Chapter 11

"What's up? Baby brother." Lana answered, placing the phone on her ears. She had just gotten out from the kitchen, when she received a call from her younger brother.

Timothy Lang, is her younger brother by 3 years, though mischievous at times; their relationship could be defined as amiable. She loves her brother no matter how their parent's, treats them differently. Timothy was the baby of the family, since he was brought up as the heir. He was sent abroad for studies and although they do talk once in a while, it has been a long time since she last heard his voice. She did not even know when he'd come back.

"Sister, I'm back." An exciting voice resounded from the phone.

"Back? Back from... Wait, do you mean you're back home?"

A young male voice chuckled at the other end, "yes, I am back. Sister, don't you miss me? I wanted to surprise you but I didn't find you at home. Heard you moved out."