Chapter 3


"I'm not marrying him, Father. That man is a playboy, a cheat and a scum of a man. Marrying him is the last thing I would do," Lana strongly protested, knowing fully well her Father's anger, as he never liked his authority questioned.

Joseph Lang clinched his fist with a grim smile, an expression he shows when he is getting really annoyed; "you're marrying him and that is final, you know better than to question my authority, young Lady," he informed her sternly.

"why me, Dad? Why can't you be like every normal and caring parent out there?...

"We're doing what's good for you, darling," Sophie Lang responded gently, as she approached her husband with a cup of coffee.

"what's good for me you say? Mom, just ask around about Josh Mel and anybody will tell you he is a playboy, that guy uses women and changes them like the clothes he puts on. And you say you're doing what is best for me, when all your concern is about the company?!! You are basically ruining my life! and I will not let you do it. Both of you have controlled me all my life, but not this time, I will marry whomever I want, with or without your blessings," Lana grabbed her bag and car keys, as she slams the front door, making her way to her baby.


Somewhere, in the same city.

"All done?"said a Man standing beside the window of his hotel room, his hands twirling a glass of wine. Taking a sip, his face lay hidden from the light.

"Yes General, the suspect has been caught and everything is going according to plan."

" And the girl I asked you to find?"

  " All done, Sir."

Turning to his sub-ordinate, "then our job here is done, return to the camp. I won't be leaving just yet." Just then a call came in, "speak."

"Hey man, wanna grab some beer?" Collins yelled through the phone.

Frowning with disinterest, he responded "Not interested."

Chuckling at the other end, "What if I told you I just saw your woman..."

"where are you? "

        "Fairy's Bar" Collins replied.


Fairy's Bar**

    The Fairy's Bar, the most expensive of nightclubs. Known for it's luxury and high standards. Generally, only Rich kids and business men come here to mingle and make business deals.

     Lana looked through her phone as her mind came wondering off to nowhere in particular, while waiting for Diane.

Diane returned with a bottle of champagne, pulling a seat next to the waiting girls "I still can't believe your parents want you to marry that stud, Lana, don't tell me, you'll really follow through."

"if you didn't resemble your parents, perhaps I'd think you were adopted," Ria said with a snort.

Twirling the glass of wine in her hand as she takes a sip,

"that will never happen, so will you guys cut me some slack, I'm trying to think here." With a frustrated sigh, "I don't know what to do guys, and all this is just frustrating to me."

"If I were you, Lana, I'll just find some handsome hunk and get married to him," Ria proclaimed with a dreamy look on her face.

"What the hell, Ria? That's like jumping from pan to fire." With a quizzical expression, "and why would I want a random man as my husband," Lana huffed.

"what's, the big deal? That way nobody will force you into a loveless marriage. Girl, it is better to marry someone you don't know than to destroy your life with that man whore. And besides, it is not necessary you stay married to him forever. You can get a contracted husband with your rules, and divorce later." Ria blurted out like it was the most, easiest thing to do.

Lana shakes her head at her silly friend whilst turning to a very distracted Diane.

"Diane... Diane?" Lana nudge at her, as she caught her friend staring at a certain place.

"wow, that guy is sure handsome, I wouldn't regret if I were to die from an orgasmic explosion, that is, coming from him," Diane blurts out pointing at the guy opposite our box.

"Oh! my G, some one is about to get it tonight," Ria exclaimed earning a smack from Lana as she continues giggling. "Yeah sure, he looks just like your spec of guy."

"enough guys, stop polluting my ears"

"Oh girl, you need a man in your life," Diane says with the look I know what's good for you.

"Yeah, she needs to get laid," Ria chorused "and when you do, girl you would see just what we are talking about."