Chapter 15

Still on the six months review, now Zed has finally managed to form a bridge from the Eldritch Magic dimension to him exclusively.


( Zed )

I'm so happy I've finally managed to get this, although I've formed thr connection or bridge, I still have to train, man I wish I had instant mastery would have be really useful, instead of trying and sweating to learn a jutsu or spell, well what if the enemy dodges it ~hah~ .

I know I have to lowkey and humble for a while, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't celebrate right ? Well I'm rich so I can throw a big party, but that isn't necessary, I'll just buy some expensive dish and distribute it to my sevants, they've been doing a great job and all. Well that's decided I'll throw a small party for this happy occasion. If Ito asked me why, I'll just say," All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," in my position it can be said all train and no enjoyment can make me an emo lord which I personally find it annoying.

It's like having one friend who always ignores you ."

Zed had already forgot that Ito was next to him, losing his cool Ito landed a strong blow on Zed's head saying," Little punk it's night time go and sleep, tomorrow tou can do what ever shit you want to do," ahem " forgive me for my rudeness young master".

Zed held his head and rubbed it saying  "aww what was that for it is not like I won't sleep, if you gave me 5 minutes I would have left," Zed got up and left.

While walking towards his room he muttered to himself

"Stupid old man hmph, you are lucky to be single if not hmph".


[ Six months conclusion]

°Narrators pov•

Well as time went on Zed developed in various places, especially his mystic arts, he didn't really learn many spells with such little time just a few here and there ;

The first was •Mystic bullet• : is a concentration of mana that is launched at an opponent, the user manifests and concentrates their mana on their hand. Subsequently, the user can launch the mana towards an opponent, blasting them away.

These magic blasts could be focused into beams, enlarged into explosive shells, or condensed into sniper shots.

But for now Zed cannot make beams or enlarged explosive shells since he has little control of the eldritch energy.

Second is a •Explosive step• :as this gives him an immediate speed burst that allows him to get close to the opponent, this skill is different compared to body flicker, because this skill literally courses the energy generated by the user to collide behind him granting the gift of catching his opponent off guard .

Well so far this is what he has managed to accomplish, well Zed isn't totally focusing on mystic arts, chakra, chakra control and physical strength too as he needs strength, well look at the Raikages infact all of them, buff and strong like bulls and elephants, no matter what you throw at them they keep coming, even Rock Lee and Maito guy those people are truly monsters.

To Zed, Rock Lee was the strongest among his generation during the academy if he took of his weight, with this in mind Zed trained day and night, but as people say,' explosive strength comes during puberty,' so no matter how he trains he can't be an op shota.

Look at Naruto, Sasuke and others, all breaking their limits in their teens. Although Zed trains he can't sudden break his limits, right now he is about a high academy student but that doesn't mean he won't train as having a strong foundation is the best, It is just like building a house.

With this Zed's training for his first 6 months came to an end, right now he has exactly a year and some weeks before the Star exams (basically exams for geniuses).

He may have mystic arts but other people have kekkei genkai too so he shouldn't get cocky.


( Ito Pov )

'Well the last few weeks have brought me smiles, the Young master's will and determination has made me more happy, I don't really know what he does when he hides in his room doing but i can that he is improving.'

'If only he had more chakra, for now his control is good I'll  teach him a few moves then later add some f or e ninjutsu training for him, he seems too eager to learn those.'

Well he is now 5 years so I can't or I shouldn't think too much, hmm I should probably go and make preparations towards new year for him.

[ Some say it's slow but, fret not I need a good world building, as I've not really done a good job on that, but don't worry my boy Zed will finish the academy hopefully by chapter 30 ]

[ I hope this Chapter is good, I forgot some details but I hope it's good. This was made in a rush 🕞]