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As soon as the door closed shut, King Zane pulled on the hem of her dress, her face forcefully brought inches away from his, "Kiss me! Now!" He demanded.
"What?!" Princess Aria's eyes bulged in shock.
°What is with his strange attitude?° Princess Aria pushed him away from her.
"Pervert!" She screamed, holding on to her dress tightly. "Don't you have any-"
King Zane trembled as the poison took it's crippling effect, "Help me!" He managed a whisper.
°Idiot! You brought this upon yourself, it's because of the effect of the poison he acted that way° Princess Aria smacked her head, finally realizing the reason for his unusual behavior.
Rushing down the bed, she cradled his head before they could meet with the cold marble floor, "I am so sorry!"
°Please just let me die so I don't experience this kind of pain anymore° King Zane looked on, his lips failing him.
°Maybe I was wrong about her, maybe she really doesn't care about me, it's all a deal to her° Slowly closing his eyes, he accepted his cruel fate.
"No, no, no! Don't close your eyes Zane." Princess Aria panicked, shaking him slightly, tapping his cheek.
Placing his head gently on the floor, she climbed on top of him to get a better leverage.
"Here goes nothing!" She took a deep breath, brushing her cascading hair behind her ears, she planted a soft kiss on his lips.
Never had she thought she would ever feel this rush of adrenaline, the feeling almost heart wrenching.
°Just focus on administering the antidote this time° She pulled out, grasping for her breath. Pulling him closer, she placed her ears to his chest.
°He is breathing!° She smiled, relief washing over her.
°But if it means he's fine now, doesn't that mean he would soon come back wanting more like the last time?° Princess Aria froze in shock as she debated on the previous times similar situation had presented itself.
°Could it be the side effects of the antidote?° Princess Aria wondered as she held onto her stomach, she felt a slight churn inside.
King Zane, turned slightly, his breathing finally stabilizing. His senses gradually returning.
°I'm alive?° He opened his eyes slightly.
"You saved me!" His tone more of a question than a statement.
"I did silly, as much as you annoy me, I had to do it." She joked.
°I annoy her? I guess that is the term for what this is, all along ~ A disturbance° Prince Zane's eyes devoid of any emotions, looking at the uncalled position they were in.
"Get off me!" He hissed, as much as he enjoyed her over him at the moment, the feel of her butt cheeks in contact with his lap, he felt a growing need.
°What has gotten into him?° Princess Aria looked at him, stunned and unmoving.
°What use is all these if all I am to her is a tool in her game?° Thoughts rambled on in the King's head.
"Get off!" He said yet again through gritted teeth, anger clouding his judgement this time, pushing her off him, he stood up abruptly.
"Ow!" Princess Aria landed roughly on the floor. She shot a hard glare while rubbing the throbbing pain. "That was harsh!" She shook her head.
°I'm sorry° He had wanted to say but his mouth was sealed shut, staggering a few times, he got his footing, making his way to the door.
"Zane?!" The call of his name behind him, stopping him in his tracks, his hand on the door knob.
"Are you alright?" King Zane looked behind him, over his shoulder, all traces of ridicule on her face, gone, replaced with a new emotion, one he was not yet accustomed to.
°Your eyes are playing tricks on you° King Zane tore his gaze away from her.
"I am fine, do have some rest, I won't bother you anymore." His voice cold and distant.
"O- Kay?!" She stuttered as the door slammed shut, leaving her once again alone in the Infirmary.
"Princess Aria!" Lady Leah rushed in. "Are you alright? Did the King do anything strange to you?" Lady Leah whispered, touching her forehead for any sign of a growing fever.
°More like the opposite!° Princess Aria deadpanned.
"He didn't Leah." She shrugged her fingers away. "How did you know I was alone?"
"Well, Royal Advisor Curtis alerted me of the King's departure and from the looks of things, he said the King was in an awful mood, so I had to check to see if you were alright." Lady Leah replied.
"Oh!" Princess Aria's head hung low in despair.
°Was it because of me, he's in such a mood? He didn't seem like his usual coy attitude after I administered the antidote° She wondered, blocking out all other things.
"Princess Aria?" Lady Leah flicked her fingers, "Princess!"
"What? What's going on?" Princess Aria shook her head in confusion.
"What?!" Lady Leah shrieked, "I have been speaking to myself the whole time?" Lady Leah's fingers held off he urge to hit the Princess.
°Easy Leah! You still need this job and your life intact° Lady Leah looked on at the confused Princess, imaginary lightening bolts seething off her as she boiled in anger.
"Did I miss anything?" The smile on Princess Aria's face only fueling her desire to go through with her plans.
°Miss anything? Miss anything? Here I thought I was finally getting a friend and all she could do is zone out° Lady Leah folded her arms, lost in her sulking moment.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Princess Aria observed her narrowed eyes.
°Oh! now you notice me?° Lady Leah sulked.
"Still trying to give me the silent treatment?" Princess Aria put on the puppy dog eyes.
"hmph..." Lady Leah grunted, looking the other way.
°I know little about Zane, and that is not enough, what more do I not know about?° Princess Aria wondered.
"Could you tell me about Zane?" Princess Aria whispered, quite uncertain if her request would be answered.
Lady Leah's expression fell, "Y-You mean King Zane?" Her voice trembling.
"Let me in! I need to confirm what I heard!" A voice boomed behind the door.
Their attention turned towards the disturbance.
"Your Royal Highness, please do not make this difficult as it is." A guard spoke, restraining her.
"What is your name?" Princess Maelin questioned.
"Hal, Your Royal Highness." He replied reluctantly.
"Hmm... Who ordered this?" Princess Maelin yelled.
"T... The King, Your Royal Highness." The guard replied.
"Well then," she gave a thought to her next decision. "I would be seeing you soon then." She yelled, enough to be heard by those inside the Infirmary.
°Zane, why bring in another Princess?° She turned to leave.
"Who's that?" Princess Aria questioned.
"That would be Princess Maelin." Lady Leah shook her head. "Please stay clear of her." She warned.
°What could possibly go wrong?° Princess Aria wondered.
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