
"Prove it" Shin then carried Suzaku and teleported them into his room.

Suzaku didn't know what to do and just did what her instincts told her and allowed to be taken by Shin.

Shin took her lips and slowly went down to her neck, Shin removed Suzaku's top revealing only her bra, he unhooked her bra freeing her breasts.

Shin licked her nipples and slowly devoured it while stimulating Suzaku's lower part by rubbing his cock on her crotch.

Suzaku couldn't think properly as her thoughts were muddled by the pleasure she was experiencing, she was lowered on the bed as she was breathing raggedly.

Shin ripped of what remained of Suzaku's garments, Shin placed his cock atop her pussy and prodded it.

When he felt that it was wet enough he thrusted his cock deep into Suzaku who shouted from the pain.

"I'll make sure to make its shape into mine" Shin said as he kept pounding a moaning Suzaku.

Suzaku even though it still hurt her she found pleasure instead of pain as Shin kept thrusting

"More More!" Suzaku moaned as she was now experiencing a new world of pleasure as she came.

Shin then turned Suzaku's body around now her back facing his front and without hesitation he plunged his rod into her depths once more.

Shin kept pounding Suzaku until she submitted as he dominated her until dawn filling her womb with his cum.


"You're awake" Shin said as Suzaku moved on top of him.

"What" Suzaku felt groggy as she could only remember so much from last night.

Shin grabbed her hips and made her crotch grind against his dick.

"Mm! No! This" Suzaku tried fighting the itch that was building up but she couldn't as her hips moved on it's own.

"It's waiting" Shin said as he waited for Suzaku, Suzaku didn't disappoint as she grabbed his cock and pointed it her own and she immediately sat atop on it as she instantly came.

"You guys can join in you know" Suzaku's eyes widened when he heard what Shin said she immediately laid atop on him covering her body and when she looked at the side.

"Umu! Finally! You guys were so loud last night" Nero jumped in immediately as she undressed herself.

"My, I guess no one is safe" Akeno said as she pulled Suzaku's body to make her sit again

"I'm sorry Akeno mm!" Suzaku tried apologising to Akeno as she thought that she had made Shin cheat on her.

"It's okay" Akeno didn't care as she played with Suzaku's breasts while Rin came over and placed her wet cave on Shin's mouth stealing it from Nero.

"Nya!" Two Neko's immediately arrived as they jumped in as everyone was getting ready they saw two unexpected visitors.

"Ruler? Artoria?" Nero said as she was being fingered as they also joined but didn't say anything as they took the entire day once more.


Shin woke up feeling a bit tired than usual as he counted the bodies he then looked at the time and remembered he had an appointment that he would oversee the sealing of Loki tonight.

As Shin had dressed himself he saw Suzaku at the door.

"Is something wrong?" Shin asked Suzaku.

"N-no" Suzaku blushed.

"Why do you look so down?" Shin grabbed her face as he made her look into his.

"I feel conflicted, I won't lie to you that it was the best night of my life and I don't want to lie to myself, the fact that in a short amount of time you've made me felt what it feels to be wanted and especially how good it is to be a woman" Suzaku said as she felt another itch coming as she held her abdomen "But at the same time" She remembered Tobio as of the moment.

Shin knew what made her feel conflicted so he he stole her lips once more as to make her forget what she was thinking.

Suzaku breathed heavily after their kiss and her body wanted more but she stopped herself this time.

"Do you want to visit Tobio?" Suzaku's eyes widened at Shin's word but she didn't say anything.

"Say less" Shin grabbed her hands and teleported them at the Bar where Tobio was working at.

Suzaku and Shin were in front of the bar's entrance, Suzaku didn't know what to do but Shin opened the door revealing the interior.

"Good eveni-" Tobio's words got cut off as he saw Suzaku with Shin.

"Good evening, can I get a glass of ?" Shin said as he sat on the bar stool along with Suzaku.

"Sure thing" Tobio didn't say anything to Suzaku while Suzaku also didn't say anything.

"I'll be right back" Shin kissed her lips as he went to the restroom.

At the minute Shin left Tobio returned to Ask Suzaku.

"Suzaku! Do you need help?" Tobio was worried as he thought Suzaku was being forced and Shin knew what his weaknesses were.

"No" Suzaku said as she looked at Tobio

"Who was he? Do I need to?" Tobio asked he was wondering should he get ready to fight Shin.

"Definitely not!" Suzaku shouted as she didn't want to see Shin hurt.

"I see, so who was he?" Tobio gave Suzaku a glass of water.

"Why do you want to know Tobio?" Suzaku asked Tobio.

"Because I'm worried for you, that guy might have bad intentions for all I know and that you were maybe forced by your clan"

"Is that all?"

"Of course You're my friend Suzaku" Tobio said fervently but he thought he saw Suzaku looked disappointed.

Before Tobio could ask why Shin came back at the perfect moment.

"I didn't know you two were friends? My Name is Shin and yours?" Shin said as he gave the most polite small he could give to Tobio.

"Nice to meet you Shin, I'm Tobio, may I ask what's your relationship with Suzaku?" Tobio asked he gave Shin his drink and was cleaning other glassware

"She didn't tell you?" Tobio shook his head while Shin looked at Suzaku before looking at Tobio again.

"I'm her husband, technically soon to be" Shin smiled as Tobio widened his eyes at the news.

Suzaku didn't look at him but instead she sighed and placed her hand atop Shin's.

"I see" Tobio said as he remembered what Suzaku declared.

"I know what your thinking Tobio, but it's too late" Suzaku smiled at Tobio "I kept waiting you know but" Suzaku gripped Shin's hand. "But I can only wait for so long"

Shin acted like he didn't know anything and gave a fake look of amazement of the news, he was sure if any of his harem would see him they would laugh at him for being so bad at acting.

"Suzaku" Tobio wanted to say something but.

"I'm sorry Tobio, but like you said we're friends, I'll do my best to still make you part of the Himejima family." Suzaku stood up as she left, Shin grabbed hold of her and hugged her.

Shin noticed that no one was around so he took Suzaku's lips in front of Tobio to calm her down.

Suzaku didn't care anymore as she had already fully submitted her body and heart to Shin last night, She became the aggressive one of this moment as she pushed her tongue onto Shin's

Tobio who was watching this felt his heart ache of the sight that Suzaku was with another guy, the two continued while he watched and he wanted them to stop as it pained him too much.

Suzaku eventually stop and snuck her face onto Shin's face before looking at Tobio and saying.

"Good bye" As soon as she said that she wrapped her arms around Shin's neck and kissed his lips.

Tobio didn't say anything but he saw light appearing below from Shin, he then noticed Shin had a smug expression as he kissed Suzaku.

"Wait!" Before Tobio could stop them Shin had already teleported them out.

Tobio looked at the ground they left and saw that there were 3 Green hats on the floor.

He didn't know what they meant but he looked annoyed when he saw them so he threw them in the garbage.

And just as someone left someone new came.

"Oh Tobi! Get me the Usual!" Lavinia arrived as she sat on the bar stool "Eh? Why do you look like that?" Lavinia asked as she thought something was wrong.

"It's nothing, why are you happy than usual" Tobio asked as Lavinia was all smiles.

"I finally have a contract with someone! And what's better is!" Lavinia showed on what looked like a wedding ring. "It manifested when I teleported out"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means not only did I get a contract I'm getting married soon!" Lavinia said with excitement.

"Speaking of marriage" Tobio asked if Lavinia knew something.

"What about it?"

"Do you know if Suzaku is getting married as well?" Tobio observed Lavinia.

"Suzaku? Why?"

"I just saw her come in with a man I barely recognize earlier Tobio then described Shin to Lavinia and told her what happened and his thoughts about it

Lavinia was listening to Tobio but soon after laughed.

"The cap is for you to wear as for why there are three? Good luck guessing Tobi, as for the man Suzaku was with, I know him but don't worry if it's him and Suzaku I can say with confidence that Suzaku will be happy and will finally be getting what she wanted after all these years, and yes it's your fault for being so dense"

"Lavinia" Tobio wanted to say something again but he got stuck.

"I know all this because" Lavinia showed the ring on her finger again which confused Tobio "Because I'm also his wife" Lavinia then teleported out as she grabbed her drink.

Tobio didn't know what to feel as of the moment but felt weird for some reason.

"At least Sae is still there" Tobio felt relief for a moment but felt something was still off but he still shrugged it off.

"She forgot to pay didn't she" Tobio sighed but didn't want to be reminded of what he had learned today.