A Secret Study


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Turning the paper, she flashed the words to Aria's face, her hands trembled, the notepad dropping to the floor, she coughed out a sizeable amount of blood into the cloth.

"Maelin?" She jumped of her bed, reading to jump to her side at her call.

"Aria, I will be fine, it's not like I didn't expect this." Princes Maelin spat out some of the residual blood in her mouth.


Picking up the notepad which fell to the ground, "What do you mean by '-nal' ?" Princess Aria shook the paper slightly.

"Well that is -"


"-the object that I said was strange." Princess Maelin looked down in embarrassment.

"Oh! When we put the word jour- and -nal it forms journal!!!" Princess Aria nodded in realisation. "I'm so smart!" She praised herself.

°Smart my foot! With my first clue, you should have known about it sooner, but you make me go through this unbearable pain° She held onto her throat in pain.