
"Finally I get to rest" Artoria stepped in first as they returned home.

"Umu! My Masterpieces!" Nero ran towards her room as she had an inspiration last night.

"Where's the training ground" Mordred came out of the portal as she wanted to train and beat Artoria.

"That was an eventful week" Ruler said as she followed Mordred.

"How does Ruler-san do it" Jeanne asked Xenovia as how Ruler dyes her hair so fast

"I don't know ask Ruler wouldn't that be easier" Xenovia told Jeanne as she went back to their room in Kuoh.

"I've decided to stay here indefinitely! I can't wait for my ascension!" Asia cheerfully said as everyone looked at then at Shin wondering what he said to her this time.

"I didn't do anything" Shin shrugged his shoulders as everyone went to their respective rooms

"You better take care of her better than Issei" Rias said as she yawned as she decided to sleep on ahead and Rin didn't say anything she also went ahead.

"Akeno?" Akeno held Shin's hands and looked worried as of the moment.

"Do you think?"

"Think what? It's your mother I'm sure she'll be happy to see you" As soon as Shin said that Yuri Alpha came.

"There are visitors Shin-sama, they're currently waiting at the lounge" Yuri Alpha told Shin the news and quietly left.

"We'll be there in a minute"

"You even have visitors now huh?" Akeno tried to calm herself by teasing Shin.

"I don't know who it is other than some guesses" Shin thought it was the Hero faction but decided to just go and greet the guests "Wanna come with me?"

"Sure" Akeno regained her smile as they went ahead to the lounge.

As Akeno and Shin went closer they heard familiar voices and Akeno tightened her hold on Shin.

"You nervous?"

"Maybe" Akeno then straightened her back but was calmed down by Shin when he hugged her.

"Thanks" Akeno hugged him back as she was ready.

Shin opened the door revealing three figures.

"Oh" Lavinia was surprised to see Shin and Akeno along with Shuri who stood up

Akeno shuddered seeing her own mother now alive once again, Shuri immediately stood up and hugged Akeno while Akeno tried to fight back the tears.

Shin let Akeno go and sat beside Suzaku and Lavinia.

"Say Suzaku are you actually sisters? The three of you look the same" Suzaku sighed at Lavinia's words and didn't mind it.

"So you two must be my guests"

"We are, I'm sorry for intruding your home Shin, this is Lavinia she said she had a couple of things to ask you" Suzaku introduced Lavinia to Shin who nodded.

"Firstly, I'm in relationships though I wouldn't mind to add more if that's what you want, secondly I won't take orders unless you give me what I want and lastly I won't share my secrets unless certain conditions are met" Shin nonchalantly told both Suzaku and Lavinia who nodded.

"I understand I only have a few questions some of them are personal" Shin nodded wondering what Lavinia would ask him.

"Are you the person whose making Suzaku think twice?" Lavinia wanted to ask as Shin was too handsome and there was no way Tobio would even stand a chance.

"And are you the type of person who wouldn't mind that I'd be doing your best friend?"

"No as long as you do me regularly I wouldn't" Lavinia chuckled as she thought this was Shin's way of speaking or was it?

"Then yes I'm the guy and for the record" Shin whispered into Lavinia's ear "Suzaku even liked it, maybe you too" Shin then sat back as they notice that the mother daughter reunion had finished.

Shuri stood in front of Shin and tried to bow but he was stopped by Shin

"Please I must, for saving my life and taking care of Akeno" Shuri persisted.

"You can thank me by being Happy Shuri-san" Shin smiled as Shuri didn't know what to do.

"You should listen to him Mom, he doesn't take no for an answer" Akeno chimed in as she stood side by side with Shin.

"I see, then I will, would it be okay for me to stay here for awhile?"

"Of course you can Shuri-san"

"Thank you, it's wonderful to see that both Akeno and Suzaku had picked such a wonderful man to be married to, how it feels to be in love" Shuri smiled as she saw how happy Akeno was with Shin earlier.

Suzaku didn't want to refute her Aunt as she also knew that there was something wrong with memories but she also thought about what it would feel like to be with Shin.

Lavinia observed Suzaku and also didn't know what to say to her friend and started believing in what Shin said to her earlier.

"Well Mom, we should leave they have some things to discuss, I also want you to meet my sisters" Akeno said as she escorted Shuri.

"I would love to, also I would like to see Rias" Shuri followed Akeno out leaving Suzaku and Lavinia behind alone with Shin.

"Let me rephrase my question"

"Go ahead" Shin urged Lavinia.

"Are you planning to steal Suzaku from her fiancé?"

"Who wouldn't want to have a beautiful girl like Suzaku as their wife? I would be dumb not to steal her away and give her what she deserves" Shin put out his intentions bluntly.

"But do you think she would like to be a part in your harem?"

"I can't guarantee that but what I can guarantee is I'll do my best to make her happy and always feel loved at the same time"

Suzaku hid her blush as she stood behind Lavinia while Lavinia looked at Shin and a smile appeared on her face.

"I'm in! Where do I sign up to be part of your harem!" Lavinia said happily.

"Do you already have a contract with someone?"

"I see so you know about magic contracts, the short answer is no, I'm still free"

"Be mine"

"And what would that bring me?"

"Tell your chairman my name then you'll know" Shin told Lavinia, shortly after Lavinia decided it was worth a shot.

"Then I agree, but why me?" Lavinia asked as she was getting ready.

"Simple, a beautiful lady like you should be mine along with Suzaku"

"Beautiful this, beautiful that, make sure your words are true but then again girls would fall with those lines including me" Lavinia chuckled again and Suzaku coughed.

"Back to serious matters please enough of the flirting"

"Is Suzaku being jealous here? Well it's what i felt back then when you proclaimed that speech of yours, now then can you tell me how you did that time infinity loop"

"That's pretty easy, but for me I don't know about you"

"Try me"

Shin nodded and snapped his fingers and a white flaming orb appeared on his palm, Shin then made it float and it directly entered into Lavinia.

"So that's how" Lavinia absorbed the knowledge Shin gave her and decide to research more onto it later "Are you sure you want to give it to me?"

"Consider it as a gift from your contracted partner and husband I guess if you were serious earlier, although I gave you the knowledge having the power to do it is another thing"

"You're right"

"That's why even if you have the information, I still made sure I'm the only one who can travel through time, and it's quite a stressful activity as there are a lot of things to consider, Shuri's was just a special case"

"That is quite a dilemma, but other than that I've gained quite a few interesting concepts that I want to try later on" Lavinia smiled and then looked at Shin once more "So what do you want from me in this exchange?"

"Anything, it's up to you completely"

"I understand" Lavinia nodded and soon relaxed. "Well now that's finished, when are you available?"

"I'm available any time of the day just be sure to inform me" Shin said as he also relaxed.

"So why Suzaku?"

"Lavinia!" Suzaku who had been quiet all this time spoke again.

"I just want to" Shin replied.

"You want to steal her right? can you tell

Me why exactly aside from the normal response of her being beautiful"

"If you were in my position wouldn't you also want to steal her away?"

"Not saying Tobio is dense but I agree I also would."

"Both of you stop please"

"Calm down Suzaku" Lavinia patted Suzaku's back. "Now that I'm done here I'll be leaving and I'll keep this meeting a secret from Tobio"

Lavinia then teleported out as she got what she wanted but not before marking the Lounge with her seal and Shin even allowed her to.

"Do you want to say something?" Shin asked Suzaku who was taking in deep breaths.

"Do you actually plan to steal me from Tobio?"

"It's not called a plan anymore when I'm already doing it now is it?" Shin stood in front of Suzaku who was standing face to face with Shin.

"Do you think that I really woul-" Before Suzaku could finish Shin directly took her mouth and carried her.

"Yes I think you would" Shin groped Suzaku's ass as she was trying not to look at Shin.

Suzaku didn't want to face Shin but instead of stopping Shin kissed her neck marking the area.

"I told you Suzaku, I won't stop until you're mine" Shin thought to stop teasing Suzaku and tried to lay her down but he was surprised that Suzaku instead wrapper her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck.

"P-prove it" Suzaku then felt guilty but at the same time she also felt good when Shin took a kiss directly.