Chapter 2


 "Grandma, I'm so sorry. I thought you'll not accept our relationship. I wanted to tell you over dinner with everyone a...after we married."

Letting out a sigh, Madame Song pulled her closer, "Lana, you know I am not like your parents. I trust the girl I raised and I'll always support you no matter what. So, tell me do you love him? does he take care of you?" Madame Song asked with a small smile.

She was silent for a while, "Yes, yes Grandma I'm very much in love with him and he treats me like no other. He is a good Man Ma. And I am sure you'll like him too." Lana said shyly.

Looking at her red face, Madame Song relaxed smiling happily. "then that is great, but if he treats you bad....." she turns her face to Daniel who arrived just then, giving him a threatening look Which says  'I'll kill you if anything happens to my precious.'

"Haha.. Grandma, I will never hurt her. I never plan to make her sad or cry when I decided to marry her. I have waited long enough to make her mine and I'll cherish her as my life because she is." He said looking at Lana lovingly.

Wait why will he say that? We barely even know each other. For one, he is a great actor, I'll give him that; Lana thought giggling silently. She raised her head to look at him but caught a flash in his eyes which was hidden as soon as it came.

"If that is so, I will be on my way." Pausing slightly, Madame Song gave Lana a peck on her right cheek before whispering to her; "don't you forget to come visit me and with your husband too."

Lana walked Madame Song out, as she watched her get into the car. Turning to Daniel beside her, she grabbed his hand dragging him inside the house. "come on we have a lot to talk about."



"Your Grandmother caught you with a man?!!!" Rai screamed. "Way to go girl!"

"Is he handsome? How was it? Is he good in bed?" Diane questioned teasingly as they both high fived.

"Uh really? Are you guys my friends? I can't believe this." Lana said squinting her eyes at her friends. "And for your information, we didn't do tha...that last night."

Ria and Diane both looked at each other before taking a sip of their tea.

"What? Why are you both looking at me like that?" Lana said lifting her hand in frustration.

"Uhmm nothing actually, but wait, is the guy handsome? And sexy?" Ria paused raising a brow at Lana. Seeing her nod, she continued, "And you mean nothing, nothing happened between you guys?"

Lana looked at her friend laughing her head off. she turned to Diane for help but was dumbfounded when she asked, "you are not a lesbian, are you?"

"wait what? You two are surely crazy." She said letting out a sigh, partly annoyed at her stupid friends and the fact that she was tricked.

Diane giggled but stopped when she took in her expression, with a serious face she asked her, "Then what happened, Lana? Did he do anything to you?" she voiced worriedly.

"Oh! my Goodness Diane, he didn't do anything to me." Well except tricking me that is, she mumbled in her mind. "I am married," she said quietly looking at her friends as she dropped the bomb.

Looking at her silent friends, she began to worry. 'did I shock them too much?'

"Oh! My Goodness, way to go girlfriend!" Ria said with a chuckle. "But how? It was only yesterday that we talked about this you know? How did you make him agree to the terms on the contract?"

"Well, that's the problem, there is no contract whatsoever. I'm legally married and that to a stranger I don't even know." Lana said annoyed.