
"Gabriel-sama!" Irina was shocked to see Gabriel descend onto this mansion.

"Irina? What are you doing here" Gabriel held Ophis hands while Ophis other hand was now carrying a pack of biscuits.

"Ah! Gabriel-sama I was just here to check on Issei!" Ravel who didn't say anything as Irina was too loud grabbed Ophis without hesitation.

"Ophis-san, where did you get those cookies?" Ophis allowed herself to be dragged and then pointed at Gabriel.

"Her"Ophis came back into the lounge as her appetite was filled and didn't or rather won't find Shin later

Asia came out after seeing Ophis return, she thought Shin had arrived since he was the only one who could give Ophis cookies.

"Gabriel-sama!" Asia immediately knelt and prayed.

"Asia?" Gabriel went near the praying Asia and looked at her peculiarities, she touched the Halo on Asia's head and her golden wings. "Strange, this feels like Holy energy."

Asia didn't say anything and continue to watch Gabriel touch the wings.

"When did you get your Halo and wings?"

"Shin-sama helped me! He helped me ascend from being a devil! Look I just learned this yesterday" Asia stood up from her kneeling position and changed her wings into her devil wings but still retaining her halo.

"This is rather Interesting" Gabriel finally knew why there was a huge spike in Holy power as she kept looking at Asia. "Where's Shin-san?"

Ravel froze up and smiled wryly as she looked at Asia and Gabriel who waited for her answer.

"Uhm Shi-Shin-san! Is Busy!" Ravelled reddened as she remembered what they were currently doing.

"I see, I will wait for him then, may I know where I should stay" Gabriel still held Asia who was smiling as she returned to her angel wings.

"You ca-can stay in the lounge" Ravel went in hurriedly as Gabriel and Asia followed.

"Is no one going to ask why Gabriel-sama is here?" Irina asked as she looked around and followed after them, as she followed.

"Black feathers?" She spotted one and looked at the wings of Gabriel and saw that it was in a conflict of turning black to white.



"Mama! I want to go back there!" Kunou said to Yasaka as Yasaka prepared luggage.

"I haven't told them my stance yet so I'll be coming with you this time" Yasaka soon remembered the necklace and activated it.

"Yay!" Kunou saw that a portal had appeared in front of her and jumped in directly without hesitation.

"I guess it's time huh" Yasaka looked at her necklace and remembered her last interaction with Shin, she then went in after Kunou.


"So what are your plans Suzaku?" Lavinia asked Suzaku as they were currently in the Himejima household.

"I've pretty much cleaned house at this point" Suzaku didn't say how she knew.

"And? What about you and Tobi-kun?" Lavinia pressed the issue and saw that Suzaku took a deep breath and sighed.

"Things change Lavinia, you and I know how much time changes things" Suzaku also had packed her luggage.

"So where are we going again?"

"Do you even need to ask?" Suzaku saw Lavinia chuckle as she also opened a portal.

"I can't wait, he still owes me a lot for making me work hard" Lavinia went in followed by Suzaku who looked at the place before going in.


"I'm quite curious how he can create an angel from a devil" Gabriel kept observing Asia who allowed herself to be examined.

Ophis didn't say anything, she soon noticed disturbances in space, she looked at the the side and saw a portal appear.

"Papa I'm here!" Kunou shouted, she looked around the room and saw unfamiliar women, Yasaka soon came out.

Ravel the one who was managing everything felt her head ache as she new arrivals. "Uhm May I know what your purpose is here?" She immediately asked Yasaka.

"I'm here to drop off Kunou and stay for the night" Ravel nodded awkwardly.

"Yeah! I'm going to start at Kuoh soon! And what better way than to live with Papa!" Kunou jumped enthusiastically, she soon saw Ophis who was munching Cookies, she immediately then went near.

Ophis looked at the curious Kunou who was staring at her, She immediately noticed her eyes was on her cookies, although reluctant She took one and gave it to Kunou.

Kunou smiled and ate the cookie, she immediately had stars in her eyes and sat with Ophis, she didn't know who she was and mistook her for someone who was the same age as her.

"A-ano!" Ravel wanted to warn Kunou but as soon as she saw their interaction she gulped down.

"What did you want to say to her?" Yasaka noticed this and asked her.

"That's Shin-sama's sister" Yasaka nodded and took note, shortly after a new portal appeared.

"Geez breaking into this house really is hard" Lavinia complained but didn't know Shin had already allowed her.

Suzaku came out and also noticed that the place was somewhat diverse, she saw Gabriel and Yasaka.

As Suzaku was about to question Yuri Alpha came in.

"Thank you for taking care of everyone Ravel-san, Allow me to take it away from here" Ravel took a sigh of relief as the Pleiades came in.

"We have been expecting you Yasaka-sama" Yasaka was weirded why Yuri Alpha called her 'Sama'. "Allow me to take you to Kunou's room"

Yasaka followed after Yuri Alpha and Gamma.

"Where's our Reception?" Lavinia complained soon Lupusregina came forward.

"You must be Lavinia and Suzaku eh? Well judging by your appearance only Suzaku-san will stay" Suzaku nodded.

"Yes, Lavinia just came by to drop me, I assume you'll be the one who's going to show me?" Lupusregina nodded, Suzaku immediately followed her as she showed her.

"Hey don't leave me" Lavinia followed but she soon felt a spike of magic beside her and an owl came out from one of the rooms.

"Ah damn it! This is what I get for missing the party" DaVinci came out full of smoke as she wanted to improve her body.

DaVinci noticed Lavinia staring at her "Are you perhaps a mage?" Lavinia was weirded but nodded.

"Good! I need you to help me, In return I'll teach you something" DaVinci wanted to improve somethings as she wanted to be the best despite her current EX rank beauty she wanted to transcend it.

Lavinia was skeptical at DaVinci but when she saw that DaVinci was somewhat casting magic she reluctantly joined her.


"I guess everyone is here" Shin stretched his body as he stood up, he then destroyed the barrier they were in.

He summoned his clothed and looked at the time. "Can't believe It's been a month" Shin had created a different space in his room, while they were in the room for a month only an hour was gone by outside.

"Now what was I supposed to be doing again?" Shin looked at the bodies of his women and that they were still passed out.

"I remember" Shin snapped his finger to clean them up and one by one started to arrange them so they would sleep peacefully.

"Time to go to Romania for a bit" Shin opened a portal, he soon saw a black cat that ran up to him.

"Going somewhere?" Kuroka immediately jumped onto his shoulder.

"And here I thought you passed out"

"I have my secrets nya!" Shin held Kuroka's small frame as he immediately went in.


"He's gone again" Ophis randomly said to Kunou.

"Who's gone?" Kunou asked.


"Eh? Did Papa not want to see me?" Kunou almost wanted to cry but Ophis just stuffed cookies in her mouth.

"Did you say he just left?" Gabriel overheard Ophis and asked her.

Ophis just nodded as she continued eating, Gabriel at a loss on what to do stared at Ravel.

"Wh-what is it Gabriel-sama?" Ravel was weirded out at how Gabriel stared at her.

Irina finally came back as she sat down beside a sleeping Xenovia, she soon observed and confirmed that it was Gabriel's wings.

"Should I tell Gabriel-sama?"

"Tell me what Irina?" Gabriel looked at her and she immediately looked nervous.

"You-your wings"

"Eh?" Gabriel looked at it and things seemed fine, Irina also noticed that the blackened parts then turned back to normal but as soon as Gabriel turned her eyes away it came back.


Ravel saw this and didn't say anything, she soon heard a knock on the door and immediately went to open it.

Ravel widened her eyes as she saw who it was, she soon felt giddy as she was being patted.

"Thanks, I'll take care of it from here" Shin kissed her cheeks as Ravel proceeded to faint but Yuri Alpha caught her who just returned from guiding Yasaka

"Now that everyone's here"


A/N : My Bad I forgot to upload, My Hand has been healing well and since it was my boards last month I didn't have the time to upload, aside from the scheduled I forgot the timer and everything will resume, thank you for being patient.