Another Princess?

"You figure that out." King Zane huffed, folding his arms, turning his back to the Princess.

°How could she constantly prove to be so light-headed everytime?° He frowned at his unusual tolerant behavior towards her. On a normal day, those who questioned his authority or irked him irrespective of class or status would face a severe punishment or worse still, their life taken, as a deterrent to others.

"What kind of an answer is that?!" Princess Aria yelled, coughing right after, clearly annoyed at getting her hopes high on what he had wanted to say.

°Dimwit!° She hissed, her lips contouring into one of disgust, pulling the covers over head once more.

"This is hopeless!" King Zane muttered to himself, shaking his head in disappointment.

°I went out of my way to watch over you, I helped you even though you might not want to do the same for me, after all, you are the one with the antidote° King Zane rambled in his thoughts.

"Why are you still standing there like a tree?" Her voice muffled by the pillows she rested on. "I expected you would leave since you have nothing else to say."

Turning to leave, he halted for a moment, "Do rest up, you would need it." His voice cold, he shoved his hands into his pocket. Taking long strides towards the door.


"Sire!" Royal Advisor Curtis bowed immediately spotting the King closing the Infirmary door behind him. "I am deeply sorry for showing up without a notice."

"What is it now?" King Zane rubbed his temples.

°Why does he seem to be everywhere?° The King deapanned.

"Sire, the guards." Royal Advisor Curtis looked to the side, no guards were positioned at the door. He had thought it strange as he walked down the hallway towards the Infirmary, no guards were in sight, never had he thought no guards would be stationed at the Infirmary door.

°He closed the door himself?° Royal Advisor Curtis observed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"As you can clearly see, there is no one here." The King said through gritted teeth.

"Why! Those guards should be beheaded immediately. The person who ordered this uncalled decision should be beheaded too." Royal Advisor Curtis nodded to his suggestion.

"Do you want to get beheaded?" The King's eyes narrowed, his look hard and eerily serious.

"Sire, please pardon my thoughtlessness!" He dropped to his knees, holding onto the King's coat.

The King's eyes followed the source of discomfort which tugged on him.

°You really want to be beheaded, how could you hold onto the King's clothing?° Royal Advisor Curtis closed his eyes for a moment realizing his mistake, releasing the King's coat as if he had been burned by fire.

°You are testing my meager patience° The King adjusted his clothing, taking a step back.

"I ordered the guards to take a break." King Zane felt an odd need to explain himself. "They have done a good work, I was in a good mood and decided to extend the gesture."

°... and to be alone with Princess Aria, watching over her for a while° The King viewed it troublesome, explaining his true motives to Curtis.

"Ah!" Royal Advisor Curtis nodded his head in understanding. Sniffling, he rose to his feet but took few steps backwards, creating a safe distance between them.

°No wonder he got all riled up about having my head° He gulped down hard, his hand hovering around his neck.

"So tell me, why do you annoy me with your presence?" King Zane's deep voice echoed through the empty hallway.

"Umm... Sire... about that... umm-" Royal Advisor Curtis stammered, his hands trembling.

"Speak up!" King Zane yelled in frustration.

"P... Princess Maelin is on her way to the palace as we speak." Royal Advisor Curtis hung his head low.

King Zane looked up in shock at the news, "Princess Maelin?" He asked again for certainty.

It has been 10 years since she had disappeared, the reason for her sudden appearance, uncertain.

°How did she find our Kingdom?° King Zane's thoughts trailed away, thinking on possible reasons that led her to his kingdom.

"Curtis-" The King's voice hoarse and tensed.

"Sire?" Royal Advisor Curtis trembled in fear, he mentally prepared himself for an imminent question from the King.

"Let's get this clear, Curtis, we are surrounded by the Mirage Forest, right?" The King queried.

"That's correct." Royal Advisor Curtis replied plainly. Clearly knowing where this conversation was headed.

"How did Princess Maelin know how to navigate her way through the forest?" The King asked through gritted teeth.

"That we are yet to find answers to, Sire." Royal Advisor Curtis replied.

"I was informed on your first day arriving to this Kingdom that you were the only one who could navigate your way or direct others through the forest." King Zane raised a brow in disbelief, "Care to explain how another could?"

"I-I don't know how someone else could navigate through the forest." Royal Advisor mumbled looking at the floor. "I would never betray you, Sire!" He assured.

The sardonic laughter of King Zane echoed through the hallway, "You could never betray me." The King shook his head in disbelief at Royal Advisor Curtis words.

"That was what your predecessor said." The King shot a glare his way, "Look where that got my father!"

"There's more Sire," Royal Advisor Curtis eyes focused on a piece of dirt on the floor. If he could focus on the dirt, probably, just probably he could be distracted from attempting to dig his own grave with his next words.

"More?!" King Zane asked in disbelief, walking up to him, he took hold of Royal Advisor Curtis' Shoulders, shaking him violently, "What else could there be?!"


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