Chapter 16


( Zed  POV )

Getting up I said to myself 'well I feel like I'm not progressing like how I thought I would well.'

Shaking my head and lightly slapping my cheeks I continued," Today is a new day, quite a beautiful day I shouldn't ruin it with negative thoughts' then I proceeded to bath.

After bathing and getting dressing I headed down stairs to get some food and do my daily training. I saw Ito waiting for me so I hit him with a hello and asked" Hey Ito can you teach me advanced ninja moves and most importantly ninjutsu, up until now I don't even know my own nature affinities ".

After a few .injuries of silence the man sighed and responded," You are too young for the moves I wish to teach you but don't worry I'll add some slight ones to make you stronger than your peers and about ninjutsu I'll teach you when you get the moves I teach you correct, to put it simply I'm not supposed to teach you because the academy will but I'll reward you with it if you perform well enough."

I put on a smile then proceeded to do the daily routines...Just like that time flew by

[ 3 months later ]

It seems I've 9 months remaining till I go write the star exams, I don't know what we will do there actually, because the manga didn't say anything about it, for now I know it's a boarding base teaching meaning I won't be home for three years, living in the facility provided for us.

Looking up to the sky, I sighed to myself since I really wished I didn't go, 'I'll sure miss home, I just wish the academy isn't as strict as the police academy I was in back on earth, the place was too strict, the slightest mistake or accident you will be punished, something like having prescribed shoes, hairstyle and attire and others. '

'Well it also had it's fun especially when one of your mates slip up, that one time during training drill my roommate accidentally fell down when climbing walls, dude fell down so hard I had to pause my climbing session to laugh' ~zehahahah ~

[QQ :( who's laughter is this ?)]

Those were the good old days, no matter how you hate your school, you will always reminisce the fun stuff. All in all I wish my time in the academy is both fruitful and less strict at least in terms of police academy.

These three months I not only managed to get information of the star academy but I also trained really hard, I mainly focused on learning hand to hand combat techniques and some jutsu.

For the hand to hand combat it was named

The cobra style taijutsu as it is said to be a powerful technique, this taijutsu style had strike hard, strike fast and the cobra movement technique.

The strike hard was sending chakra into your fist to hit your opponent only to make it vibrate when it hits your opponent, the more chakra you use send the more damage. The strike fast dealth with agility and accuracy more.

The snake movement technique was the combination of the first to styles but with the movements of a snake, making it easy to dodge and predict opponents.

Learning this hand to hand technique was real shit as I had to keep hitting the sand in a pot till I got enlightenment, if I hadn't seen chinese action movies before I wouldn't have gotten it right, I only know the basics of these techniques, as I don't really care about hand to hand combat, I'd rather learn swords or kunai.

For the jutsu he taught me just one, which is the body replacement justu, it didn't take much time for me to learn the jutsu, I mean it was my first jutsu so I was a little pumped up to learn it. After mastering it I asked for another one which Ito told me he will teach me only when I've completed the next task of assignments.


Narrator POV

Currently the world was at the peak of danger outside the Suzuki House, ninjas truly performing their original jobs which is assassinations, assassination are happening here and there among the high ups of both main and small villages. Everyone knows the war between the small villages and the big ones have unofficially started.

Business men and women know that during the time of war a lucky person's business can suddenly bloom due to the resources being scarce, resources such as fruits, foods, weapons and animal everything becomes difficult but the lucky person can take advantage of this situation and make a fortune out of it, and the unlucky ones drown in failure .

While the outside world had started to descend in chaos, Zed was peaceful training..... again time waits for no one, without actually noticing 6 months quickly flew