Have you been hiding something?

"Why would Aria be written in this book." King Zane brought the book closer to his face, squinting his eyes, he brought the lamp closer to have a better look.

He read it out to his hearing to be extra sure.

~My little boy,~ He choked on his words as he burned a deep red in embarrassment.

°Little boy?° He turned his head to the side as if being watched.

"This has been written for that long?" Closing the book, he examined it closely. "Why and how was the protective barrier placed?"

Opening it again, he read on.

~... if you are able to read this, that means you have certainly come of age to accept what comes with the great responsibility of being a King.

Kingly duties are much more than settling disputes, signing scrolls or sitting around, lording it over the wonderful subjects of our Kingdom.

I wish I had more time to spend with you, I had thought shielding you and your brother was for the best, little did I know I should have let you two in on the happenings of the Kingdom.