Chapter 12

Just like that, the week passed by and the day for the fashion show was getting nearer. With the help of her friends, Lana was able to get the models for the show. And also, with the help of her colleague, all the dresses were completed with little adjustments.

Lana stood outside her backyard, admiring the small garden behind the house, as a cool breeze blew pass her. She arranged her slightly ruffled hair, then picked up the watering-can to water the flowers. When a voice sounded behind her, "Look, who came to see you."

As she turned around, Nanny Wang side stepped, to reveal a figure behind her...


Behind a desk, a Man with an exceptional face sat on his chair, typing on his laptop with utmost seriousness. When a knock sounded from the door.

"Come in!" A cool male voice was heard.

A young man of 23 years, walked in towards the Man behind the desk, "Sir, I have gotten the information about the girl."