Chapter 28

After the massage, they went in, for a soak in the Private Hot spring located in the exclusive area of the building.

Lana let out a sigh of comfort as she entered the water. She swam around for a couple of minutes before going to join Diane and Ria on the edge where they soaked.


"We should do this often, I love this feeling. I feel so much better and relaxed." Lana patted the flowing water by her side, with a content face.

"Yes. there is, nothing exciting than to listen to your moans." Diane peeved from the side, as she teased.

Ria could not bear to recall it. "Goodness.. that was so embarrassing! Even Lana didn't know when she started moaning. It was so funny." She exclaimed finding it exhilarating. She took in the embarrassing expression on Lana's face.

Lana's reaction was intuitive "I did. not." She bites back a groan from their teasing. "Anyway, it seems normal. To.. you know?" She said raising a brow suggestively.