
"What happened?" Indra woke up as he was surrounded by the Hero faction.

"Georg teleported you somewhere and after a second you came back back bloodied and bruised." Caocao gave him a run down

"A Second!?" Indra was sweating as he thought he was tortured by Shin for eons

"I don't know exactly but it was just a few moments"

Indra calmed himself down after he heard what Caocao said, "What did you do to piss him off?"

Georg stepped in "We wanted to kidnap the Yokai leader of Kyo-"

Indra motioned him to stop "Was the leader a woman?"

Georg nodded and as Indra soon stood up.

"Indra-sa!" Before Caocao could say anything Indra blew him away with a punch.

"You're lucky that He showed restraint this time the next time he'll really kill you all including me, unless you lot have a good plan don't bother running up to me, I also have a kid to beat down in the future" Indra soon left.

"Should we help Caocao?" Georg asked Heracles who shrugged his shoulder as they saw Caocao was sticking onto the wall.

"I guess we have to find another plan then, tell me when Caocao is conscious" Georg and Heracles left as the other members stayed to inform Caocao.

"I feel like we're forgetting something?" Georg then looked at the stick Shin gave them hours ago.

"I think we should have broken that" Heracles said.

"We won't get killed will we?"

"Beats me"

"Let's make Caocao break it next time" Georg and Heracles nodded as they agreed to let Caocao bear the fortune of being beaten always.


"That's all?" Shin asked Jeanne as they were currently walking through the halls.

"If it isn't much for you" Jeanne held her hands at her back.

"Of course just say the word" but Jeanne shushed Shin before he could say any more things.

"I know, and I just don't want to hear cheesy things from you are we clear?" Jeanne then retracted her finger from his mouth.

"Since when did you get assertive?" Shin asked as Jeanne was leading the way.

"I can't say for sure but I've been having these dreams?"

"What kind of dreams" Shin questioned Jeanne further.

"You know those dreams that you usually have!" Jeanne pouted at Shin.

"I have lots of dreams, dreams like me owning the world, dreams like sleeping all day everyday with all of you" Shin continued to list down everything "So unless you tell me what it is I can't really help you"

"I! Oh you know what I mean!"

Shin patted Jeanne's head which calmed her down "You're different from the others so how could I know?"

"You have a point"

"So tell me?"

"Well" Jeanne played with her fingers "it's about you and me"


"We do it!" Jeanne looked down on the ground in embarrassment as she was innocent.

"I'm not sure what you meant but okay?"

"No! We get married then we immediately do 'that'!" Shin finally realized what Jeanne meant.

"When did it start?"

"Ever since the Other Jeanne came and when she gave me those manga" Jeanne tried to look away from Shin.

Shin then grabbed Jeanne's hands and looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Then let's make it a reality" Jeanne didn't know what to say or do and was dragged by Shin into his room.

"I!" Jeanne was shocked at Shin's decisiveness that she hasn't responded to him.

Shin noticed this and went closer to her and hugged her from the back.

"I can't! Not yet" Jeanne calmed herself down and held Shin's hands that were currently on her abdomen.

Before Jeanne could release herself she noticed that a ring was on her hand.

"Wait! That's not how this goes!" Even though Jeanne was innocent on things about these matters she still was a girl.

"Oh? How should it go?"

"I mean we have to do a lot of things then we do our vows then" Jeanne kept listing things like what Shin did earlier

"I do"

"I do too" Jeanne immediately replied back "No! This is not supposed to!" Jeanne's lips was immediately taken by Shin.

"Mm! Unfair" Jeanne and Shin retracted their hands but Jeanne immediately went back at it.

Shin slowly undressed Jeanne who was wearing casual clothes as soon as both of then got undressed Shin threw Jeanne on the bed.

"Be gentle okay?" As if Shin hasn't heard of that line he nodded automatically, when he went near her cave he was surprised that it was already wet.

"Someone has been ready." Jeanne hid her face behind her hands as she was caught but she yelped as Shin started to suck her chest and went down slowly.

As it was already wet Shin immediately positioned his cock over her pussy.

Shin held Jeanne's hands "You know you're about to become a woman you should watch"

Jeanne nodded and when she looked at the size she wanted to faint as she asked how it could fit her insides but she also knew he wouldn't let her faint until much later on.

"Li-like I said be-!" Before Jeanne could finish Shin plunged his cock in go making Jeanne yelp.


"If I didn't do it in one go You'd probably be screaming of pain" Shin kissed Jeanne forehead as his cock was deep inside her.

"I thought it wouldn't hurt like this" Jeanne had small tears in her eyes but Shin wiped it off.

"So how does it feel?"

"I feel nothing different" Jeanne replied curtly but she leg locked Shin which caught him by surprise "If you won't move I'll make you move!"

Shin was shocked at the sudden development 'Jalter?' but decided to ask her later right now "Oh no you don't" Shin immediately started moving his hips pounding Jeanne's cave which made her feel pleasurable.

As Shin was fucking Jeanne he sucked on her left breast and bit her nipple.

Jeanne kept moaning and she didn't expect that she would climax this soon and immediately came

"Sh-shi" Jeanne wanted to rest as her pussy was still sensitive but Shin continued to pound her instead and deeper as his cock reached the entrance of her womb.

Shin kept pounding and eventually cummed inside Jeanne when he saw Jeanne's face her hair had turned into gray.


"What are you waiting for? Do you want to stop already? Good luck at that!" Jalter immediately tightened her lock on Shin not wanting to let his cock outside of her pussy.

"Don't pass out on me Jeanne" Shin smiled as he now knew why Jeanne was aggresive sometimes.

"No you make sure you don't pass out!" Jeanne propelled her face in Shin's face and immediately took his lips.

Because Jeanne wouldn't let go of her hold Shin stood up and carried her and continued pounding her.

"Ha if you think!" Shin's cock went deeper as Jeanne was pleasured.

"And here I thought you wouldn't pass out!" Shin kept pounding Jeanne that kept cumming.

"You may! Have won the battle but I'll win the waaaa!" Jeanne cummed at the same time Shin cummed inside her.

Jeanne's hair then returned to her normal color after Shin cummed inside her.

"You look gassed?" Jeanne looked at Shin worriedly not minding on why she was in the air.

"Who said something about passing out earlier" Shin kissed Jeanne.

"Did I" Shin moved and continued to fuck Jeanne that kept switching alter ego's.


"So now you know why?" Jeanne asked as she was huffing and full of sweat.

"Sort of" Shin laid beside her and Jeanne laid on his chest.

"So what are you going to do? Cum inside me when you need me to not defend Da Vinci?" Jeanne pouted.

"It depends?"

"Hm! Well I don't remember the things you told me earlier so it's safe to say we have different memories"

"That could explain why you're now horny sometimes"

"I guess so? And here I thought it was the Other Jeanne's fault.

"But it was Jalter" Shin chuckled as he didn't expect that Jalter would come with Jeanne which saved him a piece of summoning one of his favorite avengers and to summon Jalter was even more fun considering he had to cum inside Jeanne to swap between the two.

"What's so funny?" Jeanne asked

"Nothing" Shin kissed Jeanne and began a new round.


"Since when did she dye her hair?" Jeanne asked Shin as she was not used to the gray haired Jeanne.

"This is still Jeanne but not entirely Jeanne? You can call her Jalter" Shin introduced Jalter who smirked.

"So you're the knock-off Jeanne? Well now I'm here I'm going to teach you how to be a 'Jeanne' and a proper one at that!" Jalter proudly declared which weirded out Jeanne.

"Oh? Is that Jeanne-san? When did your hair change?" Asia arrived with Xenovia.

"Jeanne-san looks weird" Xenovia looked at Jeanne and concluded that this was a different Jeanne but still the Jeanne she knew.

"Jeanne-san have you ascended? Is that what being an angel looks like? How did you ascend from being a mortal?" Asia asked as she thought Jalter was undergoing ascension.

"I ascended alright, thanks to Shin here" Jalter grabber Shin's waist and pulled him close.

"Jeanne-san looks so cool" Asia had stars in her eyes as she saw Jeanne had transformed her attitude entirely, she then looked at Shin

"Ano, Shin-san"

"What is it Asia?" Shin had a feeling that he knew what she was about to ask.

"Can you help me ascend like Jeanne?" Jalter coughed out loud while both Jeanne (DxD) and Xenovia were curious.

"I can promise you Asia but that will have to be another time when I feel like your ready" Shin patted Asia's head which caused her to blush.

"What about me!?" Jeanne asked Shin

"Depends on my mood" Shin shrugged his shoulders

"And me?"

"Same answer with Jeanne, Xenovia"

"All right I'll hold on to that promise" Xenovia nodded.

"You owe me" Jalter whispered into Shin's ear.

"Okay that's it I'm resummoning Jeanne" Shin grabbed Jeanne by her waist and teleported back to his room.

"I can't wait to have Gray hair too!" Asia was happy at the promise she will ascend as an angel with Shin's help even if she was currently a devil.

"Me too" Xenovia then left along with Asia.

"Something's fishy" Jeanne looked at the place where Jalter and Shin teleported themselves out but shrugged her shoulders as she was currently hungry.


A/N : If you guys have the time u can check out my other crack fic lmao that's all