The Morning

'I think I drank way too much' Rossweisse groaned as she woke up and tried to remember what happened last night.

As Rossweisse was surveying the room she recounted the things that happened the night before.

'I remember seeing Loki-sama's look alike but I doubt it was him, then Ravel called for people to take me somewhere?' Rossweise then sat straight and tried to leave the bed but.

"Stop Moving!" Rossweisse was surprised as there was now a naked girl at the other side of the bed.

"Who! Who are you! Why are you here!?" Rossweisse panicked "I'm not a lesbian! I want a boyfriend!" Rossweisse defended herself as she thought that she couldn't do it possibly with another girl.

"Shut up you drunk Valkyrie! You were annoying all night! You kept yelling Boyfriend this Boyfriend that I couldn't even enjoy having sex!"

"Se-sex!" Rossweisse turned red at the mere sight.

"Eh? Weren't you so adamant last night?" Ishtar was surprised that Rossweisse turned coy at the moment and saw a different Valkyrie today.

"What exactly happened?" Rossweisse asked as she was trying to stay calm.

"Ask yourself you annoying cow! I'm going back to sleep! Oh and if you leave don't forget to take your clothes it reeks of Alcohol!"

"My?" Rossweisse then looked at her own body and was once more shocked as she was butt naked causing Ishtar to throw her Tiara

"I said shut it!" Ishtar's tiara eventually teleported back onto her head.

Rossweisse dodged the Tiara, nodded and started to get dressed.

'Did I lose my virginity to a girl? How!?' Rossweisse was panicking as she tried to leave but bumped into something hard.


"Already leaving?" A hand stretched out to her and she immediately grabbed it.

"Tha-thank you!" Rossweisse grabbed the hand but when she looked who it was she immediately reddened.

"You were fun last night" Shin said as he helped Rossweisse up.


"Yep, you kept insisting on a lot of things"

"Like what?" Rossweisse wanted to keep talking.

"That I'm your boyfriend and your virginity this virginity that" Shin shrugged as if it was an everyday occurrence.

"Di-did you? Take mine?" Rossweisse looked at the ground immediately as she didn't want

to ask but had to since She saw Ishtar naked.

"Did I?" Shin grabbed Rossweisse's face and looked at her straight in the eyes making the Valkyrie red as a tomato.

"I believe so!" Rossweisse then closed her eyes but at the same time living in the moment as no one had done this to her before.

"Me and Ishatr will keep it to ourselves" Shin released Rossweisse but not before pecking her cheeks "from your boyfriend" Shin then went back to the bed with Ishtar as Rossweisse ran away.

"Did you really?" Ishtar opened one eye and questioned Shin.

"Did I take hers? Nope, as much as I'd love to she was too drunk, I don't want to take advantage of drunk people unless it's you or the others" Shin then went to sleep with Ishtar but Ishtar mounted on him.

"My turn dear" Ereshkigal had swapped with Ishtar as she inserted her pussy into Shin's cock directly.

Shin grabbed her ass and started to control her hips as his cock already went deep inside her

"Kya! Someone is ready!" Ereshkigal said as she moved her hips.

"I'm not the only one whose ready" Shin said as he jammed his cock deeper into Ereshkigal

As the two were doing the deed Rossweisse came back in and saw and Ran away.

"Curse these panties!" Rossweisse cried as she immediately felt she was single again.


"What are you going to Loki?" Sirzechs asked Odin.

"I don't know, I want to teach him a lesson but"

"But he's your son?"


"May I suggest?"

"What is it Azazel?" Sirzechs asked the man and Odin was curious.

"Why not let my kids or Sirzechs' beat him?"

"That is a feasible idea, seal him in the underworld for me" Odin nodded.

"Specifically you want Rias' peerage to beat Loki up? A God against young devils?"

Azazel nodded but Sirzechs was uncomfortable.

"Just get Issei from Rias and be done with it at this point Ddraig's power isn't even needed"

"Oh? A power of a heavenly dragon not being needed?"

Odin was listening intently to Sirzechs and Azazel but ultimately decided to.

"Do what you want I'm out" Odin gave them a peace sign as he wanted to do some cultural research.

"If you have Ophis then yes, couple the fact that the Great Red is also at your beck and call I see why not? Lastly Shin is there"

"Interesting, are you not afraid that Issei will get stronger?"



"Still No"


"Nope, I don't care what he does and how he'll turn out to be, ultimately I'm betting on Shin, he hasn't even showed a fraction of his real power including his peerage, do what you must to train him but Issei is still going to be under Rias but he's not that important anymore"

Sirzechs left a bewildered Azazel who couldn't comprehend the magnitude of power Issei could bring but since they had an alliance now and he wanted peace ultimately he respected his wish to just train Issei along with Vali.


"Shouldn't you guys be doing your homework?" Ruler told Asia and Xenovia who were just relaxing.

"Ah! I almost forgot!" Asia said as she began scouring her books she brought along followed by Xenovia

"Say Ruler-san what about you?"

"I already finished mine, needless to say it was easy"

"Guess you're pretty much free huh?" Jeanne told Ruler.

"I guess so? Then I'll be leaving see you around" Ruler said as she left the room.


"So you want me to watch over them in case something goes wrong?" Shin asked Sirzechs

"That should be it, eliminate Loki if needed and show Odin your power so he won't bother"

"I think I already did that?"

"What did you do?"

"Have you heard of Mil-t"

"Don't speak that name, I've had enough of Serafall flaunting her new pawn" Sirzechs face turned downtrodden as he remembered Serafall showing him her new Magical Girl.

"Well in that case I'll inform you that He's currently playing with Loki, Issei and that blue boy?"

"Why are they play-"

"I just made them play with each other no need for more questions"

"Then I guess that's it" Sirzechs then laid back on his chair.

"All right I have somethings to do" Sirzechs waved him off

"Oh what's in it for me If I bring the head of someone important from the Khaos Brigade?"

"Just do what you want and I'll take care of the paperwork as for compensation..."


"You really don't need anything but if you want you can take anything"

"Then I'll be off"

Shin then teleported as Sirzechs went to sleep at his desk.

"I'm here" Shin said as he arrived at a broken down shrine

Shin made his steps known indicating he wanted to be found.

"Who's there!?" A voice sounded as mist started to gather around Shin.

"You don't want to do that unless you want round two and this time I'm not holding back"

"I see" the mist retracted as Georg was afraid of experiencing it again.

"Now where's that weakling of a leader you have" As soon as Shin said that a spear was headed straight towards his face but before it could reach him, he caught it and threw it back.

"Fuck!" Caocao shouted as Shin threw it with much stronger force destroying anything in its path.

"As I said weak" Shin patted of the dust on his clothes and summoned Scáthach's Gae Bolg

Shin then immediately lunged at Caocao and used Gae Bolg to Pin Caocao in the Air.

"Fuck!" Alarm bells were ringing in Caocao's head as well as the rest of hero faction who were getting ready to jump in but before they could Shin already threw Gae Bolg into Caocao

Everyone blinked their eyes as they couldn't believe that the strongest member was defeated easily.

"Caocao is dead?" Heracles asked

"No, My hand slipped" Shin said as he resummoned Gae Bolg but instead of Caocao he started moving at light speed and pinned everyone into the air the same as Caocao.

"We're gonna die!" A random member of the hero faction started yelling and caused fear and panic.

"Release them! It was me who was not polite" Caocao said with regret.

"No" Shin snapped his fingers and Purple Colored circles appeared behind him revealing hundreds of Gae Bolg ready to pierce everyone.

"I'm going to give all of you 5 Seconds to pray, that is if you all believe in them" Shin tapped his foot signalling he was counting them down


"Fuck it!" Caocao used his strength to try and get out but he couldn't.


Georg tried to use his Longinus but it too was disabled.


Heracles breathed lowly as he was about to accept his death.


Caocao had lost all his will as he accepted his fate he looked at Shin with respect as despite his age he was already strong.


Hundreds of Gae Bolg bursted out and aimed straight at their hearts


A voice was suddenly heard and the Spears stopped within a single centimetre of each and everyones hearts.

"You sure know how to summon a God"

Shin then redirected every Gae Bolg at the Man.

"Such hostility"

"You are a God of War"

"Oh you know who I am?"


"Guess no need for formalities then" Shin then released everyone from the Hero Faction.

"Georg, send us some place barren and deserted"

Georg nodded and purple mist surrounded both Shin and Indra as he teleported them to an artificial space.

"Is it over?" Heracles asked Caocao who was regaining his bearing.

"I think so, I believe Indra-sama can beat him, he is a God after all"

As soon as he said that Shin reappeared and his hand was on Indra's head and quickly threw him at the direction of Caocao.

Upon inspection the Hero faction saw that Indra was bruised and bloodied.

Shin threw a stick on to their direction.

"Break this when he wakes up and I've already put a seal in him in the case he dies I know who killed him and lastly If you guys won't leave Yasaka alone I swear this is the last time I give you a chance"

Shin then left them bewildered as Caocao had finally gotten the point to not piss him off.


Shin arrived back at the Gremory Residence only to find Jeanne (Fate) bumping into him.


"Jeanne? I thought around this time

You'd be praying now"

"I was? Anyway I have to speak to you of something"

"Sure what is it?"

"It's best we not do it here"

Jeanne led the way as Shin followed her inside.


A/N : Hello Might be releasing the new crack fic later today it is kinda slowish but eh it is another crack fic 10 chaps are ready i guess, you can visit my profile when its 12:00 A.M to check it out if you haven't seen it yet! As for its updates i'll try it for to be updated and i'm not abandoning this.