Chapter 14

This is the review of what happen during the 6 months, mainly how zed finally managed to connect him self to the Eldritch dimensional energy


[ Sunagakure - Suzuki Family house ]

( Narrator POV )

After learning of what the book said, Zed got quiet all of a sudden, then thought of what to do, today he learnt of what Mystic arts really is and the manipulation of the Eldritch Magic.

Zed wanted to know how he will get hold of this unlimited source of power.

Right now he already had the book to guide him, and the number of skills he has jas thought of, to him this ability, this is very important to him due to it's uniqueness; being highly versatile, it can be used to generate constructs of tangible energy, such as melee weapons and shields.

What intrigues him most is the ability to construct ability. One being the shield, because in the shinobi world rarely will you see one carrying a shield on his or he back, unless one's elemental affinity is earth, there is almost no other way to stop an enemy's attack unless you dodge it. So to Zed this one was a life saver.

Knowing this Zed began to ran his hands all over are his head looking for answers. Later he began to sit there in weird postions; one where he raises both hands sky high, one hand in up the other down, many more, well he tried but he couldn't, slowly night came so

his butler ito came to him then said , " Young master it's already late and I know you love to train, but you need to stop and rest, as rest helps your body." After the nice words Zed got up and went to bed.

The next day same results nothing, he many positions yet no results, this happened for about two weeks, in those to weeks he basically ignored everybody, even skipping classes just to try positions upon positions from meditating positions to sex positions to other various positions. Yet no answer until.....


( Ito POV )

'I thought everything will go fine with young masters traing but, he seems weird, well the first to months everything was great till he started to sit fall I love with meditation,

I don't know who thought him that, maybe the temple monks.' I quickly shook my head because young master had never been there.

'Well I didn't look into it much, I thought that young master will quickly comeback to his senses and stop as it is useless, but boy was I wrong. He started to do other positions that even I didn't think of,  but the last straw that broke the camels back was when he started to imitate adult * cough* ahem positions.' 

I kept my hand on my chin then said to myself ," Come to think of it my ichi ichi paradise new volume is missing.

As I was walking around i heard young master shouting," Yes yes yesss* damn that was good ".

Only one thing came into my mind.


( Zed POV )

After two weeks of suffering, I went back to the book, this time there was a back symbol down the page, it had some geometric patterns with the fiery energy.

See this I quickly kept my hands on the pattern, at first nothing happened but after two minutes I saw a portal opening like the ones that appear when one uses the sling ring.

As I was watching this, I felt some burning pain on my right side of my chest, I stood there gritting my teeth, after some time the pain turned into a soothing sensation, it felt warm and cool, it was like drinking chilled water after running a marathon. When the sensation  stopped I got up and shouted," Yes yes yes." For finally succeeded and later added the ," that was good "to it because they smothering sensation was nice.


•~Winning is not necessarily finishing first but finishing well, to the best of your God-given abilities. When you embrace this concept in your life, you will be relieved from the stress of competing to finish first, to win in life. Dr. Ignatius K Otchere-Asamoah, Destined to Win•~

~•Life is a gamble from minute to minute so play it today for all there is in it. The flick of an eye lash, the quirk of a smile. A good deed here and there makes it all worthwhile. So make life a garden for everyday and gather your rosebudes while you may. P. MacDonald~•