
"So your saying Kunou is going to stay here?" Shin asked Yasaka.

"She's been asking for you and I can't say no to her"

"You do know what happens between these walls?" Shin tapped the walls to reveal that it was hollow.

"I know, but I also know you're not irresponsible" Yasaka drank her tea as she affirmed her decision.

"Can't say the same with the others" Shin then looked at a curious Gabriel who was showing turning into a fallen anytime soon.

"May I know how" Gabriel couldn't contain herself as she looked at Shin.

"You may know, but I won't tell you, even though we're acquaintances even acquaintances have their limits on what not to say and what to say" Gabriel pouted as she couldn't believe that logic.

"Is there a way for you to tell me? It would help a lot! Wait I did hear you liked equivalent exchange" Gabriel thought she had found the answer but she soon heard coughs from the room.

"Excuse me while I prepare a room Shin-sama" Alpha Yuri dragged Lupusregina out of the room as they knew what they had to do. Yasaka sighed at the poor girl.

"Shin" Ophis came and sat on her usual place as she felt Shin needed protection from the various women.

Shin patted her head and then looked at Gabriel who was pouting.

"Is there a way for you to teach me? What do I need to give?" Gabriel really wanted to know as it would help the population proble her race had.

"Shin" Suzaku arrived and called out to Shin.

"I'll tell you later" Shin nodded to Suzaku as she sat down with him.

"I see, even one of the clans has been taken"

"And one of the heads of the Youkai faction as well." Yasaka looked cooly at Suzaku not saying anything.

"I guess you're all here, moving on, since all of you will he staying here I hope you follow the rules."

"There are rules?" Suzaku questioned as she thought that Shin wasn't a man that liked to be bounded by rules.

"Only One, That is to enjoy yourself."

"If that's all, excuse me, I have a faction to lead though I'll be coming back later on" Yasaka stood up and bowed leaving everyone as Shin opened a portal for her.

"What faction or power do you have allies with" Suzaku looked at Gabriel and also saw that her white wings were slowly turning black.

"I have a lot, I'm currently working on my connection on Europe, where is Lavinia? I thought she would come with you."

"I'm also wondering where she is, based on your estate I'm thinking she wondered off somewhere" Shortly after an Owl appeared and gave Shin a letter.

Shin read the letter and gave it to Suzaku.

"I see so she's experimenting with one of your Bishops, that solves one of my worries"

"What worries do you have?" Shin kept patting Ophis while Gabriel was thinking to herself.

"Specifically Aunt Shuri, she doesn't know who her husband is" Suzaku looked at Shin sternly.

"You could attribute that to the trauma she experienced, I don't know how she lost her memories about her husband but I'm sure she remembered Akeno" Shin smiled as if he had nothing to so with Shuri.

"Maybe, but I won't know at least I'm thankful you saved her and let me know of the culprits, they've been dealt with already" Suzaku drank her tea as she discussed with Shin.

"I know!" Gabriel finally thought of something as she listened between the two.

"Gabriel-sama No!" Irina felt something bad would happen to Gabriel instinctively when she saw how Shin smiled at Gabriel and let go of Xenovia who she was carrying with Ravel.

"Damn it Irina!" Ravel spoke as she carried a sleeping Xenovia by the legs and how her head hit the floor.

"Ah Xenovia!" Irina immediately took Xenovia's upper limbs. "Hurry Ravel, lead the way!"

"I forgot to tell Xenovia not to drink that cursed Dragon Juice by Ophis" Ravel grumbled as she ran out of the room.

"Shin" Ophis stopped what she was doing and looked at Shin. "Baka-Red" Ophis made a new portal.

"Why?" Shin asked the Goth Loli who had stood up.

"Match, busy for a while, keep safe" Ophis then kissed Shin's cheeks as she had observed the others do and entered the portal.

"Well this is certainly entertaining" Shin commented as he saw how calm Suzaku was.

"I certainly like the peace but I believe you and her have a transaction, I'll be waiting in my room" Suzaku coughed and flashed her ass to Shin before leaving.

Shin then gulped and took a deep breath before facing Gabriel.

"What do you want to transact with" Shin looked at a serious Gabriel.

"I'll trade you the secrets of our faction with the secrets of increasing my kind" Gabriel wholeheartedly told Shin

"Interesting proposal, but that's not what I want" Shin bluntly told Gabriel.

"Wha-what do you want" Gabriel had a funny feeling.

"What I want? I want someone"

Gabriel widened her eyes if it was kidnapping someone or selling someone she would never do it as it was a sin and that would make her fall.

"Wh-o" Even though that was the case she still had thoughts of entertaining it, unbeknownst to her Shin saw that her wings had become darker by the minute.

'I wonder how he'll react to this' Shin mused to himself. "Are you sure Gabriel?" Shin then turned his Lust Aura on and focused it on Gabriel

"I'll decide on it first so please tell me" Gabriel made up her mind, it wasn't a sin if she knew unless she acted on and actually kidnapped the person.

"You" Gabriel's smile froze as she heard Shin.

"Me? What do you want with me?" She was panicking as she didn't expect the current predicament.

Shin summoned a ring and made it float towards Gabriel, it soon entered itself on her ring finger.

"Eh! This!" Gabriel knew what Shin meant even though she was childish.

Shin then stood up and kneeled in front of her, he took her hands and kissed it, this made Gabriel blush and hot but she didn't notice that her wings were rapidly turning black.

"Is there any other way" Gabriel looked at the side as Shin released her hand.

"No" Shin stood up in front of Gabriel which made her nervous

"What are you doing!" Gabriel started panicking.

"Look at your wings" Gabriel looked at it and was shocked that it was rapidly turning black.

"No! What's happening!" Gabriel recounted the events and even cleared her thoughts, she then looked at Shin and understood why

"You must be dying to know why" Gabriel stood up and took steps backwards, She soon hit the wall and was stuck.

Gabriel looked at Shin in the eyes and didn't say anything, she looked at his lips and somehow she had a weird thought but unexpectedly Shin had kissed her.

Shin intensified the feeling of lust onto Gabriel as he took her mouth, he then began slowly undressing her as she didn't fight back.

Shin stopped and stared at her breast as it rivalled Rias.

"Stop!" Gabriel covered her face as Shin began to suck on her breasts.

"Not like that Kuh!" Gabriel had a weird feeling as Shin intensified his actions, Gabriel had a weird feeling as even though she knew what they were doing were immoral she somehow was fostering a strange feeling.

Shin then ripped her dress apart revealing her whole body, He didn't hesitate to go down and kiss her bare pussy.

"That tickles!" Gabriel said as she looked at Shin who was below her, "What are you! Kya!"

Shin didn't hesitate to eat out her pussy, he took turns in using his tongue and mouth to find Gabriel's weak spots.

Gabriel felt a new sensation coming on to her, it was itchy and she wanted to scratch it but knew she couldn't, She then looked at Shin's head. "I'm sorry!" She then grabbed his head and pushed it deeper.

She felt his tongue scratching the feeling and that she knew something was coming. "Right there!" She felt that it was pleasurable and soon she squirted as the feeling of releasing that feeling was extremely good.

Gabriel's body slumped down as she was still releasing, as soon as she regained her senses she saw something big in front of her face.

"Treat it like it's candy, but don't use your teeth" Shin told Gabriel who kept looking at it.

"Is this what I think it is?" Gabriel was no longer thinking rationally, she was curious as it was twitching, she followed Shin's advice and licked its head, as soon as she did she was surprised as it twitched again.

Gabriel slowly licked the head and found it was hot, she didn't know why but she felt that she wanted it to enter her mouth.

Gabriel slowly let it enter her mouth, she didn't know why but she felt she wanted it to, she unconsciously began to move her head as it somehow satisfied her.

Shin saw Gabriel's eye change he chuckled as he saw how she was now fervently sucking him off, Gabriel didn't know how long she had been sucking him off but she wanted to keep continuing.

Shin grabbed her head and jammed his cock directly onto her throat, he then took it out and as soon as he did he saw how Gabriel followed it with her mouth and began kissing it again.

"I didn't expect this girl to like it this much" Shin saw as Gabriel suck it again without hesitation. Shin then grabbed her head again, as soon as he did he swore he saw her eyes stare at him and a smile formed as she took his cock out of her mouth.

"This is the best" Gabriel said as her Aura had already changed as she kept kissing his cock.

"I'll show you better" Shin then grabbed Gabriel and placed her on the couch.

Gabriel allowed herself to be dragged she soon found that Shin was positioning his cock on pussy. "That's not my mou!"

Shin in one go broke her hymen and began fucking her rapidly as she was tight, Shin saw how her face changed from being in pain to being in pleasure in an instant.

Gabriel then locked her legs as she felt that itch coming again and Shin's cock was the only way to reach it.

Shin didn't hesitate as well as he pounded her deeper until his cock reached the entrance of her womb, he soon felt that Gabriel tightened and clamped him down hard.

"It's coming!" Gabriel yelled as she released her cum, she felt great yet again but soon. "More!" Shin kept pounding her as she was still sensitive and somehow gave her a new pleasure experience.

Gabriel felt Shin's cock get bigger "Ah! Yes!" She soon felt that Shin was now faster and somehow. "Hot! Hot!" Gabriel moaned as her womb was being filled with cum.

Shin didn't stop just yet and kept continuing as he now knew this Girl had a hidden switch.


"Irina?" Ravel returned and found Irina who quickly ran back to the lounge.

"Tha-that!" Ravel followed and peeked along with Irina who was somehow red, she soon knew.

"Ravel we have to stop them!" Irina shook Ravel who shooked her head in response.

"I can't, besides"

"Shin's cock is the best!" Both of them Heard Gabriel yell and moan as the two kept at it


"Gabriel went where?"

"Her Signature is gone"

"Where did she last say she was going"

"Kuoh" Michael took a deep breath and began teleporting there only to see himself in the dimension gap.

"Stop" Ophis appeared and looked at Michael who didn't know what to do as another woman with red hair appeared behind her.

Michael resigned to his fate and asked them "Why?"

"That's my house, you need to pay up first" Irene told Micael who flinched.

"Cookies" Ophis held out her hand as Michael sighed again.