| The Kingdom of Glacier ~ 50 years ago |
"Father, what is all this?" Prince Fabian stood on a stool, looking over his father's shoulder.
"Get down Fabian, as the crown prince, that's no way to behave." The King turned around, lifting Prince Fabian, kicking off the stool, dropping him on his feet. "That's much better."
"But father!" He whined, "now I can't see what you're preparing, please tell me what is that?" The prince pointed at the bubbling liquid in a large metal pot which boiled over a fire.
"This here is a special poison." The King laughed upon seeing the shock which graced the Prince face. He walked up to the door locking it with it's key.
Dusting his hands he turned around, "Now where were we?"
"Do you mean like the one evil witches prepare?" The Prince stretching out his fingers in a menacing manner.
"Don't tell me you believe in witches, boy!" The King found the conversation more and more amusing.
"Don't you?" Prince Fabian challenged, folding his arms.
The Prince eyes bulged in shock as he made his wild claim, "Are..." he gulped, "Are you a sorcerer perhaps?"
"You listen to too many fairytales." The King clicked his tongue, ruffling his son's hair.
"Aw!" He stomped his feet, "It would have been awesome if I had a father who was a sorcerer." He pouted.
"Hey!" His father folded his arm in disappointment, "aren't I good enough of a father?"
"Well you are to a reasonable extent." The Prince smirked as he knew his words played with his father's intelligence. "You're a King atleast so that's fair enough." He shrugged.
"Now you're just not being nice," the King took hold of his cheek.
"Let me go! I'm not a baby anymore." Prince Fabian protested, struggling out of his father's grasp.
"Then do act like one, you would be turning a day older in a few days." The King asserted.
"Act like what?" The Prince feigned ignorance.
"As the future King of Glacier, ofcourse." The King replied with much pride.
"Now? Isn't being a King boring?" Prince Fabian rolled his eyes.
"B-boring?" The King couldn't believe what he had just heard. "What part of my work is boring?"
"Okay let's start somewhere then," Prince Fabian brought out his fingers, "You attend meetings, discuss laws, petitions, blah blah blah." His fingers retracting as he mentioned them.
"What's wrong with those?" The King asked baffled.
"They are boring father, boring!" Prince Fabian spelled out.
"The privilege you enjoy as an heir to the throne," The King's hand akimbo as he grew confident, "Do you think it would be made possible if your father slacked off on his boring job?" He raised a brow.
"Well if you put it that way, it's not that bad, as long as I get to have all the free candy in the Kingdom." Prince Fabian hopped in delight.
"You still act like a child Fabian." The King shook his head as he smiled in amusement once more.
"I'm only 6, 6 father!" Prince Fabian brought out six of his fingers, flashing them upwards, "count them, 1... ,2... 3... 4... 5... 6!" He yelled.
"I've heard little one, keep it down." The King held his ears. "I will call your mother if you continue on like a child."
"hmph..." Prince Fabian folded his arms, "I am still a child." He muttered to himself.
"You are not asking the right questions, you do know that, right?" The King stretched out to pick up an ingredient on the shelf.
"What's that?" Prince Fabian asked, clearly confused.
"You asked what and why I was preparing this, remember?" The King pointed at the bubbling liquid which had turned into a clear translucent hue.
"Wow! it looks so clear now!" Prince Fabian marveled at the sight.
°How can he be so distracted?° The King shook his head, a chuckle escaping his lips.
"This here, is a poison passed on from one generation to another." The King finally explained.
"Generation to another? Why would we want to pass this to our generations?" Prince Fabian brought out his tongue in disgust.
"This Fabian, this is our Kingdom's last resort." The King voice mellow, "This shouldn't be taken or used lightly." The King dipped a vile into the pot.
"Isn't that dangerous father?" Prince Fabian asked through gritted teeth covering his eyes in fear.
"Relax, it's quite harmless actually, atleast for our bloodline." The King grinned.
"It has an antidote, one only peculiar to us." He pulled his son closer, kneeling to whisper in his ear. "We are the antidote, depending on the way it was administered, requires a different manner of approach."
Fabian's brows contorted into one of confusion.
"Too much to take in?" The King gave a light tap on his son's shoulder. "When you're older, only then would you realize. When you prove yourself worthy of being a crown heir of the throne, then would I fully explain it."
"Aw!!" Prince Fabian whined, "Finally something gets interesting in this castle and you had to leave me waiting?"
"Patience my son, all in due time." The King smiled, "Why don't you help me pack these up for starters?" He suggested.
"Really?" Prince Fabian beamed.
"Really!" The King poked his nose.
"Yay!" He whooped, "What's this?" Prince Fabian pointed at a bunch of white petals on a marble dish.
"Those are Cynias."
"Cynias!" He repeated.
"What are they used fo-"
"Fabian!" A voice boomed behind the door, the door knob shaking violently as whoever was at the door struggled to open the door.
The King and his son froze momentarily, the voice eerily familiar.
They both hissed at one another.
"Roy! I know you are in there," Queen Isabel tried her luck once more on the door but it wouldn't budge, "didn't we come to a conclusion you leave our son out of this? He's still a child, spare him this until he's ready." She pleaded.
°Good thing I remembered to lock the door° The King whistled at the thrill of being mischievous at this point.
"I never let on more than I should, Isabel!" The King called back.
"Let's hurry, you never witnessed this, okay?" The King threw a wink his son's way.
"Zip, nothing." Prince Fabian gestured a lock on his mouth, throwing the keys away.
"That's a good boy!" The King stifled a laughter at their childish antics.
"Wouldn't mother scold me?" Prince Fabian asked a little worried.
"Who has the final say around here?" The King whispered, knowing fully well his wife was still at the other side of the door.
"You do!" His son asserted.
"That's more like it, you are smarter than you look. Now let's hurry before her hair goes up in flames." They both laughed at his silly joke.
"Roy?! Fabian?!" Queen Isabel called once more.
"Coming!" They both yelled in unison.