Chapter 29

Lana went back home very late last night. She went to her office right after dropping Ria in her place. She got busy tidying up her remaining work and signed the documents piled on her desk.

Nevertheless, she stalk back into her room with a tired sigh after her little conversation with Nanny Wang.

Soon after she settled down to rest, the night quietened in down in a tranquil slumber.

The moonlight shone on the woman sprawled out in the most unladylike manner. She must have been dreaming of something pleasant as a happy smile stretch across her fair face.

The Next morning, Lana woke up in a daze. Her long eyelashes fluttered. Was it a dream? She felt like Daniel was here with her. Maybe she misses him so much, that she even dreamt of seeing him today.  The lady blushed as she saw flashes of what she dreamt last night. 

After breakfast, She reluctantly drove to work. She still wanted to sleep in or tour the market with her Nanny. Anyways, she was not feeling like it.
