Chapter 18


[ Sunagakure – Suzuki Mansion]

[ Normal POV ]

During the six months training Zed received a letter from one a certain genin ninja. In the letter he was informed of the soon to be visit of the economic civilian representative, the letter stated that the visit was important, aside from that there was nothing else in the letter that was related to the main reason.

Obviously Zed was confused with the sudden visit. why ? Because Zed hasn't done anything that would draw attention to himself, his training is done inside the house at the training grounds, neither has he even started selling products he remembers from his past life. This made Zed a little nervous.

To Zed it was like sitting in you apartment and all of a sudden to hear the police knocking on your door asking for permission to enter. In these kind of situations one can't reject of say no to the visit rather it's another way of saying inevitable visit . Since Zed came into this world he hasn't met any person of powerful backing and on top of that not being prepared.

Zed quickly told his maids and other servants to clean and arrange the house for tomorrow's visit, everything must be perfect since I want to present myself in a way that he will acknowledge me even though I'm 5 years old.

[ Long story short : it's the next day ]

( Zed POV )

I'm sitting on my bed still thing of why I got the visit.

'I can't believe Ling Ren the representative of the civilian council will come to me without it being important , I know it's not to wish me condolences since the death of my parents was a way back. '

'I can't really tell what's going on here, I can only do some guesses, one being that he is here to tell me of what is to be expected when it come to the resources my parents used to sell or come here to ask for money , I mean what else will someone related to the business world of Suna do aside from that.'

Suna is very poor compared to the other big villages, they don't have the land to grow trees and rear animals, now thinking about it aside from the village being poor, very soon the Village will be at war so definitely this meeting is going to be about money.

Getting out of my room I went to make sure everything was set for the visit.

In a few hours we had a guest, an old bald looking man with a short stature was making his way into the house.


[ Suzuki Family House ]

( Ling Ren POV )


Sighing' I had to be the one, bullshit that stupid man couldn't come himself sending an old man like me to speak to a child no less than 6.

And it's the last surviving member of the Suzuki family, who was once hailed as the richest family in the village . ' I then quickly entered the house only to be met with a sight of an old man was i presumed to be the young boy by his side's butler or caretaker.

While the young one is Zed Suzuki the one I must inform of what the village has planned to do.

Zed bowed and said," it's an honour for me and my household to be blessed with your presence".

I was obviously taken a back by how well mannered the young by is.

Also also replied," With a thank you . "

I was invited to their hall , where we all sat down, me wanting to finish quickly said," I'm sure you are surprised with the sudden visit. "

I added " I'm sure your caretaker has told you of how the outside world is and how chaotic it's going to become, with that said the village has decided that with the devotion and love the Suzuki family had for the village, some of the properties and money the Suzuki I going to be donated to the village to support the war."

I know this is bullshit but I need to convince him

" With the huge amount of donations each. And every member of the late members of the Suzuki family will be made into statues for people to remember their contributions made for the village.


[ Forgive me for the short chapter ♧]

i just wrote some stuff due to my busy schedule.