka and nature energy. It gave proper explanation for alll. Well the book didn't mention chakra or nature energy, but used other words that I replaced chakra and nature energy with.

I understood that to gain access to the mystic arts, I need proper understanding of what it is and hardcore meditation to establish the bridge that will connect me to the source.

The book stated ,"magic the practice of harnessing various forms of energy to manipulate one or more aspects of the infinite realities that are present within the Multiverse. It encompasses many different activities, including astral projection, divination, spell casting and teleportation, and includes the practices of many cultures and religions, as well as many books and writings from ancient times."

After reading this I started cursing the book in my head, because I knew all this, i was annoyed. While I was upset the book surprised me, words started appearing in an empty space in the book replying me.

"You think you know how the world works? You think that this material universe is all there is? What is real? What mysteries lie beyond the reach of your senses? "

I was visibly shaken, because the book put me into my place, it reminded of how clueless I'm.  I know nothing of how or what things work out in the world, so I kept quiet and apologised in my head then continued.


[ A/N :  Wiki information ]

( Zed POV )

After hours of reading I noted the thing that are really important to me mainly  what mystic arts is chakra and nature energy.

The book stated," Magic is divided into three different categories: Personal energies, Universal energies and Dimensional energies. Supposedly, all magic is built on the concept that all realities can be reshaped by tapping into the existing power that is found in either themselves, the Universe, or other dimensions."

Again the book stated magic, this leads me believe chakra can also be put in the category of magic knowing how it is used from ninjutsu to genjustu many more.

Nature energy included.

Book continues ," Personal energies are those derived from the life force of the user. Personal energies can only be used to power abilities developed through mental studies. Users must also learn to harness external forces through meditation techniques and train in willpower.

One of the easier sources that a sorcerer can draw power from are the Universal energies of their home dimension.

Dimensional energies are those that are drawn from other planes of existence throughout the multiverse or are bestowed upon a sorcerer from one or more extra-dimensional entities. These entities must be entreated by the users using ritualistic spells and possibly a promise, contract or sacrifice of some method. "


While the book didn't state or mention the name Chakra or nature energy, the explanations helped me narrow it down for easy understanding.

So personal energy us our individual chakra, universal energy can be brought down to Nature energy. Mystic energy, contract summon and lots of others involving other dimensions can be classified under dimensional energy.

Putting that aside let's focus on Mystic arts, well the book stated," The Eldritch Magic which is the main source utilized by the Masters of the Mystic Arts, is light-based magic that produces sparks and fiery energy in a yellow/orange color palette that is capable of gives off not only light, but also warmth. Being highly versatile, it can be used to generate constructs of tangible energy, such as melee weapons and shields, as well as to cast spells by conjuring specific formations and geometric patterns with the fiery energy. While many of these arrays of intricate holographic symbols commonly appear as disks projected in front of the caster's hands, others can appear as rings or bands that surround the caster's arms. Similarly, certain spells can manifest as an aura of arcane energy that emanates from the hands and forearms of the caster."

'In other words mystic arts is the method of harnessing and controlling what seems to be eldritch magic.'

[ This chapter is mainly to help readers connect the dots, of how mystic arts can be connected to the shinobi world ]