| Leave the Kingdom |


| The Kingdom of Azalon ~ 10 years ago |


"You can't let father do this!" Prince Mill held onto his older brother's hands.

"Let go!" Prince Zane pulled out his hands forcefully, "What's gotten into you?" Pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped his hands on it.

"I'm serious brother, he's really going to do it." Prince Mill protested.

"Going to do what?" Prince Zane asked confused.

"You didn't hear? I guess rumors really spreads like a wildfire to only those who let it." Prince Mill clicked his tongue.

"Would you just spill out what is on your mind and get straight to the point?" Prince Zane asked, a little irritated at the pestering attitude displayed by his brother.

"Father wants her gone." Prince Mill hung his head low.

"Gone? Who?" Prince Zane hated being confused and the thought of being confused because of his brother's half statements angered him

"Maelin is leaving." Prince Mill finally said.

"Maelin?!" Prince Zane grabbed hold of his brother's collar, through gritted teeth he said: "What do you mean she's leaving?"

"You know how father is." Prince Mill's voice turned cold as he focused his attention on the floor, "This time, he went too far."

"What did he do this time?" Prince Zane hands fell to his side, picturing the worst possible situation.

"He... he tried to make advances towards her, and-" Prince Mill gritted his teeth in anger.

"And?!" It took every once of his strength not to hit his younger brother who kept torturing him with his constant break in the information he was giving.

"She slapped him, in the midst of father's honored guests." Prince Mill looked to the side, trying his best to keep the tears at bay.

This unexpected news brought a smile to Prince Zane's face. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding."The worst scenario was averted." He sighed in relief.

He had thought she had given in to his father's advances, caught in the act and thrown out of the kingdom like all the others who had followed that path.

°That's the Maelin I know°

"Father was restrained from returning his in like manner by a few guests who felt pity Princess Maelin at first but were also considered traitors and would be executed when it's a full moon, if she doesn't leave the Kingdom father would carry out his fury on them as an example to others who dared attempt what they did, and that's in two days!" Prince Mill trembled at the thought of actually watching her leave.

"She has nowhere to go, no one to turn to, I thought

... I thought, she would eventually be considered a part of our family, don't you think so brother?" Prince Mill asks amidst his teary eyes.

"Would you cut it out? This isn't any proper way a Prince is meant to behave." Prince Zane forced a smile as he ruffled his brother's blonde hair. "That's one of the best news you've told me all your life."

Although he wished she could stay, leaving their Kingdom was a much better option. But his pride would not let him concede in defeat to his father. The only female whom he ever cared about after their mother's death was Princess Maelin, if it meant fighting for her dignity with every power he got, he was going to do it.

"Brother," Prince Mill sniffled, "where are you going?" He held onto his brother's sleeve, stopping him from leaving abruptly.

Holding onto his brother's hand, Prince Zane pulled off his hand, "You don't need to worry about me." His words cryptic.


| Royal Stables |


"His Royal Highness, Prince Zane." The Stablemaster bowed. "To what do I owe the pleasure of having you here?"

"Where is my father?" Prince Zane yelled. "I know he visits here alot."

"Please Your Highness, please be reasonable, you know how your father, King Ragan gets when he's not in a good mood. Please do not disturb the one thing he loves doing." The Stablemaster cautioned.

°Why would the one thing he loves doing, include horses and not his own blood° Prince Zane boiled in rage.

"Out of my way, Master Garrison." Prince Zane snapped.


"Father, please reconsider." Young Zane pleaded with his father the King. When he had first walked up to the Stables with the intention of confronting his father, he had never thought that resolve would be broken with a single glare from his father.

"You speak as one not in power, you dare plead?" The King's voice boomed. The King rose to his feet, calming his Friesian horse.

°Why are you being treated with care? Why?!° Prince Zane shot a resentful glare to the horse, balling his hands in a fist, biting on his bottom lip.

"Father you can't possibly send Maelin away, that would cause a bigger problem for our Kingdom." Prince Zane reasoned.

"That's my problem and not yours." The King snapped, walking over to the pile of hay, he took a bucket full.

"It will be mine eventually." Prince Zane mumbled, he couldn't bring himself to look at the King he called "father".

"This Kingdom can only be yours if you have the will to take it." His father grabbed hold of his shoulder, pushing Zane's chin upwards so he could get a better view of his eldest son. "Look at me!"

Prince Zane shook his head, gaining freedom from his father's hand which had forced his head upward a few seconds ago, "I will never become like you! Ever!"

"You have my blood running through your viens." King Ragan gave a dry laughter at the humor he derived from his son's delusion. "You would either be like me, the caring, just and loving King or you would sink lower into a gloomier path." He balled his fist landing a punch on Zane's cheek.

"You disgust me!" Prince Zane spat out blood, the corner of his lip split and bleeding. "You try to take advantage of the one person who keeps my brother and I sane in this castle, and you expect any respect? Have you ever considered her state of being? Her parents, your close friends, died so suddenly. You- you were the one who requested she stayed with us, you welcomed her as a daughter, but why the sudden change in your motive? Or was this your plan all along?" Prince Zane yelled as tears trickled down his cheeks, ignoring the rising pain on his lips.

°Stop crying! He would view you as being weak° Prince Zane scolded himself, wiping away the tears with his sleeves in a hurry.

The Stable was eerily quiet, even the horses felt the tense build up, they were quiet, observing what was transpiring between those two.

"Do you love that girl?" The King finally replied after what felt like forever.

Those words pierced Prince Zane like an arrow shot to the heart, he stood there frozen in shock at his words.

°H- how did he catch on so easily?° Prince Zane hung his head low, his willpower dying.

"That isn't the case," Prince Zane said in a whisper. "All I want is mercy given to her just this once."

Prince Zane knew the consequences of ever laying a finger on the Royal family especially the King, but he had never thought it would apply to Princess Maelin.

"Hmmm." The King narrowed his eyes, turning his attention back to his Friesian horse.

°Yet again, it's the horse he cares about° Prince Zane sighed in frustration.

"Are you even listening to me father?" Prince Zane asked through gritted teeth, the more he spoke the more the hurt he felt on his cheek.

"Don't you see I'm tending to my horse?" The King scratched the neck of the Friesian horse who neighed in delight, it's tail swaying to the side.

"It's always about that horse? You've changed father, I miss mom as much as you do but do not do this to us, Mill needs you at this point in time, he's still young and needs the care of a father." Prince Zane's voice sober.

"Leave! If you want to make changes around here, do so when you are King but right now, I am the one who occupies that title and I will not refrain from handing down punishments to those who defies me, not even my own blood would be spared." The King threatened, giving a hard glare.

"So it has come down to this." Prince Zane shook his head in disappointment, he had tried being reasonable but that had not even appealed to his father. "As you wish Your Majesty!" Prince Zane spat out in disdain.


Opening the door, Prince Mill steadied his body before he fell in a dusty mess to the ground. He stood frozen as he was caught in the act of spying in on his father and brother's conversation.

°Did Mill listen in our discussion?° Prince Zane observed the tense attitude of his brother.

"Why are you just standing there? Let's go get some lunch." Prince Zane pulled Mill, saving them the awkward position they found themselves in.

°I'm so sorry I couldn't help you this once Maelin° Prince Zane closed his eyes momentarily.

"I would never be this weak again!" Prince Zane vowed.