Veda wants to stay.

Every girl on campus heard the news kei haramaki was able to not only pilot the Uncontrollable Schneider but defeat sakura kotomia on his first Time of course they assumed it was because the mjolnir was designed for male operation but the truth was that the mjolnir was specifically designed for the compatibility of the genesis and the later of two units was only a test type while the mjolnir was being constructed.

It would take two whole years for the Rustung to be completed after the development of the Mjolnir.

Every girl and there roommate wanted to make kei their property but he already had a roommate Veda McDonnell the shy introvert was with the cute Albeit downright pretty bishonen.

And god knows what that girl was doing with the boy.

(in the room of Veda McDonnell and kei haramaki)

kei came out of the shower dressed in a wife beater and black and white Gingham patern lounge pants.

she looked at his well toned muscles along with his sun kissed body and blushed bright red.

"I think you look good."she mumbled.

"what's that I can't hear you Veda?"kei said.

"n-never mind." She said.

just then and ichigo ricorisu. Came in.

"Veda we can't allow you to stay in the same room with kei."ichigo said

"But this is my room..." Veda said meekly.

But the discipline committee won't allow that.

"Please..." Veda said.

"Hey I got an idea why don't we see if the two of us can stay if we can prove we work as a team." kei said.

"well it is true that there is the partnership clause."

okay I'll set up a duel between you two and me and my cousin.

"your...cousin?" Kei asked.

the class representative appeared a moment later

"you call cousin." incho San.

"Kitsumi, Veda and kei wish to stay roommates but it is against the disciplinary committee's wishes for a boy and a girl to share the same room; not to mention that kei is literally the only boy in the entire school being the only one with a rustung and Schneider so if Veda wishes to stay she must prove to be his partner." Said ichigo

"Well I don't see the problem" kitsumi ricorisu said

"If Veda wishes to stay she only need to prove herself a suitable partner as kei's second in battle."

Veda nodded.

"alright I will prove myself a worthy partner for Kei San." she said shyly.

Veda and kei were lead to a training arena in the dormitory they were allowed to use any weapon their rustung could provide as long as they fallowed the rule that the weapon did not damage the dorm so no explosives or guns ,just swords knifes axes pole arms or knuckles.

veda said rustung come forth and she was engulfed in a flash of light there was the sound of a bird and Veda was now dressed in a suit of armor that was red and had two wing veneers on the back it had a skirt on it's waist with what appeared to be a heat axe but actually was a beam saber.

"this is my rustung it is called swallow's cry." Veda said.

Ichigo ricorisu and kitsumi ricorisu donned their rustung ichigo's was a violet and white armor with a helmet like a knights it had a sword that's handle was a pistol a gunblade.

"this is my rustung it is called Noble vanguard." Ichigo said

Kitsumi's armor was a white and blue unit with a great sword the swords edge was made from a laser beam an assault blade.

"this is my rustung Noble paladin it is the big sister to the Noble vanguard." Kitsumi said.

i summoned forth my rustung come forth genesis. Keicalled forth a weapon from memory a long beam katana this weapon was designed solely for the use of a high performance rustung but that wasn't all I summoned He activated his rustung's two hidden armaments and a pair of wings of light extruded from Kei's back and a energy shield appeared on his left arm.

Then the bell rang .

They boosted towards each other and I took on ichigo she came at me swinging her gunblade Kei cut the sword aside and attacked using a cross cut the lead vertical cut knocked her sword down and the horizontal cut dug into her chest plate and then I knocked her backwards with a long straight punch.

veda was dancing around Kitsumi landing cuts with her beam sword she managed to damage a suitable amount of her armor in record time the Noble paladin shone bright then Kitsumi attacked Veda with a flying straight line cut but I managed to come to Veda's aid in time to parry her cut and allow Veda to use a special attack she boosted towards her preforming a V pattern cut and then a spinning attack

"Flying V gale slash!"Veda called.

the battle was over in a matter of six minutes and we had won.

Well you two appear to have the whole teamwork of partners down now I will allow you to stay Veda McDonnell.

"Yay!" Veda said softly we returned to our room I decided to let Veda have the shower first then I went and bathed afterwards I put on my previous garb and sat down on my bed.

"Kei San?" veda said.

"yes Veda?!" I asked.

Thanks for defending me from that ichimonji giri.

Kei smiled

"no problem" he said.

"Kei kun" Kei turned yes.

veda planted a chaste kiss on his temple.

"Thank you." Veda said and went to bed

Kei blushed speechless he went to bed as well.