The warrior of the discipline committee.

"So this kei haramaki is he really that popular?" Asked a woman in a red devil looking Schneider

" I hear he's a pretty athletic boy he's good looking and he's a virgin."Said a girl in a black knight looking Schneider .

The woman licked her lips.

"You two are being a disgrace talking as if he were some prize money that you could win in a tournament."Said a woman in a Schneider that had been decorated like a samurai.

"Sounds funny coming from a ronin like yourself." Said the girl in the black Schneider

"We are the discipline committee ladies now pay attention." Said the ronin.

"Lady Agatha, Miss Lilith you two will act appropriately when we address him understood " said the ronin.

"Yes mitsuki-dono!" The groaned.

Kei woke up sneezing.

"Somebody must be talking about me." He said as he brushed his nose.

Then he got up and put on his school uniform.

did his morning routine.

He grabbed his medallion and headed to class.

Veda had to go to a club meeting this morning and didn't want to wake him.

she was in the literature club.

Once he got to class he realized he was the only one attending.

"this is really weird." he said.

There was a knock on the door and it opened in came a woman wearing a teacher's uniform she had white hair and red eyes she came in and asked "are you haramaki kei-kun!"

"Er yes!" Kei said.

She licked her lips and smiled "well then I guess were alone since it's club representation day." said the girl.

"Er yes I recon so." Kei said.

Then came in another girl she had orange hair and glasses and a beauty mark on her left cheek.

"Hey no fair Lilith you got here first hi I'm Agatha I'm the representative of Ireland so we meet at last kei haramaki kun."

"Um and what club are you two in exactly?" Kei asked.

"Well we're in the-" Agatha began.

"You have the audacity to call the discipline committee a club!" Said a voice that sounds like it would put on airs.

kei turned to see a girl with blood red hair she was carrying a wooden samurai sword and she looked like she had a bone to pick with him.

"oh i'm sorry if i offended you." said kei sincerely.

"you're an offense to this entire school." she said.

"i beg your par-" kei said before he was cut off by the girl.

"you are the only boy in a school full of girls explain how you can live with yourself without feeling any guilt." said the girl.

this girl was pissing kei off.

"First Off i didn't choose to be able to use a schneider or a rüstung." said kei

"Um and you are anyway?" Kei asked.

"I am mitsuki musashi but to you I will be called mitsuki-dono!" She said.

"Excuse me?" he said

And he turned to leave the class but mitsuki grabbed his shirt kei stepped in a circular motion turning her grapple into his own joint lock.

"Seriously you shouldn't try to grab people like that," he said "-especially someone trained in the Chinese martial arts."

she smiled

"i challenge you to a duel just to see if your up to snuff." she said.

kei arrived at the area they would duel it wouldn't be a battle using rustung or schneider it would be a simple fist fight.

the girl mitsuki was trained in shotokan and kenpo and it seemed she was also trained in kendo as well.

"you ready boy." she said.

kei assumed his fighting stance it was a forward horse stance with his right hand at his hip in a fist and his left hand at eye level in a dragon talon which was made by the first three digits of that hand this was called the dragons warding stance.

"begin." said the refaree.

mitsuki came at kei throwing a jab then a hook then a low kick

kei blocked the jab and the hook with his forearms then he stopped the kick with his front foot then countered with a spin kick using his back leg.

the kick caught mitsuki by surprise she blocked then countered with a punch combo ending with a dragon uppercut.

kei blocked the punches using wing chun before side steping the dragon uppercut and countering with a Stomping Kick.

mitsuki Pulled back she stepped forward throwing a combination of Hooks before driving down her elbow all aimed at Kei's head.

Kei managed to block the hooks using a Circle Block before the elbow came he stepped in and thrust his palms into her chests using a move from tai chi called A white crane spreads wings.

but then he realized just where he hit her



" YOU PERVERT!" she said and smacked him in the face.

Kei stood there.

mitsuki smirked

"try this!"she shouted as she let out a continuous backspin kick.

Kei recognized the move As a Whirlwind kick.

Kei knew the timing would need to be precise and at the right moment he caught her leg in a joint lock while driving his head into her abdomen.

mitsuki grunted as the strength from the Vice Nearly crushed her Leg then She was surprised when Kei got behind her and lifted her up into the air before suplexing her in a German suplex.

Kei smirked.

"mitsuki Dono" cried the group of girls.

Kei helped mitsuki up.

" you did Good," said Kei "oh and I'm sorry about touching your chest." he added.

"kei harumaki you really are a troublesome guy." she said blushing.

" hmm." he asked

" nevermind." said mitsuki.

" anyway I welcome you to the discipline committee you will report to the teacher's Lounge at three o'clock on monday also since you are the lone male representative I expect you to behave." said mitsuki.

"tell that to that pervert humping my leg." he said pointing at Lilith who was doing so.

"DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME!!!" said Mitsuki.

" so you're part of the discipline committee wow kei is fantastic." said veda.

" yeah but you know I might have to stay behind later so I won't be able to tell you the stories about sun wukang" said kei.

( sun wukang or the monkey king is a hero of asian culture who was trained by the taoist to achieve immortality he is the inspiration behind Son Goku From Dragonball there names actually mean the same thing in their respective languages :)

" but what will happen to tripataka's cassock that the bear Demon stole." said veda.

" you'll just have to wait and see." said kei.

the girls and kei were in the combat arena having a group training session.

the test was to learn how to access a Rūstüng's secret weapons to describe kei's Rūstüng it was a stoic white armor with a Golden cuirass it had a blue and white apron going down the front and back of the armor with a set of blue and white arm and leg Guards that created a flame and lightning effect.

kei was busy practicing the forms of his Kung Fu style he used a mix of jeet kune do, Bajiquan and toaist martial arts kei practiced his moves on a wooden robot sparring dummy he began with a kick to the oblique with his right leg before spinning around and delivering a hook kick to the dummy with the same leg then he preformed a lower body blow fallowed by a sweeping roundhouse punch and then a huge sweeping long uppercut.

the group was then called into the center to unlock their special weapons.

no surprise that each girl got a weapon befitting them then it was Kei's turn kei learned to unlock their weapons they had to touch the pillar of flame kei reached out and touched the pillar and was surprised when he withdrew a large single edged knights sword the sword had a golden bird like handguard with a silver like hilt it's blade was long and had a lightning bolt design.

" no way the Emperor's thunder Dragon Blade!" said mitsuki the only other sword that rivals it is my sword the shogun's Fire bird sword." said mitsuki.

" so this is my weapon huh? " said kei

" kei this is your Hidden weapon the Emperor's Thunder dragon Blade." said the instructor.

" well this is awesome!" said kei this will go well with my kendo and kenjutsu style.

" his weapon is the opposite of my own." Said mitsuki she smiled bemusing to herself 'I admit I have become quite fond of that kei haramaki.'she thought

" You each shall be partnered up depending on your weapons skills and combat styles for kei he shall be partnered up with mitsuki." Said the instructor

" wait why her." whined Lilith.

" because her combat abilities and his pair well with hers also they both weild the two weapons of the kings of old." Said the instructor.

" aww no fair." Complained Lilith.

" Oh what the heck." Mitsuki said under her breath