Chapter 19

[ Previously ]

Lin Ren the representative of the civilian council that is related to economics, paid Zed Suzuki an important visit, during the visit Lin Ren brought up the matter regarding the use of the part Suzuki family's wealth to fund the upcoming war


[ Suzuki Family ]

( Zed POV )

"With all due respect  Mr. Lin Ren, although I would be happy with the statues built in the honour of my family so that they can be remembered people of the village, I can't just give the that amount of wealth you are asking for."

[Author  : my Japanese use of honorifics is not so good, I'll change it soon when I have time, is it Lin-sama ? ]

"You can also say the wealth my family has accumulated over the years, also server as a remainder for me and everyone in this compound. So I can't give you that amount at the cost of statues".

I thought to my self ," Do you think I'm a fool huh, Statues are made with stones, so are you telling me that I should trade that amount of wealth for something made with stones huh, thunder fire you ".

[Author: I wanna get this over with so I'll just speed up, during my vacation I'll revamp the fanfic to make it better]

After contemplating for a while Mr. Lin thought 'I see the statues may have not been enough', then replied, "ok mm Zed do you have a dream ?

I opened my mouth and said ,"Yes I do, in fact I want to be a ninja one day."

Mr. Lin thought,' Aha zehahaha I got you there', then replied ", Zed do you know I can make your dream a reality ?

Being a ninja involves lots of complex understanding and difficult but with my help I can definitely get you there. "

Zed inwardly rolled his eyes and answered with an excited expression" how do I become a ninja ?

The acting was so good that if Lin knew he would have been coughing blood.

Mr.Lin," Well I can straight up recommend you for the star training program, well every elder has 2 slots and I can use mine on you, in the Star training program you will be taught how to perform jutsus and even how to fly, so how about it, don't worry I can even get you special treatment."

( Like the ones given to the main clans of the village ). Well I'll give you other stuff as compensation

," Well the star training program is just like studying in the academy but at an early age and with better trainers and equipment, truthfully it's going to be made up of geniuses, and from where I'm sitting I can see that you have massive talent and potential".

Zed thought no wonder he is in his position this man is talented at mixing truth with lies and how to kiss ass ,'well this man's offer is good and continuous declining will lead to my downfall.'

The room stay quiet for a while.... later Zed spoke up ," How much are you guys taking."

Mr. Lin pondered over it about and answered,"  I'm sure your family's wealth is enough for you to feed on a lifetime, so around half of your family's wealth".

Zed choked on his spit then thought,' does he have shit for a brain.' After calming done and reevaluting his position he said

" I feel that the amount should he reduced a bit and more favours should be added".

Zed ,'I mean the guy is an elder, who knows he can even assassinate me later on if I keep giving reasons.'

Mr. Lin," okay how about 1.5/4 of the cash and in the future you won't have to buy an ninja equipments because it will be sent to you, and ...

After a while of finalizing the deal the discussion came to an end, Mr. Lin left the house compound.

Mr. Lin on his way out,' I forgot he was a 5 year old child, how terrifying '......


A certain maid eavesdropping came in with tears in her ," Young master you can't let him take that amount of money, it's a very big amount compared to the benefits you received. "

To with Ito replied," Well the outcome was better than expected, especially with how nice the elder was acting and how considerate he was, look here elders have power and money, ninjas work for money and their nation, so you can imagine if Young master continued to reject then he might lose his life, as in dealing with a dead family's wealth is easier than a life one."

[ Author :I somehow regret introducing the money thing, no matter how I went with the thing the money will be taken. I'm sure I'll receive some harsh comments 😕]


Present day

( Zed )

'Well the leaders of the village taking the money is something I can't fight against with my current power in both political and in strength, but hey at least I got some benefits right ? '

'Well I'll surely repay them later but now I need to go back to my training , very soon a new arc will open in my life and that is school, well I'll have to train hard.'

[ Next chapter will be an update on the world status chapter. Chapters 22 or 23 will be the start of the school arc]


[ Author : How I wish I started writing during lockdown, anyway guys remember to have a clear goal in life, having one strong clear goal will help you in life. ]