Chapter 17

It was a peaceful morning in the Suna village, the air was cool and the streets were slowing starting to become full.


[Sunagakure - Suzuki family]

( Zed POV)

I sat on the bed looking around. The room was filled with books and clothes, with very few decorations. As I continued to look around I noticed a certain book my grown up chakra books I used to read, as I saw it I began to recall What happened in the in the past. I gave a light chuckle and proceeded to do my morning routine.

Normally I would have gone to my bathroom to bath and get ready, but I changed my ways after finding out mediating in the morning helps one build up control, since meditation involves clearing the mind. Control is something that  really helps in using chakra or my mystic arts.

Well let's go back to the time I really got into learning to control my chakra ;

One faithful day I had enough of not learning ninjutsu so I said to Ito," Why don't you teach me ninjutsu !! I would have enough power to deal with enemies when I'm surrounded".

Ito responded like a wise sage," In life one needs timing make correct choices, and in ninjutsu if you manage to get into the academy you will be taught."

But I Zed Suzuki won't tolerate no for an answer so I proceeded to big him everyday for a month! One whole month of bugging, one can't act all smart and too known in life as shamelessly and persistence is also essential, just like how I bugged my friend to borrow his car when I went to pick up girls.

When Ito finally gave in, he proceeded told me that I need proper grasp of my chakra to be able to use ninjutsu and that he will give me some exercises to help me out.

When it comes to ninjutsu he started with chakra control, he told me to start with the leaf forehead sticking training, so I being a good student started focusing on the tenketsu at the center on his forehead, keeping it and slowly bringing the leaf in his hand just above the tenketsu. Then releasing the leaf to see if it sticks to the forehead. If it is not sticking then I will try it till I  gets it.

After doing this method for a while, I moved onto tree climbing, this training method used to gain more skills with chakra control. This training involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, the user will lose their footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, the user will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree to break around the point of contact and the user will fall. The concept of this exercise is similar to magnetics.

I tried this concept of training with the Eldritch energy, but it was not really helpful so I tried a different approach for it. So i started create, shape and manipulate the energy I form in my palm, the constant use can cause fatigue. Eidritch energy is a power that one may need to study.

The strength and quantity of energy depends on the influence and authority one has.

I practiced day and night till I had acceptable results, I may not have near perfect chakra control but I will get there in some years to come. My situation is quite unique I have and unlimited source of power that I find it difficult to control and a very limited source of inner energy that I'm trying to achieve total control.

Learning to control my chakra and limitless Eldritch energy was only half of my 6 months training, the second was weapon training, which was mostly kunai, shuriken and lastly sword training.

During my training with the Kunai, shuriken and sometimes senbon throwing, i really wanted to master it like how Sasuke and other Uchiha could, well it wasn't really difficult since I was very good at darting in my previous life so I just mastered the basics, after some months of training I started to hit the bullseye whether moving or standing targets.

During one of my training drills with Ito, which was similar to dodge balls just throwing and dodging, when the start sign was raised i immediately started to throw various skurikens to the sky and other directions, later throwing kunais to hit the skurikens causing it to change its course , it came from left, right and sky all targeting Ito, the kunais was coming at such speed that Ito was forced to use earth wall ninjutsu to block and dodged the others.

After that incident I saw the way and the way was bukijutsu, I was really interested in it, bukijutsu has massive potential, I mean look at Kinshiki Otsutsuki, the guy managed to learn the art of weapons to such an extent that he could make one out of pure chakra.

[ A/N : Tool creation technique can be classified as ninjutsu though]
